Xisuma's Musical Journey
My music blog describing my thoughts and feelings towards records as I continually seek out new sounds to absorb into my being.
Xisuma's Musical Journey
7h ago
Unleashing emotions raw and aching, Abel's heavenly falsetto collide with misery as Hurry Up Tomorrow paints a unenviable depiction of an artists anguish. Channeled through dreamy Synth-Pop R&B mashups, the limelight suffering, heartbreak woes and substance abuse ripple through this record like therapy. Glued within his mental struggles, suffering is illuminated painfully through direct lyricism and animated interludes set to portray personal, intimate moments and their crushing weight.
Its a strange juxtaposition to the often upbeat, feel good music that has retreated to the sideli ..read more
Xisuma's Musical Journey
1d ago
Named after the black death plague that riddled the middle ages, Den Sorte Død unsurprisingly burrow into a solemn funeral gloom with this morose offering. It strikes me as a series of epitaphs, strung together across six lengthy numbers with a latent sense of reoccurring theme. Musical tones linger with grace on the sorrows of man faced with perilous suffering, a reflection of darkness felt through glum melody and decedent tempo, as opposed to a stylistic plunge into aesthetic depravity.
Thus a curious soothing magic emerges, as yawning church organs brood and deep bass murmurs in its ..read more
Xisuma's Musical Journey
1d ago
Hardcore veterans Stray From The Path have been at it for a couple decades now. Joining in the fun at their tenth album may leave out some context, however it became swiftly apparent how to describe them. Offspring of Rage Against The Machine, these rockers update that iconic progenitor Rap Metal sound with an intensity befitting of Metallic Hardcore, armed with dense assault of seven string Djent guitar tones.
In your face, left leaning political statements sit front and center. Shout rapped by an aggressive Thomas Williams, his confrontational, agitating messaging sounds like Za ..read more
Xisuma's Musical Journey
3d ago
Vor feels like a valiant return to fundamentals, that familiar mesmerizing magic spun to a new level of aesthetic excellence. The entrancing hallmarks of Dub Techno remain intact, soothing synths jostle in a haze of dramatic reverb to deliver dense, wondrous atmospheres. A slightly unsettled yet blissful tone bestows one, as inconsequential meandering melodies resonate a naturalistic beauty. The soft power of deep bass and Downtempo grooves aid these suggestions of chilling, tundra landscapes.
So to does its snowy cover art. Each song gently broods, easing its way into the dreamy rhy ..read more
Xisuma's Musical Journey
1w ago
Bridging Synthwave and Cosmic Ambience, Dynatron returns from a four year silence with this soothing astral inspired pair of tracks. These two halves delve into nightly aspirations. Powered by mid-tempo groove, the simple pleasures of a snare to kick sway play repetitive but serve its purpose. Around this drive, tuneful melodies jostle for focus, changing focus whilst a bunch of airy saw synths conjure its dreamy stargazing atmosphere. Lined with the expectant gated tom fills and glossy synth tones, it checks all cliche Synthwave boxes. The calmer demeanor tilts towards that sense ..read more
Xisuma's Musical Journey
1w ago
Armed with a charming youthful naivety, Willow's sophomore effort gracefully dodges its own awkward imitations as inspiration and "talent" saves its heartfelt expressions from mockery. Venturing dangerously near the pitfalls of teenage philosophy, her introspective self expressions carry an emotional weight and sincerity that is hard to ignore. Sentiments extending beyond herself scarcely play hollow however the personal insights seem befitting of the records peculiar coffee shop tone.
Backed by sullen, broody instrumentals, strings, pianos and acoustic guitars start out on a Classical ..read more
Xisuma's Musical Journey
1w ago
I'll conclude my curiosity here, with the bands final original works of this era. Monolith, an overt Motorhead inspired step closer to Heavy Metal territory, fails to inspire as a grander heathen vision meets its Crust Punk roots. If anything, its the gritty, rotten rumble of the later that holds it back. Guitar melodies and song structures strive for a sullen burley might but fall short through this tarnished aesthetic tone. Its a messy record, slopy and loose performances birth dreary dismal moods. Some of its grooves and scaling power chord riffs try to escape this grasp but the ..read more
Xisuma's Musical Journey
1w ago
Godfather of Gangster Rap and front man for the cop killing Body Count, Ice-T courts controversy with an unfiltered, unapologetic rawness. A subversive force of intellect, Ice masks deeper realities trough his gritty portrayal of street life in LA. Original Gangster affirms his authority on the matter whilst ringing off a long list of social portrayals and systemic grievances. Direct yet difficult, his lyricism runs crude and humorous, blurring lines between tongue in cheek and reality. At times he flows firm and plain yet in a moment can delve into wordplay. Wherever his cadence leads ..read more
Xisuma's Musical Journey
2w ago
This self titled affair is brief, yet concise. At twenty two minutes, it stretches the definition of an album but arrives conceptually complete. A raw expression of her emotions, Willow's voice flourishes within humble settings. Driven by mellow steely acoustic guitar chords, strummed over warm sluggish baselines and stiff percussion, a motif of simplicity emerges. Reveling in its chemistry, these songs linger on aesthetic pleasures driven by Willow's arrival into these direct, uncluttered compositions.
The mood is dreamy, a touch Ethereal, swaying from dreary spells of soft melancholy ..read more
Xisuma's Musical Journey
2w ago
Further exploring suggestions of proto-Black Metal coincidences we arrive at Arise! Amebix's sophomore effort venturing in 80s Heavy Metal. Casting of the shackles noisy Crust Punk tonality, stiff power chord oriented songs march through a metallic demeanor skating into Post-Punk territory for its hooks. Cutting riffs rot under tom pounding drums that lack an articulation fit for metallic aggression. Gruff heathen shouts spew forth, lacking charm, crying over a sea of mediocrity making strides for big theatrics. It falls short as repetitive song writing tends to sell its vision short.
Touch ..read more