A little more Improv…
WOMBAT QUILTS | An Aussie's adventures in quilting
by wombatquilts
3y ago
I have done quite a bit of Improv quilting over the course of the last year or so…. for me it is a great way to dust off the cobwebs, particularly if I have lost my sewjo a little. So this wonky log cabin was a fun project that started after I had collected a ..read more
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A year of Bear Paws….
by wombatquilts
3y ago
2020 was definitely the year of Bear Paw blocks for me. I taught a color class for Modern Domestic, a local quilt store, which was all about color in quilting. We used a fabulous book by Rachel Hauser of Stitched in Color called a Quilters Field Guide to Color as a resource… and like Rachel ..read more
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Lets play catch up…
by wombatquilts
3y ago
First I want to say thank you to everyone for the well wishes and kind comments on my last post. I read them all… and will slowly work through responding but know I was really touched by the reaction to my news. It was not an easy post to write but now that it is ..read more
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So 2020 got real interesting…
by wombatquilts
3y ago
So it has been a long long time since I blogged and this time I have really good excuse for the absence… if you follow me on Instagram you know already… but in the last days of 2020 I managed to have a stroke. Needless to say this year has been about giving myself room ..read more
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The splodge block…
WOMBAT QUILTS | An Aussie's adventures in quilting
by wombatquilts
4y ago
November is once again my turn to set a block for Do Good Stitches Hope circle. As always I procrastinated and pontificated and finally landed on this block…. I decided to call it the Splodge block. It is an improv log cabin…with most of the precision coming from choosing your fabrics carefully and not from ..read more
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More improv…
WOMBAT QUILTS | An Aussie's adventures in quilting
by wombatquilts
4y ago
So this week’s quilt uses a technique similar to last weeks but gets a very different looking quilt… which I love. Like last week this quilt uses a foundation, this time a navy blue 5 inch square, and uses scrap strips…. but this time I used just warm solids and a band of white. Also ..read more
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Another old quilt share….
WOMBAT QUILTS | An Aussie's adventures in quilting
by wombatquilts
4y ago
As I have been going through all my old photos it has been interesting to see what I remembered to share and what I completely forgot about…. this weeks quilt is one I love and it was really fun to make, so I am not sure why I did not share it sooner…. The block ..read more
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Working through the backlog….
WOMBAT QUILTS | An Aussie's adventures in quilting
by wombatquilts
4y ago
So I am slowly working through the backlog of photographs that I have taken but not processed and posted.  It is funny because I also have a backlog of quilts that need photographing too… all this means though I have not been posting, I have been creating.  So without further ado here is the latest ..read more
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And back again… so soon….
WOMBAT QUILTS | An Aussie's adventures in quilting
by wombatquilts
4y ago
Since I am on a roll I thought I would share another quilt from last years very productive PMQG Charity year…. This quilt was once again made at one of the monthly sew days we used to have at Modern Domestic…. and once again it is a simple patchwork block using 3 1/2 inch squares ..read more
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Well things have got interesting…
by wombatquilts
4y ago
It has been over a year since I have blogged and what a year it has been.  Like everyone else I have hunkered down in my house, venturing out only when absolutely necessary.  You would think this would mean a flurry of quilting activity but it has not.  Like so many I have found it ..read more
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