How to prevent and stop “COUNTER-SURFING”
Endless Mountain Labradors Blog
by Donna Stanley
1M ago
*How to Stop Your Dog from Counter Surfing** Countersurfing is a common issue where dogs help themselves to food or items on countertops. Here’s how to curb this behavior: **Manage the Environment:** Keep counters clear of food and tempting items to eliminate opportunities for countersurfing. NEVER EVER, EVER FEED YOUR DOG FOOD FROM THE TABLE OR YOUR PLATE! (this implies to your dog that your food is his food–and will sneak to get it when you aren’t looking!) (It’s important that one dog does not teach another bad tricks too!) **Teach “Off” or “Leave It”:** (if your dog is already […] The post more
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“Was ‘Marley’ from “Marley & ME” an Endless Mt. Labrador?”
Endless Mountain Labradors Blog
by Donna Stanley
5M ago
Well, the answer is NO… Marley was NOT an Endless Mt. Labrador.  But many have heard that we have a connection to the story of “Marley and Me”, and that is true. In the book, Marley and Me, John Grogan referenced our website when he researched the difference between English and American Labs… Reputable breeders vs. Backyard breeders.  Of course this was AFTER he already had Marley! He quoted my whole introduction “about us” page online, at the time, explaining the difference in temperament between English and American Labs. They actually used a rescue dog for the part of Marley […] T more
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DO NOT BUY A PUPPY OR DOG UNTIL YOU READ THIS!!! (Donna’s full-length memoir/Labrador History)
Endless Mountain Labradors Blog
by Donna Stanley
7M ago
So you want a puppy? Should you adopt From a breeder? What do you need to know before you start your quest?  What are the pitfalls to avoid? Also:  You’ve found the perfect “furbaby,” now what? Discover the best way to navigate the waters of welcoming a new canine family member. The information in Insider Secrets to Adopting the Right Dog allows you to experience a smooth, peaceful transition for you and your new addition. Insider Secrets includes sections on puppy training, how to choose a breeder, how to choose an individual dog, how to house-train, and socialize your new […] The p more
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Endless Mountain Labradors Blog
by Donna Stanley
8M ago
“My dog has never enjoyed being left alone and has had a tendency to whine and make a fuss when I leave the house, but over the last year, her anxiety seems to have become unmanageable for her. I often come home to find that she’s destroyed some thing, chewed a cushion or shoes to pieces. I get an almost hysterical welcome when I come in. She doesn’t have to be left a lot, because I work at home, so my absences tend to be for two or three hours in the evening. Can I make things easier for her […] The post SEPARATION ANXIETY IN CANINES–CAUSES AND TREATMENTS appeared first on Endless Mountain La more
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Why does my dog try to MOUNT (HUMP) visitors or new people?
Endless Mountain Labradors Blog
by Donna Stanley
8M ago
Some adolescent dogs become much more assertive in behavior and become a little more difficult to manage when they hit bout the eight month point. I always warn people that puppies go through an “adolescent phase” somewhere between 8- 18 months old. At those periods a time it becomes necessary to review all of your past training and reinforce it. Maybe a little more assertively. What we’re not prepared for sometimes is the assaults on visitors legs… Or your own  (I have my own story on this!). Of course your male dog knows there’s no female dogs, so why does […] The post Why does my dog t more
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Why does my Lab behave badly at the front door?
Endless Mountain Labradors Blog
by Donna Stanley
8M ago
I had a friend who said that their dog has always been rather barky and excitable at the front door, but recently he’s been nearly unmanageable when someone calls. He’ll barge in front of them, bark and jump at visitors, and generally be a menace. Worse, although his excitement is mercifully, good tempered, the noise levels and his pushiness mean that some of our less animal friendly visitors are becoming frightened of him. Why does he do this? And how can they get him to behave like a civilized member of the household? BUT–they gave me this WONDERFUL training method […] The post Why does my L more
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Endless Mountain Labradors Blog
by Donna Stanley
9M ago
How do I get my dog to stop barking annoyingly?  There are multiple reasons why a dog barks. Dog’s may bark because they’re curious, warning others of danger, prompting you to play and to discipline the young. These forms of barking are short-lived. They talk while playing. They talk to each other—not in English (oh how we wish!) but they do! I bet your Labrador even has his own “voice!” Right? Reasons why dogs may bark excessively:           Physical needs This can mean they’re; hot, cold, hungry, thirsty or lacking in exercise, or even attention. When a more
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Endless Mountain Labradors Blog
by Donna Stanley
9M ago
Try to teach him something new. Keep a basket of chew toys on every level and rotate them often. Hide new toys underneath the old toys and let him discover them. Make sure his chew toys are enticing and remember to switch them up often so they are new and interesting. I hope nobody sits around and watches their dog destroy potentially dangerous property knowing it can harm them. I’ve made suggestions to keep the dogs in their crates when away for hours in case your dog gets bored and destructive. It’s impossible to protect them all the time from […] The post HOW DO I GET MY LAB TO STOP CHEWING more
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DO NOT BUY A PUPPY OR DOG UNTIL YOU READ THIS!!! (Donna’s full-length memoir/Labrador History)
Endless Mountain Labradors Blog
by Donna Stanley
9M ago
So you want a puppy? Should you adopt From a breeder? What do you need to know before you start your quest?  What are the pitfalls to avoid? Also:  You’ve found the perfect “furbaby,” now what? Discover the best way to navigate the waters of welcoming a new canine family member. The information in Insider Secrets to Adopting the Right Dog allows you to experience a smooth, peaceful transition for you and your new addition. Insider Secrets includes sections on puppy training, how to choose a breeder, how to choose an individual dog, how to house-train, and socialize your new […] The p more
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Lipomas/Fatty Cysts in Labradors
Endless Mountain Labradors Blog
by Donna Stanley
10M ago
Many pets get these fatty lumps and bumps as they age. In this new ‘episode’ we’ll be discussing why pets get fat deposits and what you can do to prevent it from happening. I know, those unsightly lumps and bumps can sometimes be common in some Labrador lines, and are referred to as lipomas. Just like with humans, we carry genetics that do weird things. Most are not cancerous, and are harmless as long as they are not impeding the movement of the dog (such as a foreleg, ie), or near the spine. Most vets are hesitant to take them […] The post Lipomas/Fatty Cysts in Labradors appeared first on En more
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