History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences
A blog devoted to exploring and promoting the great diversity that exists in the study of language, in the past and today. Each blog post seeks to introduce a topic, idea or approach in language study historical, current or completely new with an invitation to all readers to engage in discussion in the comments.
History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences
1w ago
In this interview, we talk to Judy Kaplan about universals in American linguistics of the mid-20th century. DownloadSpotifyApple PodcastsYouTube References for Episode 43 Emmon Bach & Robert T. Harms, Universals in Linguistic Theory (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968)Noam Chomsky, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1965).Jamie Cohen-Cole, The ..read more
History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences
1w ago
McElvenny, James. 2024. A History of Modern Linguistics: From the Beginnings to World War II. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 208 p. ISBN 9781474470025Publisher’s website In this book, McElvenny offers a concise history of modern linguistics from its emergence in the early nineteenth century up to the end of World War II. Written as a collective ..read more
History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences
1w ago
Savatovsky, Dan, Mariangela Albano, Thi Kieu Ly Pham & Valérie Spaëth, ed. 2023. Language Learning and Teaching in Missionary and Colonial Contexts. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 496 p. ISBN 9789463728249Publisher’s website This volume assembles texts dedicated to the linguistic and educational aspects of missionary and colonial enterprises, taking into account all continents and with an ..read more
History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences
1w ago
The XXXII International Colloquium of the Studienkreis ‘Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft'” (SGdS) will be held at the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal) from Wednesday, September 6 to Saturday September 9, 2023. The general theme of the colloquium is: Controversies in the history of linguistics From the beginnings of the teaching of ..read more
History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences
1M ago
Stockigt, Clara. 2024. Australian Pama-Nyungan languages: Lineages of early description. Berlin: Language Science Press (History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences). 520 p. ISBN 978-3-96110-488-8. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13880534Publisher’s websiteBook in open access A substantial proportion of what is discoverable about the…
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History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences
1M ago
In this interview, we talk to Randy Harris about the controversies surrounding the generative semantics movement in American linguistics of the 1960s and 70s. Download | Spotify | Apple Podcasts | YouTube References for Episode 42 Chomsky, N. (2015/1965). Aspects of…
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History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences
1M ago
The numerous political and ecological crises of the last years have palpably demonstrated that access to field sites can quickly be severely restricted for linguists engaged in language description around the world. Furthermore, issues of environmental responsibility and sustainability are…
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History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences
2M ago
Tenchini, Maria Paola & Savina Raynaud, ed. 2024. Insights Into the History of Linguistics. Selected Papers From ICHOLS XV. Sesto San Giovanni: MIM Edizioni Srl (Literature/Language, 4). 194 p. ISBN 9788869774553Publisher’s websiteBook in open access This volume collects a selection…
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History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences
2M ago
Interview préparée par Lionel Dumarty et Chloé Laplantineenregistrée à Paris le 27 juin 2024 à l’université Paris Cité par Thomas Zoritchak(version PDF) C. Laplantine — Bonjour. Bienvenue dans ce nouvel entretien d’History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences. Je suis…
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History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences
3M ago
Reimann, Daniel, ed. 2024. Geschichte und Gegenwart der romanistischen Fachdidaktik und Lehrkräftebildung. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag. 548 p. ISBN 978-3-8233-8578-3Publisher’s website Die Fachdidaktik hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in der deutschsprachigen Romanistik als eigenständige Teildisziplin neben Linguistik, Literatur-…
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