Endurance for a Better Life
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by Scott Aniol
1w ago
In our church, we elders have just finished preaching through the book of Hebrews over the course of many months. One thing that has struck me is the inevitability of suffering, which is why enduring faith is so necessary. But I am fearful that most Christians today are not prepared for the inevitable suffering to ..read more
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Nebraska’s Ballot Initiatives: Enshrining Death in the State’s Constitution
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by Virgil Walker
1w ago
It’s time for Nebraska to step up and once again be a beacon of human dignity, equality, and the sanctity of life. The same state that stood firm against the evils of slavery must now stand against the legalized murder of the most vulnerable among us—the unborn. This isn’t just another political issue; it’s a ..read more
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The Chief Ordinary Means of Grace
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by Josh Buice
1w ago
The church today is plagued by a hunger for something extraordinary. For far too many, the local ordinary church is boring and lacking attractiveness. In many cases, young impressionable college students are captivated by college ministries and parachurch events that crowd out the ordinary local church along with the ordinary means of grace. This results in ..read more
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¿Cómo evangelizar a una sociedad pluralista?
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by Edgar Josué Nazario
1w ago
Queridos amigos, vivimos en una época marcada por la diversidad de creencias, culturas y perspectivas. En medio de este mosaico de ideas, surge una pregunta crucial: ¿cómo compartimos el Evangelio en una sociedad pluralista? ¿Cómo navegamos las aguas de la verdad absoluta en un mar de relativismo? Permítanme compartir con ustedes tres principios fundamentales que ..read more
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Is it “Hyper-Cessationism” to believe that God doesn’t lead through visions, dreams, and impressions?
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by Scott Aniol
1w ago
Recently, Ryan Denton wrote an article on Reformation21 that is making a bit of a stir online titled, “What is a Hyper-Cessationist?” Denton is convinced that modern cessationism has gone beyond the cessationism of the past and “has become a thick, wet blanket used to smother anything that smacks of the supernatural.” This is what ..read more
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Five Reasons Why Women Should Marry
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by Virgil Walker
1w ago
God created marriage as a divine institution for His glory and the couple's happiness leading to abundant joy that resonates throughout the entire family ..read more
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No Creed but the Bible?
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by Scott Aniol
1w ago
One of the central battled cries of the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation was Sola Scripture—Scripture Alone! The Reformers rightly criticized the Roman Catholic Church’s elevation of church tradition to the level of Scripture, instead insisting that “neither the Church nor the pope can establish articles of faith. These must come from Scripture” (Martin Luther). Yet at ..read more
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Misunderstanding Cessationism
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by Josh Buice
1w ago
The subject of spiritual gifts falls within one of the most controversial and debated categories within modern day evangelicalism. When it comes to the subject of spiritual gifts, what must be plain and obvious is that God continues to gift his church in our present day. While theological debates rage on regarding the gift of ..read more
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McChurch and Membership
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by David de Bruyn
1w ago
Many Christians have received their idea of the church from the world and from secular culture, rather than from Scripture. Faulty concepts of church-life abound. Three popular ones are: What do all these faulty models have in common? They have been influenced by secular culture and its values. Profound individualism, consumerism, privatism, and therapeutism are ..read more
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¿Cómo pueden la fe y la consejeria trabajar juntas?
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by Edgar Josué Nazario
1w ago
Queridos amigos, hoy quiero hablarles de un tema que es muy cercano a mi corazón: la relación entre la fe y la consejería. A menudo, cuando enfrentamos desafíos emocionales o mentales, podemos sentirnos divididos entre buscar ayuda terapéutica o recurrir a nuestra fe. Sin embargo, quiero compartir con ustedes cómo estas dos áreas pueden trabajar ..read more
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