I’m Turning Anxiety into Art
Healthy Women
by Mia Love Live
8h ago
As told to Jacquelyne Froeber July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. I couldn’t catch my breath. I ran into my parents’ bedroom clutching my chest as I gulped for air. The look of panic on their faces only made breathing harder. Sitting on their bed, it felt like an eternity before I began to feel normal again. In reality, it was probably less than a minute, but it was enough time for my parents to rule out something life threatening or an object lodged in my throat. “Gosh, what was that?” they wondered out loud. I shrugged. I was 13 years old. I had no clue what happened ..read more
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7 formas para reducir el riesgo de cánceres de cabeza y cuello
Healthy Women
by Lacey Muinos
8h ago
English Los cánceres más frecuentes en Estados Unidos incluyen el de mama, el de pulmón, el colorrectal y el de la piel (melanoma). Sin embargo, los cánceres menos frecuentes pueden ser igual de graves. Los cánceres de cabeza y cuello, por ejemplo, son casi el 4% de todos los cánceres en Estados Unidos y afectan a decenas de miles de personas a nivel mundial. El término cáncer de cabeza y cuello se refiere a un grupo de cánceres que empiezan en los senos paranasales, la nariz, la boca, la garganta, la laringe, los labios y las glándulas salivales. El consumo de tabaco, alcohol y el virus del ..read more
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Accessible Sex Toys for Women with Limited Mobility
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by Jacquelyne Froeber
2d ago
Orgasms are the gift that keeps on giving. Not only do they spark joy in IRT, orgasms can help relieve pain, reduce anxiety and strengthen your pelvic floor among other sexy health benefits. Unfortunately, the big O can be elusive for some of us. This can be especially true for women and people assigned female at birth living with mobility issues. Impaired mobility can affect the nerves and joints in your back, hips, knees and hands — typically the body parts involved in sexual pleasure. Mobility issues may also affect sensitivity and the ability to have an orgasm in the first place. The goo ..read more
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Introducción a las pruebas de cáncer pulmonar
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by Risa Kerslake, R.N.
2d ago
English Sara Ghandehari, M.D., hizo la revisión médica de este documento En Estados Unidos, el cáncer pulmonar es la causa principal de muertes de personas de todo género. Antes se consideraba frecuentemente que el cáncer pulmonar era un trastorno de hombres fumadores porque los hombres fuman, en general, más que las mujeres y fumar es el factor de riesgo principal de cáncer pulmonar. Pero según las investigaciones, las mujeres que fuman tienen mayores probabilidades de contraer cáncer pulmonar, incluso con una menor exposición al cigarrillos que hombres fumadores y nadie está seguro de por ..read more
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Por qué las mujeres transgénero tienen un mayor riesgo del VIH
Healthy Women
by Vidya Rao
2d ago
English En lo que se refiere al VIH, hay noticias positivas: Las tasas de infección han disminuido desde 2017 y hay la esperanza del desarrollo de una vacuna contra el VIH. Pero todavía falta mucho trabajo por hacer en la comunidad transgénero, la cual es muy afectada por este trastorno. Un estudio realizado por los Centros para la prevención y control de enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés) resalta el impacto desigual del VIH en la comunidad transgénero en Estados Unidos. La prevalencia del VIH en las mujeres transgénero es del 14.1%, del 3.2% para hombres transgénero y del 9.2% par ..read more
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Congressional Briefing – Obesity: The Cost of No Coverage
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by HealthyWomen Editors
2d ago
Presentation Slides Obesity is a chronic disease that increases risk of other serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain cancers. With 4 out of 10 American adults living with obesity, access to and insurance coverage for treatment options is essential. The Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA) was reintroduced this Congress with the goal of expanding Medicare coverage to include screening for and treatment of obesity, as well as coverage of FDA-approved medications for chronic weight management. Similar legislation is being introduced at the state level as wel ..read more
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DIY: Hemorrhoids Self-Care
Healthy Women
by Jacquelyne Froeber
1w ago
Do you take your smartphone into the bathroom with you? Those few minutes alone may seem like the perfect time to catch up on social media, er, the latest news. But all that swiping can lead to more time spent sitting on the toilet. And that can lead to hemorrhoids — painful, swollen veins or blood vessels in and around your anus and lower rectum. Hemorrhoids sound scary — nevermind the fact that the name is just one “r” short of “horror” — but the condition is not life threatening. However, the pain caused by hemorrhoids can be severe and have a major impact on your quality of life. Althoug ..read more
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Why Transgender Women Are at Higher Risk for HIV
Healthy Women
by Vidya Rao
2w ago
When it comes to HIV, there’s positive news: Infection rates have been declining since 2017, and there’s hope for the development of an HIV vaccine. But there’s still much progress to be made in the transgender community, which is heavily affected by the disease. A study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights the unequal impact of HIV on the transgender community in the United States. HIV prevalence among transgender women is 14.1%, 3.2% for transgender men, and 9.2% for transgender people overall. In comparison, it’s estimated that the HIV rate for U.S. adul ..read more
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Good Sex with Emily Jamea: Understanding Sex Addiction
Healthy Women
by Emily Jamea, Ph.D.
2w ago
Emily Jamea, Ph.D., is a sex therapist, author and podcast host. You can find her here each month to share her latest thoughts about sex. When you think of sex addiction, do Hank Moody from Californication or Brenda Chenoweth from Six Feet Under come to mind? How about David Duchovny, who not only played Hank Moody but eventually admitted to his own personal sex addiction? Or Jada Pinkett Smith who admitted that she had battled sex addiction? There are a lot of pop culture and media portrayals of people who well, let’s just say, they’re addicted to love. But how realistic is the information ..read more
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La lucha es ​real​: Las mujeres de raza negra y el cáncer de pulmón
Healthy Women
by Chandra Thomas Whitfield
2w ago
English Ayanay Ferguson sabía que algo no estaba bien con su cuerpo cuando regresó de vacaciones con su esposo en abril de 2021. “Mis tobillos estaban hinchados y tenía dificultades para respirar”, recuerda Ferguson, de 50 años, una psicóloga clínica del área de Atlanta. Inicialmente pensó que sus síntomas eran fatiga causada por las vacaciones y su peso. Puesto que sus síntomas persistieron, programó una consulta de telesalud con un doctor que le recomendó que haga que evalúen su corazón. Un ECG en una sala de emergencias en un hospital cercano mostró resultados normales, pero un residente ..read more
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