SciTech Daily
SciTechDaily offers the best intelligent, informed science and technology coverage and analysis you can find on a daily basis, sourcing a huge range of great writers and excellent research institutes. It was founded in 1998, with the idea of linking to the most thought-provoking, well-researched online items in the world of science and technology.
SciTech Daily
1h ago
Boiling eggs just got a scientific upgrade. By alternating an egg between boiling and cool water, researchers have found a way to cook both the yolk and white optimally — leading to better texture and higher nutritional content than traditional methods. A newly developed cooking method called periodic cooking offers a way to perfectly cook ..read more
SciTech Daily
2h ago
Imagine being able to capture a high-resolution 3D image of a distant object—even a human face—through fog, foliage, or camouflage netting. That’s exactly what a new single-photon LiDAR system can do from up to a kilometer away. By using an advanced detector twice as efficient as previous versions and a timing resolution ten times better ..read more
SciTech Daily
4h ago
New research at the UO reveals that they have been using one that has existed for 480 million years. The octopus has just revealed another secret: what determines its sex. Researchers at the University of Oregon have identified a sex chromosome in the California two-spot octopus. This chromosome has likely existed for 480 million years ..read more
SciTech Daily
5h ago
Researchers discovered that ink in a soap-and-milk experiment follows the path of least resistance due to surface tension interactions. What began as a demonstration of the complexity of fluid systems evolved into an art piece in the American Physical Society’s Gallery of Fluid Motion and ultimately became a puzzle that researchers have now solved. Their ..read more
SciTech Daily
5h ago
Mitochondria, often seen as cellular powerhouses, play a surprising role in immune regulation. Researchers found that mitochondrial complex III generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which help immune cells release IL-10, an anti-inflammatory protein. Without proper mitochondrial function, immune responses become dysregulated, leading to prolonged inflammation and slow recovery from infections. Mitochondria’s Role in Immune Response ..read more
SciTech Daily
6h ago
Scientists discovered that even a few hours of exposure to air pollution reduces focus, makes emotions harder to read, and weakens selective attention. These cognitive impairments could impact daily life and productivity, raising concerns about long-term effects. A new study reveals that short-term exposure to particulate matter (PM) air pollution can reduce a person’s ability ..read more
SciTech Daily
7h ago
Scientists studying Saturn’s icy moon, Enceladus, have discovered that its ocean forms layers that slow the upward movement of life’s chemical signatures. If microbial life exists in Enceladus’ deep sea, its biological traces might degrade before reaching the surface, making them undetectable to passing spacecraft. This new finding challenges how we look for extraterrestrial life ..read more
SciTech Daily
9h ago
Scratching an itchy rash worsens inflammation by triggering pain-sensing neurons and activating mast cells, creating a damaging feedback loop. While scratching helps remove bacteria, it ultimately harms the skin more than it helps. Scientists are now exploring new treatments to control inflammation without the negative effects of scratching. Scratching an Itchy Rash: Why It Makes ..read more
SciTech Daily
9h ago
NASA’s Europa Clipper is well on its way to Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, set to arrive in 2030. While its science instruments remain dormant for now, its star trackers are actively working, snapping images of distant stars to help orient the spacecraft. These starfield images, which include the constellation Corvus, are crucial for navigation and ..read more
SciTech Daily
11h ago
A recent study using 3D skull analysis found no evidence that dog breeds bred for bite or scent work have specialized skull morphology for these tasks. For thousands of years, dogs have been considered humans’ best friends. Beyond companionship, centuries of selective breeding have shaped them for specialized roles such as herding, hunting, and guarding—at ..read more