Lola The Rescued Cat
A humorous blog written from a cat's perspective on life, supporting rescue and responsible pet parenting.
Lola The Rescued Cat
1M ago
Today marks one year since Lola left this earthly plane and made her transition. Grief has an interesting effect on time. This year has passed at lightning speed and dragged at a snail’s pace simultaneously. Grief also has an interesting effect on memory. Her last day with me is as vivid as if it happened today, but at the same time, I feel like I struggle to recount the details of our last moments together.
Today, many questions run through my mind. Should the day be solemn, or one of happiness as I recall our life together? What should I tell Lola today? What would she want to he ..read more
Lola The Rescued Cat
1M ago
Hello, friends. This is an overdue post, for sure. It has taken me a while to sit down and put words to paper because it is not an easy one for me to write. I have been determined to get this post up before the year's end, and I'm just making it.
Five months and nine days ago Lexy made her transition to the Rainbow Bridge. (I know many people cringe at the thought of the “Rainbow Bridge,” but it brings me comfort. I truly believe whatever soothes us in times of grief is what we should turn to.) I wanted to write her memorial post much sooner than this, but the healing journe ..read more
Lola The Rescued Cat
7M ago
Friends, this is another post I don't know how to start. With a very heavy heart I have to report that Lexy has made her transition to the Rainbow Bridge.
I still don't know what to say, so I'll fill you all in on what had been happening with her. (Please forgive poor grammar, punctuation and run on thoughts. And if it's too long for you to follow, just skip ahead. I promised many social media followers I would fill them in.)
On June 7 I took Lexy to the vet because she wasn't feeling well, and she seemed to be having another flareup of her IBD. These flareups were com ..read more
Lola The Rescued Cat
8M ago
Happy Sunday, friends. I'm back with a few selfies today.
My selfies are "sleepy selfies" this week. If you follow us on social media, you'll know Mother went to PetSmart to buy supplies and saw this scratcher. As soon as she saw it she said to herself, she said, "I bet Lexy would like this scratcher."
Well, she was only a little wrong. I LOVE it! I'm always lying on it or just beside it.
I'll let you in on a little secret...I was so comfy one day that I rolled over and fell off right in the middle of my nap! Luckily I didn't have far to fall.  ..read more
Lola The Rescued Cat
8M ago
Hi, everyone. Lexy and I are long overdue with an update. And since today is Sunday, we'll share some selfies of Lexy in one of her favorite things - a box.
This isn't exactly the update I've been wanting to give everyone. At just about 16, Lexy's health isn't the best. Several weeks ago she wasn't feeling well - vomiting, not eating, lethargic. I took her to the vet where she got fluids as well as Pepcid, Cerenia, an anti-inflammatory, B12, and Penicillin. We both thought she was having a flare-up of her IBD. About five days later she still wasn't herself so I brought her i ..read more
Lola The Rescued Cat
9M ago
I love a good cat show and convention, and here on the blog, I've written about several that I have attended. I hadn't attended one since July 2019 when I met up with some of my best cat-blogging friends for a weekend in Chicago. When I heard that Loving Cats Worldwide was having a show in my county, complete with a Shopping Village and Rescue Alley, I knew I had to go. I was granted a press pass to the event, and I went to enjoy a day surrounded by people who love cats as much as I do.
The Shopping Village
As soon as I walked in I felt I was back where I belonged - immers ..read more
Lola The Rescued Cat
1y ago
One month ago today I had to say goodbye to my beautiful Lola. It's still unfathomable to me that Lola The Rescued Cat is gone. Her larger-than-life personality and joie de vivre, rivaling any human's, should have given her 20 lives. Or at least more time than only 13 1/2 years on this earthly plane.
Having a bond as deep and close as the one I shared with her made the decision to let her go infinitely harder because I felt like a piece of me was leaving with her. For a while I knew we were living on borrowed, limited time. I also knew that I would miss her deeply when the time ca ..read more
Lola The Rescued Cat
1y ago
Hello, friends. I wasn't quite sure how to start this post since Lola always says, with her exuberant spirit, "Hello, and Happy Purrsday!" Unfortunately, it is with a very heavy heart that I have to tell you that Lola's exuberant spirit has left her body and she has earned her angel wings.
If you are a regular reader of our blog, you know that Lola was on a health roller coaster. I basically stopped blogging about it because it was so up and down.
To make a long story as short as possible, she recently contracted a URI that she just couldn't shake. She was also nause ..read more
Lola The Rescued Cat
1y ago
Hello, and Happy Christmas Eve! I am so happy to be here to celebrate the holidays with my family and friends.
Today Lexy and I have a couple of festive selfies to share with you.
Merry, Merry Christmas to all of you! We are so grateful for your friendship.
Lola and Lexy (and Mom, too.)
We're joining our friends at The Cat On My Head for their selfie Sunday blog hop. Hop on over to see more selfies!
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