Halloween is on Tuesday. Are you and your dog read...
CommuniCanine Blog
by Darcie Jennings
9M ago
Halloween is on Tuesday. Are you and your dog ready for it? While some dogs will enjoy the kids at the door and be unphased by the fireworks, many won’t handle it well. To ensure your dog is as comfortable and safe as possible on Halloween night and the nights leading up to it, here are some simple tips: 1) If you don’t yet know how your dog will react to fireworks or if you already know they spook when they hear them, make sure you take them outside to the bathroom on a leash, even in your yard. Also ensure gates and doors to the yard are securely closed and locked if necessary. 2) If possibl ..read more
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On Grief and Losing a Loved One
CommuniCanine Blog
by Darcie Jennings
1y ago
A very special client emailed me today letting me know her dog had recently passed. Even though she had lost several dogs before, she was really struggling with this particular loss and asked if I had any words of wisdom for her that might help her through it. Because she found my reply helpful, I thought I’d share it here, too. Having been through several tremendous losses in the recent past myself, I very much understand grief and what it takes to move through it in a healthy way. Maybe my thoughts will help you, too. (Note: I’ve edited down my response below to remove any personal inform ..read more
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How To Measure Progress
CommuniCanine Blog
by Darcie Jennings
1y ago
How To Measure  Progress Success is not a straight road to the finish. It’s got ups and downs and often times setbacks along the way. One of the best ways to measure progress is by gauging where you were at at your starting point and comparing it to where you’re at now. For example, if, before starting training, your dog reactive dog would lose his cool at a dog he saw 100 feet away from him and it took several minutes on average to calm him down but today he doesn’t react until the dog is within 50 feet and only takes a minute or two to calm down, that’s progress!!! And it’s progres ..read more
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Quality Canadian Dog Collars and Tags
CommuniCanine Blog
by Jade
2y ago
If you’re anything like me, you want sustainable products for your dog that you know will do the job, last a long time and make a positive impact. As a dog trainer for well over two decades, I have run across many people and companies with products for dogs but the ones at Wanderlust Creatures really stand out. They are a unique Canadian company specializing in handmade items for travellers and durable gear for their pets. They tick all the boxes for sustainable, local, long-lasting products for dogs. I absolutely love their dog ID tags. And I love their story too! Trevor and Monique, the ow ..read more
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Is Your Dog’s Collar Too Tight or Just Right?
CommuniCanine Blog
by Jade
2y ago
Did you know…. ….that a dog’s neck can expand when they get hot? It can! Just like your feet, ankles and hands swell when your temperature goes up, your dogs neck can, too. When blood flow increases to the large veins (like the jugular in the neck) and the big muscles, a normally “kinda snug” collar will turn into a “too tight” collar. Keep this in mind when determining the fit of your dogs collar or harness, especially if you have a flat faced dog like a Pug or Bulldog. Make sure you can comfortably fit two fingers underneath your dogs collar and two to four fingers (depending on the size of ..read more
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Dogs Still Need to Be Dogs
CommuniCanine Blog
by Jade
2y ago
I recently worked with the sweetest, almost-senior dog. His previous owner had taught him to be such a perfect gentleman that he no longer knew how to behave like a normal dog when out on walks. He wouldn’t dream of sniffing, exploring or doing anything but walk very slowly and directly behind his human. I’ve not met a dog quite like him before. His previous owner was incredibly kind and treated him exceptionally well, yet had been so diligent about teaching him perfect (albeit unique) leash etiquette that he no longer acted like a dog when he left the house. ‘Doggy’ things were now reserve ..read more
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When Is Rehoming Your Dog The Best Option?
CommuniCanine Blog
3y ago
Rehoming a dog is a very taboo subject. After all, dogs are for life, no? For me that’s a definite yes……but…..sometimes circumstances dictate that rehoming is actually in the best interest of everyone involved, especially the dog, and we’d be foolish to overlook that simply because we aren’t willing to be flexible in our ideals. Having worked with thousands of clients over the past 21 years, I can unequivocally tell you that there are a lot of circumstances in which I might recommend rehoming – the owner is elderly or ill and can no longer properly provide for the dogs needs, the safety or wel ..read more
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Is Your Dog A Strong Puller? Try This
CommuniCanine Blog
3y ago
Head halters can be a really useful tool, especially if you have a powerful puller or a dog that is reactive when out on walks, as they give you way more control. The downside is very few dogs take to wearing them right away so I came up with a method to quickly get your dog comfortable having it on so that you two can get back out walking safely and enjoying life together again.   Until next time, Darcie Jennings Stay connected with me on Facebook & Instagram The post Is Your Dog A Strong Puller? Try This appeared first on Communicanine ..read more
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Teach Your Dog To ‘Get Dressed’
CommuniCanine Blog
3y ago
Does your dog play keep away when you want to put his collar, harness or head halter on? Here’s a simple hack: teach them how to co-operatively suit up to make heading out the door a hundred times easier. Please note: Before doing this, make sure your dogs harness or head halter is fitted properly by running your fingers along all the seams to look for any tight spots and check their armpits for any signs of rubbing or chaffing. A lot of dogs will run and hide from their gear because it pinches, rubs, restricts their natural range of motion or is otherwise really uncomfortable to wear. No amo ..read more
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Puppy Socialization Tips While Social Distancing
CommuniCanine Blog
3y ago
If you’ve just brought a puppy home, you may be stressing out about how to socialize them right now with our current social distancing requirements. The good news is your pup doesn’t need to meet hundreds of people and dogs to be well socialized. In fact, for some dogs meeting all of those dogs and people every time they go out can overwhelm them and also teach them bad habits like pulling on the leash, ignoring commands and getting over excited every time they see someone on the street. So I put together a short video talking about how to go about making sure you socialize your puppy well wit ..read more
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