Philosophy Bits
Interesting and insightful quotes from history's greatest minds. Indulge in a constant stream of thought-provoking, vibrant, mesmerizing exploration of History and Philosophy's finest bits of wisdom and life insights.
Philosophy Bits
9h ago
“To seek the highest good is to live well.”
— Augustine, Morals of the Catholic Church ..read more
Philosophy Bits
12h ago
“Our present economic, social and international arrangements are based, in large measure, upon organized lovelessness. We begin by lacking charity towards Nature, so that instead of trying to co-operate with Tao or the Logos on the inanimate and sub-human levels, we try to dominate and exploit, we waste the earth’s mineral resources, ruin its soil, ravage its forests, pour filth into its rivers and poisonous fumes into its air. From lovelessness in relation to Nature we advance to lovelessness in relation to art — a lovelessness so extreme that we have effectively killed all the fun ..read more
Philosophy Bits
14h ago
When wrongdoing happens, there is almost never only one person at fault. Responsibility is rarely singular and rarely clear. Part of being responsible is recognizing this lack of clarity.
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Philosophy Bits
14h ago
“I care not how affluent some may be, provided that none be miserable in consequence of it.”
— Thomas Paine, Agrarian Justice ..read more
Philosophy Bits
17h ago
“Though we may heartily agree with Quine that if there are discoveries to be made about human knowledge they are likely to come from psychology, we can also sympathize with the view which Quine attributes to Wittgenstein: The thing to do with epistemology is to “cure philosophers of the delusion that there were epistemological problems.””
- Richard Rorty, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature ..read more
Philosophy Bits
1d ago
“The most common lies a man tells are to himself.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist ..read more
Philosophy Bits
2d ago
“Never compete… Your competitor will immediately try to find your faults and discredit you. Few wage war fairly. Rivalry discovers the defects that courtesy overlooks.”
- Baltasar Gracián, The Art of Worldly Wisdom ..read more
Philosophy Bits
2d ago
“Whether or not we continue to enforce a universal conception of human rights at moments of outrage and incomprehension, precisely when we think that others have taken themselves out of the human community as we know it, is a test of our very humanity.”
— Judith Butler, Precarious Life ..read more
What is it to be me, in the absence of the external world? What is it to have this particular body?…
Philosophy Bits
2d ago
What is it to be me, in the absence of the external world? What is it to have this particular body? I am alive, I know, but what is it to be alive?
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Philosophy Bits
2d ago
“The states of existence are like dreams … When all things are empty in this way, what can be received, what taken away?”
- Śāntideva, Bodhicaryāvatāra, Crosby & Skilton tr. (9:150-151 ..read more