How to observe ekadasi as per Srila Prabhupada’s instructions ?
Philosophy of Life
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1y ago
Ekadasi is a powerful opportunity for us, the souls trapped in material existence, to perform recommended austerities and make our way back to our original home in the spiritual sky. The spiritual atmosphere is infused with selfless devotional feelings of the pure souls for Lord Krishna and His devotees. Enlightened humans should make best use of the opportunity to invigorate in themselves, this pure Vaikuntha consciousness transcendental to the debilitating impurities of the material atmosphere. His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada has given some simple principles for observ more
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Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s Dream
Philosophy of Life
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1y ago
In 1885, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura wrote, “Lord Chaitanya did not advent Himself to liberate only a few men in India. Rather, His main objective was to emancipate all living entities of all countries throughout the entire universe and preach the eternal dharma. Lord Chaitanya states in Sri Caitanya-bhagavata, ‘In every town, country, and village My name will be sung.’ There is no doubt that this unquestionable order will come to pass. . . . Although there is still no pure society of Vaishnavas, Lord Chaitanya’s prophetic words will in a few days come true . . .   “Very soon the unparall more
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Goddess Lakshmi and Her Penance at Bilvavana
Philosophy of Life
by Admin
1y ago
Bilvavana is known locally as Lakshmivana, because Lakshmi Devi performed austerities here in order to achieve the position of a gopi in Krishna’s pastimes. One day, while serving Her husband Lord Vishnu in Vaikuntha, she heard from Shrila Narada Muni about Her husband’s extraordinary pastimes when He appears on earth in His original form as Lord Shri Krishna in the transcendental land of Vrajabhumi where He enjoys the most intimate loving pastimes with the gopis. Goddess Lakshmi Devi became so attracted by hearing the descriptions of the rasa-lila that she decided to go to Vrindavana and tak more
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The Auspicious Day of Bahulashtami
Philosophy of Life
by Admin
1y ago
Sri Bahula Devi Mandir, Bahulavan The story of Bahula Devi is recounted in a number of Puranas and in some versions, the details of the story vary, however, the essence of the story is the same. In the Padma Purana, it says that in her previous life, before attaining the position as the consort of Lord Shri Hari, Bahula had taken birth as a cow in the forest of Bahulavana, and her character was severely tested by the Lord Himself. One day, Bahula was taken to the pasturing ground by her master, a local brahmana, so that she could feed on the fresh grass growing in the Bahulavana forest. Sudden more
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The Voyage of Compassion: Srila Prabhupada Reaches the Shores of America
Philosophy of Life
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2y ago
The arduous sea journey of Srila Prabhupada to fulfil the order of his spiritual master of spreading Krishna Consciousness in the western world was a great austerity for the exalted Acharya. The heavy seas and gigantic waves caused immense discomfort to Srila Prabhupada. On the thirteenth and fourteenth days of that voyage, as the ship plied over the Arabian sea, he underwent two heart attacks experiencing sharp pain in his chest. At his age, to tolerate such agony was virtually impossible. Yet, his unshakable faith in Lord Krishna helped him sail through the crisis. After 14 days, when the Ja more
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Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur: Ideal Time Management
Philosophy of Life
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2y ago
A living being is eternal by his very constitution. He gets stuck in the cycle of birth and death due to his contact with the material energy. Freed from such material energy, a living entity is liberated and is eligible to return home, back to Godhead. Those who want to live forever without changing their material bodies should not waste valuable time with topics other than those relating to Lord Krishna and His devotees. One second of human life wasted in the vain research of planning for happiness in the material world can never be replaced, by even spending millions of gold coins. Therefo more
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Śrī Vāmana Dvādasi: Appearance of Lord Vāmanadeva
Philosophy of Life
by Admin
2y ago
Lord Vamanadeva’s appearance day is celebrated as Sri Vamana Dvadasi. This year it falls on 7th September 2022. Here is a short narration of the Lord’s pastime in His dwarf incarnation extracted from Srimad Bhagavatam. Lord Vāmanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation Lord Vāmanadeva appeared in this world from the womb of Aditi completely equipped with conchshell, disc, club, and lotus. His bodily hue was blackish, and He was dressed in yellow garments. Lord Viṣṇu appeared at an auspicious moment on Śravaṇa-dvādaśī when the Abhijit star had arisen. At that time, in all the three worlds (including the h more
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Early Pastimes of Lord Chaitanya
Philosophy of Life
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2y ago
Every year, in the month of Phalguna (Feb-March), the birth of Lord Chaitanya is celebrated as Sri Gaura Purnima. Lord Chaitanya advented Himself in Navadipa, West Bengal in the year 1407 of the Shaka Era on the Purnima (full moon) of the month of Phalguna corresponding to 18th February 1486 AD. He exhibited His transcendental pastimes for forty-eight years and disappeared in A.D. 1534. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu lived in grihastha ashrama for twenty-four years and in sannyasa ashrama for the next twenty-four years. During this time he spread the love of Krishna by chanting the nectarian Hare Krish more
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Sri Nityananda Trayodasi : Glories of Lord Nityananda
Philosophy of Life
by Admin
2y ago
Nityananda Jayanti is the appearance day of Lord Nityananda, who is Lord Balarama Himself. Lord Balarama Bala means strength, not bodily power but spiritual strength. Lord Balarama is the first expansion of Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Balarama is described in the scriptures as the predominating Deity of the sandhini shakti (existential potency) of Lord Krishna. Balarama is a svamsha (direct) expansion of the Lord, and therefore there is no difference in potency between Kṛishṇa and Balarama. However, they differ in two aspects – bodily structure and mood. Krishna has the b more
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Putrada Ekadashi – 13 Jan 2022
Philosophy of Life
by admin
2y ago
The glories of Pausha-Shukla Ekadashi or Putrada Ekadashi can be found in the Bhavishya Purana of Veda Vyasadeva in a conversation between Maharaja Yudhishthira and Lord Krishna. Yudhisthira Maharaj said, “O Lord, Please mercifully describe the Ekadashi that occurs in the bright fortnight (Shukla paksha) of Pausha Masa (December/January). Which is the Deity to be worshiped on this sacred day? O Purushottama, O Hrishikesha, please tell how one may please You on this day?” Lord Sri Krishna replied, “O saintly king, for the benefit of humanity I shall now relate the way of observing the fast on more
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