Being Awake or Woke
Eva Lewarne Art Blog
5d ago
Being Awake or WokeAnother sleepless night, but all is not lost because I figured out where we all went wrong and that is allowing techies to dominate every facet of life. Many moons ago when I was an addiction counsellor there were no computers so after sessions with clients I wrote notes by hand. Then my secretary (that was the official name) transcribed them on a typewriter and catalogued in a very efficient system. The beauty of that system was that May and I had coffee together during break more
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Now We Know
Eva Lewarne Art Blog
1M ago
Not knowing is an excuseNot seeing is a choiceNot saying is a throat burrNot hearing is an ear ringingNot being is a wish.The fascist snake lay coiled around our feetWhile we cheered for a Mars retreatEnamoured with global rapport Not seeing the wizard behind the cables Of techies rapacious shoresToo late, we are bought, with no where to goMars was never the aim, but earthly goldAnd we have been had by techies goalOf money, power and fameThey will now rule in every domainDestroying ear more
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Prophecy ?
Eva Lewarne Art Blog
1y ago
Despite the fact that mystics will tell you we all have a unified field beneath the cloak of our material bodies, we are not all at the same level of awareness or in the same morality grid. I doubt very much Trump's field will ever meld with Dalai Lamas'.. . Thus the billionaires are on one end of the spectrum and the poor on the other and good and evil exists depending on your particular level of consciousness and distance of separation. ​ Andrew Harvey, contemporary mystic says that we are experiencing the dark night of the soul and that will change. We are on the cusp of a new evolutionary more
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The problem with art today...
Eva Lewarne Art Blog
1y ago
The problem is that everyone discovered that creativity is a good thing that makes one happier. And everyone can be creative. But that does not mean everyone should be a professional artist. As soon as one took some courses or spilled something on canvas they wanted to be famous and sell that thing. Abstract art facilitated the death of professionalism in art. Kandinsky created something new he had something to say in a new way, but after Rothko any monkey and elephant and dog could then paint. Anyone in any field could be creative and a few art courses might facilitate a doctor or lawyer or more
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How People React To Art
Eva Lewarne Art Blog
1y ago
It's interesting how people react to art. There are the ones who follow the art world and know that an art piece besides grabbing your attention usually has something to say. Others less knowledgable just think art is a decoration and should be pretty. They may also be in awe of technique, usually when painting looks like a photograph. I am happy when my art moves people even if it is to be disgusted, because then I know that the viewer has discovered something about themselves more
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Eva Lewarne Art Blog
1y ago
When confronted with an illness such as cancer that really has no magical pill but is at the mercy of trial and error by contemporary medical people, you begin to see what life is really all about. ​ And you realize that we all have a “Rendezvous With Death” at some point sooner or later in life. That we are just another aspect of Nature like the trees and birds and our bodies will return to the earth. We are in fact “Earthlinks”. But since you can’t believe that is all there is, as you have tasted Love and Soul then you realize whatever more there is, it is all “Hidden In The Eyes”. The bad more
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Eva Lewarne Art Blog
1y ago
“Wonderland is a place of madness. ‘We’re all mad here,’ states the Cheshire cat.” Through the eyes of society, one who questions, and perhaps especially the seemingly basic things may be labelled mad. And society is in fact ripe for questioning, between the extreme inequality of wealth distribution and lack of real movement on Climate Change. Global Warming is causing floods, fires and brimstones and yet the Oil Industry is untouched preferring to pray rather than quit mining. It is the White Rabbit who leads Alice down the rabbit hole. It is he who woke her up from her daze since the hot da more
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Problem of Perception
Eva Lewarne Art Blog
1y ago
To me the problem of perception is that we try to make analogies of our way of seeing with machines, cameras, etc...all based on playing around with information until something interesting emerges. But in reality seeing is a function of our inherent co-dependence on Nature. Seeing is related to our Intuitive abilities of that 90% brain capacity that has nothing to do with information or intellect. It is immediate and visceral and void of analysis. In fact the miute you name a thing you stop seeing it. That is why thinking and painting don't go well together at the same time more
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Eva Lewarne Art Blog
1y ago
 The purpose of AI is not to help you make your workload better and faster but to stop you from thinking and challenging your brain. When we all start using AI there will be no need for critical thinking or creative thought. Techno-Billionaires will be telling us what to do every step of the way. Regular humans will no longer be free. Visual artists will stop existing giving birth to techies that can talk to an app about what they wan to see and it will appear on the screen. Some artists say that the creativity lies in editing algorithms. Sorry but visuals were always related to intuitio more
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The Dumbing Down
Eva Lewarne Art Blog
2y ago
The fastest dumbing down of our society is happening on instagram reels, podcasts and workshops. People have learned a bit about electromagnetic energy and all they want us to do is to start controlling our mind so only positive thoughts supposedly related to positive energy are created by us. Ridiculous assumption overlooking years of academics like Jung, Freud and Wise men that showed us how being unaware of what we truly feel and acknowledging it, leads to suffering and mental illness ultimately. Not to mention ignoring Zen masters that teach about being with what is and leaving things alo more
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