Outdoor Canada
Outdoor Canada encourages anglers and hunters to improve their skills and broaden their knowledge of the outdoors. Included are fishing and hunting hot spots and roundups of the best new gear. It is Canada's only national magazine for anglers and hunters. The exclusive source for all things fishing, hunting and conservation since 1972.
Outdoor Canada
2d ago
RECIPE & PHOTO BY CAMERON TAIT Step aside, cream and tomato sauce! Italian pasta dishes can also be light and fresh, often featuring shrimp with lemon, olive oil and red chilies. They can be moderately different, too, with just a slight twist of ingredients, so why not substitute the shrimp with freshly caught walleye? This vibrant, healthy and delicious creation is sure to become family favourite. Serves 4 200 g spaghettini ¼ cup olive oil 1 shallot, thinly sliced 3 […]
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Outdoor Canada
2d ago
When I decided to take up hunting, I was short on mentors. I was living in a new province away from family and friends, and my father and grandfather had long since retired from what little hunting they’d done. If I was going to learn to hunt, I’d have to do it on my own. Like most people in a do-it-yourself situation, I began by looking online to learn as much as I could. Eventually, I added magazines, books and […]
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Outdoor Canada
6d ago
Interest in ice fishing is skyrocketing these days as more and more anglers hit the hardwater in pursuit of walleye, trout, yellow perch, black crappies, whitefish, ciscoes and northern pike. Case in point: Twenty years ago, more walleye were caught during the May long weekend on my home waters, northwestern Ontario’s Lake of the Woods, than during the entire winter season. That’s not the case now, however. These days, multi-lane ice roads and groomed snowmobile trails criss-cross the giant body […]
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Outdoor Canada
1w ago
My introduction to shotgunning was pretty shaky. With no formal training, I remained a pretty poor shot for several years, despite earnest advice from mentors. My form was terrible, and I had no idea how to lead a bird, always asking successful gunners how far they shot in front of the ducks. And I had yet to learn there were several shooting styles, including sustained lead, swing through and instinctive, and how the appropriate lead is a little different for […]
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Outdoor Canada
1w ago
If there’s one pearl of fly-fishing wisdom known in every corner of the angling world, it’s “match the hatch.” This catchy adage simply means that to trick a fish into eating, you should use a fly that closely mimics natural food sources. In particular, it refers to insects that have recently hatched in or near the water. This is gold-plated, time-tested fly-fishing advice, but ever since I stopped following it, I’ve been catching a lot more fish. Here’s why I […]
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Outdoor Canada
1w ago
Properly packaging, sealing and labelling your precious wild game meat helps avoid freezer burn, while reminding you of best-before dates. Despite our best intentions, however, meat can still get freezer burn (top pf page). That happens if it’s exposed to air in the packaging, which dehydrates the meat, leaving it grey or brownish with a dry, leathery texture. Ice crystals also typically form. Though it may not taste as good as properly packaged cuts, freezer-burned meat is usually still edible […]
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Outdoor Canada
1w ago
As hunters, we love being in the outdoors pursuing game to feed our families and friends. And afterwards, we enjoy reliving our successes, often through photographs, videos and shoulder mounts commemorating special hunts. But have you ever thought about making a European mount by skinning, boiling and bleaching the skull of your next big-game animal? The origin of these mounts seems to vary, although it’s commonly believed they first became popular in Europe as a cost-effective option. That’s because European […]
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Outdoor Canada
1w ago
While winter marks the beginning of yet another hardwater season, it can also send those who silently suffer from mental illness onto emotional thin ice. The heavy weight of depression and the pressures of anxiety can crack a brave surface and eventually pull otherwise strong people under. Winter is indeed a dark place, but thankfully light shines through the ice hut door in the form of initiatives such as January’s Bell Let’s Talk Day. This annual campaign is a conversation […]
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Outdoor Canada
1w ago
Recipes & photos by Cameron Tait On a frosty winter’s day, it’s tough to beat a piping hot bowl of hearty soup to warm the soul, especially if it features wild fish or game. That’s where these one-pot wonders come in, whether prepared in your ice hut for lunch or back home for an end-of-day reward. And don’t forget your wintertime fishing buddies—each of these tasty recipes feeds six hungry ice anglers…
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Outdoor Canada
2w ago
We always enjoy seeing pictures of your fishing and hunting accomplishments—and learning the stories behind them. Please e-mail us your images to editorial@outdoorcanada.ca, along with any relevant details (who, what, where and when), and we’ll post them on Instagram and publish our favourites in the magazine. Belleville, Ontario’s Jeremy Semenuk and his father, Dave, were finishing up their last day of the open-water season on the Bay of Quinte when this 15-pound walleye smacked one of their Deep Husky Jerks. It was a […]
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