I’ll Be Giving Birth in 2022….
The Sistah Vegan Project | Anti-oppression, food justice & veganism
by Dr. Amie "Breeze" Harper
4y ago
Forthcoming novel from A. Breeze Harper My new “baby” in 2022 will be a new novel I’ve been working on since 2019. The book is called Seeds of Sankofa. I use the concept of seeds as metaphor to explore the future of possibilities without forgetting the past. Seeds of Sankofa is about racial justice, food justice, and Black maternal health justice within the context of the future of ethical foods(i.e. plant-based diets), extractive capitalism, and technocracy in the USA. In Seeds of Sankofa, I’ll be using the genre of Afro-futuristic fantasy/sci-fi to go from head, to heart, to action. As much ..read more
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How to Maximize Black History Vs. Just Knowing Our History
The Sistah Vegan Project | Anti-oppression, food justice & veganism
by Dr. Amie "Breeze" Harper
4y ago
Check out my diversity, equity, and inclusion colleague, Doug Harris of Kaleidoscope Group as he breaks down five stages on how to optimize Black History for Black folk: knowing, embracing, personalizing, acting, and achieving. “If you don’t know where you’ve been, you don’t know where you’re going….” – Doug Harris “Personal success has minimal meaning when people are failing around you….” -Doug Harris Also, check out my own post about Black History here: 6 Black History Challenges for White Folk. Dr A. Breeze Harper About A. Breeze Harper,PhD Dr. A. Breeze Harper is a senior diversity and ..read more
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USA “Democracy” and Violence
The Sistah Vegan Project | Anti-oppression, food justice & veganism
by Dr. Amie "Breeze" Harper
4y ago
Last night, on January 6, 2021, I was listening to congress talk about how today’s Capitol Hill “riot mob” was an assault on USA’s democracy and that USA was founded on democracy and not violence. Say what? USA was founded on violence. Indigenous genocide. Enslavement of Africans. This violence created a “democracy” for landowning white men who were basically considered the “humans” in which this democracy was applicable. The land they “owned” was stolen via the genocide and colonization of indigenous peoples. Enslaved Africans were legally counted as 3/5 human in terms of representation in C ..read more
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Becoming an antiracist leader….
The Sistah Vegan Project | Anti-oppression, food justice & veganism
by Dr. Amie "Breeze" Harper
4y ago
I’m co-teaching an antiracism and leadership e-course. The 1st one was July 15-Aug 5 and a great success. Due to popular demand we are offering it again, Aug 26-Sep 16. 1 hour a week for 4 weeks! Click on image below to learn more ..read more
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The USA is not “a country of immigrants” and this is why…
The Sistah Vegan Project | Anti-oppression, food justice & veganism
by Dr. Amie "Breeze" Harper
4y ago
About the USA, I keep seeing these words: “We are a country of immigrants.” Spoken with good intentions, but they gloss over these facts: There were and still are indigenous people here. Ninety percent of those First Americans were killed by diseases brought and intentional genocide committed by European colonizers. Simply because they were “in the way,” those few who still survived were driven off their ancestral lands they’d occupied for thousands of years. West Africans were abducted, enslaved and shipped to this continent in chains. That is not the same “immigration” as say, the “immigra ..read more
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AntiRacism Matters and Juneteenth
The Sistah Vegan Project | Anti-oppression, food justice & veganism
by Dr. Amie "Breeze" Harper
5y ago
I wanted to share this with you. Juneteenth is June 19, 2020. I wanted to celebrate the constant struggle and fight for freedom and liberation, and not forget history as well. I’ve been teaching a lot about Black Lives Matters within the context of antiracism-in-action . I prefer antiracism-in-action vs. “ally”.  Being antiracist is different for white people than it is for people of color. For white people, being antiracist evolves with their racial identity development. They must acknowledge and understand their privilege, work to change their internalized racism, a ..read more
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A Mixed Black Kid and a Colonial Farewell Letter for a School Assignment
The Sistah Vegan Project | Anti-oppression, food justice & veganism
by Dr. Amie "Breeze" Harper
5y ago
5th Grade History BookAdventures of Homeschooling 4 Kids #1: My 11 year old child just had an assignment to write a farewell letter as if he were living in 1740s Britain and about to move to one of the Thirteen Colonies. I said, “Let’s keep in real. You are a mixed Black child. How do you think this is going to go down?” His assignment was to read about the 13 colonies, their economies, agriculture, topology and then write to his peers about how his new home will be. So, we merged facts of that economy, agriculture, climate with the reality that he would be an enslaved person (1 drop rule ..read more
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6 Black History Month Challenges for White Folk
The Sistah Vegan Project | Anti-oppression, food justice & veganism
by Dr. Amie "Breeze" Harper
5y ago
Huey from The Boondocks What would a Black ‘future’ month look like? How would you create a racially equitable system for the future? If it’s hard to conceive of that, ask yourself why. Learn more about why focusing on ‘equity’ is more effective than ‘equality’ rhetoric: https://www.centerforsocialinclusion.org/our-work/what-is-racial-equity/ Consider not using MLK Jr’s “I have a Dream Speech” coupled with mis-using his work as an example of ‘he didn’t care about skin color and we are all equal.‘ Instead, consider learning about EQUITY and MLK Jr’s framing of justice that interrogated c ..read more
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“One White Man Did Not Single-Handedly ‘Free the Slaves’” (Talking to My Kids About Histories of Racism and Anti-Blackness)
The Sistah Vegan Project | Anti-oppression, food justice & veganism
by Dr. Amie "Breeze" Harper
5y ago
Last Thursday, on the way back from gymnastics and parkour classes, my two elders children, Eva Luna (8) and Sun (10.5) told me about the some of the history they learned in school over the past year. It was another session that was a prime learning moment to engage in a more anti-racist retelling of history. Again. I just have to keep on repeating and re-telling as they are consistently ‘taught’ mis-truths as facts. We have had these conversations before and will continue to have them. Lincoln as the man who “freed the slaves” are up in conversation again. So, here is how I tried to re-teach ..read more
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Integrative DEI for Written Materials: Make Your Written Words Convey More
The Sistah Vegan Project | Anti-oppression, food justice & veganism
by Dr. Amie "Breeze" Harper
5y ago
Ok, I just slam dunked another client deliverable. Credit: https://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vector/young-black-woman-basketball-player-with-ball-vector-14187918 I am asked to engage in critical-integrative DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) content editing of a manuscript or business materials all the time. I have wonderful clients ranging from bestselling authors on gender equity to top animal rights organizations. What can I do for you? You give me written/visual materials and I go over it to make sure you understand how your own embodied experience, privileges, lack ..read more
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