Covers dressmaking exploits and pattern cutting pursuits, as well as important tips, tricks and techniques. Also tutorials for dress, skirt, jacket, coat garments & clothes fitting. Lauren is a native Nashvillian with a love for all things sewing-related.
1M ago
Hey everyone!! Just dropping in to share my 2025 workshop dates ? ?️ 2025 WORKSHOP DATES ?️ Alter + Repair Your GarmentsFriday, March 21, 2025 Pintuck & Purl / North Hampton, NH Alter + Repair Your GarmentsSaturday, March 22, 2025 Pintuck & Purl / North Hampton, NH Alter + Repair Your GarmentsSunday, March 23, 2025 Pintuck & Purl / North Hampton ..read more
1y ago
Look y’all, new jeans!
I always enjoy making a new pair of jeans for fall – after a summer of teaching jeans-making, I’m full of brilliant ideas and antsy to sew them. Now that I work part time as a tailor, I get my eyes on even more jeans with interesting design details that I’ve been dying to incorporate. For this pair, I thought I’d try out some features I’ve been seeing a lot lately, as well as a new (fashionable?) silhouette .
These are my tried and true jeans pattern – the Ginger Jeans from Closet Core Patterns. I’ve made this pattern enough times to have really nailed the fit down, an ..read more
1y ago
I know what you’re thinking: “Who TF alters a tote bag?” Honestly, a lot of people asked me this – my students, my coworkers, my friends, myself. But, dammit, sometimes I wanna do weird things just to see how it turns out. And in this case, it was making this LL Bean Nor’easter Tote Bag 1000x better than straight off the rack.
Here is a photo of the bag as grabbed from LL Bean’s website. It’s a fine bag, very well made. It works great as it is. But I wanted to make it better, so I did.
I bought my tote from the LL Bean Outlet Store in North Hampton, NH. Fun fact: It’s right down the street f ..read more
2y ago
I just realized I’ve been in my house for 4 years now, and I never shared my studio space!
A little background before we dive in: I own my house, and it was built in 1958. It is considered a 3 bedroom, but the rooms are very small. My studio is about 10’x11′, so every square inch definitely counts. It’s not the smallest room I’ve worked in, but it is certainly a top 3 contender! Eventually, I plan on building out and moving my studio outside of the main house (whether I build an entirely separate/detached structure in the backyard, or simply add on to the existing house – I haven’t decided yet ..read more
2y ago
Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog!
I haven’t posted much in the last couple of years – I moved over to Instagram as it felt more manageable, and that was a good thing. But lately Instagram has shifted into something different, and I don’t like it. I don’t care for the video format and I hate the algorithm (as opposed to showing me the accounts I actually follow!) and the whole app is just really unappealing now.
I do enjoy sharing my projects, though, and having that information accessible for future reference. So I thought I’d bring them back here to my blog! Rather than worry about a ..read more
2y ago
I made these jeans!
Hi everyone!
Happy 2023! I’m so excited for another year of sewing and jeans-making! I announced my workshop dates over on Instagram toward the end of last year, but forgot to post them here. I also wanted to share with y’all some Frequently Asked Questions, as these tend to pop up regularly any time I announce my workshops. If you’ve got a burning question, please check the list below as I may have already answered it!
All dates and links are listed on my WORKSHOPS page, as well as at the end of this post. For more information, including pricing and a link to sig ..read more
2y ago
Teaching my new workshop, Alter + Repair Your Garments, at Camp Workroom Social in 2021!
Hey all! Long time no chat
Don’t expect a return of regular blog posts (sorry! Real talk; this shit took me multiple days to write and I am exhausted lol), but I did want to pop in and talk about my new workshop that I’ve been offering this year. That’s right – I went away for a full 12 months, just to come back around and try to sell y’all some of my crap! HA HA! Wait, come back, I promise this is some interesting quality shit!
As you [probably] already know, I’ve been a sewing teacher for many years – a ..read more
3y ago
Good morning everyone! Today I want to veer way off-topic and share with y’all something very non-sewing – which is my recent bone marrow donation!
Before I go any farther, I do want to address the question that I have been asked the most – “Doesn’t donating bone marrow hurt really bad?” The short answer is, nope! I realize that “painful” can mean different things for different people – pain is subjective and we all have different tolerence levels! – but for me, I experienced very minor, very manageable pain (all post-procedure), no worse than the soreness you experience after exercising for ..read more
3y ago
Did you participate in Me Made May this year? I used to be really active in the early days, but over the last few years I have chosen to not participate as I regularly wear me-made clothes almost exclusively, which at that point just seemed a little annoying and self-congratulatory to shoot a whole ass month of photos for something I already do without prompt.
However, in the last year or so, I went through a bit of an existential crisis as far as my wardrobe was concerned. I started with changing my color palette (I’m sticking strictly to warm tones now, and holy shit I can’t believe how al ..read more
4y ago
Hey friends!
Hope everyone is hanging in there after that doozy of year we’ve just been through. Allow me to grace your feed with a workshop announcement! Yes! We are gonna do some workshops this year, god-willing!
Please note that not all the classes are listed as of this posting (I will update as they are!). I strongly recommend that you follow the shop hosting the workshop, to be notified when the class is listed so you can sign up quickly and hopefully secure a seat! I will update my classes page as workshops as listed, however, I cannot guarantee they won’t be sold out by that point (thi ..read more