Arthur Smith rounds up 2020
Diabetes UK Blog
by Arthur Smith
4y ago
Consider my cousin Paul who has type 1 diabetes and a very nice house. He gets up every morning at 7am, does yoga for an hour, prepares smashed avocado on toast to share with his fabulous partner, then works from home all day, overseeing Zoom calls that his devoted employees enjoy. Back from his 5-mile more
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Tackling new challenges, together – by Chris Askew
Diabetes UK Blog
by Chris Askew
4y ago
The pandemic is putting strain and jeopardy into each of our lives. But for people living with any type of diabetes, COVID-19 spells very real alarm and challenge. At the extreme, this is demonstrated by the fact that those with diabetes are likely to experience more severe symptoms from COVID-19 and consequently have a higher more
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Arthur Smith: Are you Mr A or Mr B?
Diabetes UK Blog
by Arthur Smith
4y ago
This has been Mr A’s lockdown routine: he gets up at 7am every morning for a yoga session before preparing a modest breakfast with toast made from the sourdough bread he baked yesterday. He works at his computer all day, pausing only for a low sugar, low carb vegan lunch. In the evening, after helping more
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We’re supporting the AMRC’s call for urgent government support for medical research – by Elizabeth Robertson
Diabetes UK Blog
by Faye Riley
5y ago
The Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) are asking the government to act now to save charity-funded research. They’re calling for £313 million to bridge the loss of income charities are expecting as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Our Director of Research, Dr Elizabeth Robertson, explains why research is at risk and why we’re more
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Our commitment to fighting injustice and discrimination
Diabetes UK Blog
by Chris Askew
5y ago
Diabetes Week is the time we come together and celebrate what we can achieve as a strong and united diabetes community. Recent events have demanded that people around the world, rightly, ask themselves what they can and should be doing differently to address the inequalities faced in our society by black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities. At Diabetes UK we take our responsibility more
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A message to our volunteers from CEO Chris Askew
Diabetes UK Blog
by Chris Askew
5y ago
This year’s #VolunteersWeek has been as big a week of thanks and recognition as ever. In fact, the impact of the pandemic reminds us even more of the power of volunteers, to connect with others, to give and share experiences, to make a difference in the lives of others, to bring diversity of views to more
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Arthur Smith on diabetes and coronavirus
Diabetes UK Blog
by Arthur Smith
5y ago
So, the pandemic is here and the word ‘unprecedented’ is being said an unprecedented number of times every day on every radio and TV station. Restaurants, pubs, and theatres are closed and there are a whole new set of heroes, none of whom are in the cabinet. Goodness, these are strange times – unprecedented you more
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Updates: Coronavirus and diabetes
Diabetes UK Blog
by DiabetesUK
5y ago
UPDATED 20 MARCH: This page is currently up-to-date, and based on the most recent guidance available. We’ll continue updating this page to share with new guidance as it is released. Coronavirus (COVID-19) and diabetes updates This guidance is for people living with diabetes and their families. If you have diabetes, you are at increased risk more
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Why we support NHS England’s calls for interoperable diabetes tech by Simon O’Neill
Diabetes UK Blog
by Simon O'Neill
5y ago
Yesterday NHS England and NHSX jointly wrote to diabetes technology manufacturers, calling for devices that store patient data, such as the Abbott Flash glucose monitor, to be interoperable. At Diabetes UK we strongly support their call. Interoperability describes software and computer systems that are able to share and make use of the information they hold more
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Arthur Smith on his life long partner – Diana Betes
Diabetes UK Blog
by DiabetesUK
5y ago
In the 18 years that have passed since Diana Betes decided to move in with me, we have learned to rub along together. I have done my best to respect her, to check how she is two or three times a day and to provide her with the insulin she craves five times every 24 more
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