Kathleen Trotter Blog
Kathleen Trotter has been working in the health field since 2002. Kathleen identifies as a personal trainer, a wellness writer, author of Finding Your Fit, a nutritionist, a life coach, and an overall health enthusiast. Kathleen started her work as a fitness writer at Chatelaine in 2010. Shortly after, in 2010, she started writing for The Globe and Mail.
Kathleen Trotter Blog
1y ago
I didn’t anticipate getting much out of Breath. I (foolishly) thought I knew what I needed to know on the topic. Listening to Nester on the 10% Happier podcast intrigued me enough to invest in the book. I figured it would be a strong review, and reviews are vital…we all forget stuff along the way ..read more
Kathleen Trotter Blog
1y ago
Take your clients outside for a double dose of health. Both exercise and being in nature positively impact the brain and body — a one-two punch. Try functional body-weight training. Think multi-joint exercises like squats and lunges that emphasize core and whole-body integration. Body-weight training doesn’t require any equipment, so it is ideal for outdoor ..read more
Kathleen Trotter Blog
1y ago
If you are like all the fitness professionals I know, including myself, health isn’t just a job; it is a passion. You truly believe that health and wellness have the potential to empower, enrich, and energize the body and mind. Passion is a good thing, until it isn’t. We do our clients — and ourselves ..read more
Kathleen Trotter Blog
2y ago
The brain is wired to keep us alive, not healthy or happy. Anxiety is one of the many tools the brain uses to keep us alive. Anxiety is extremely appropriate in some circumstances. Feeling uneasy when walking down a dark alley has utility; it nudges you to stay alert and ready to run. Anxiety becomes ..read more
Kathleen Trotter Blog
2y ago
Kathleen Trotter Blog
2y ago
Today we’re going to “feel the burn” and do some awesome leg lifts. You’re going to train the side of your glute to work without the pelvis or hip rotating back and the shoulders coming forward. * Lie down on your side as if you were lying against a wall. Keep your shoulders, hips and ..read more
Kathleen Trotter Blog
2y ago
In this episode of Don’t Wait for Your Wake-up Call with Melissa Dealy Kathleen shares her story as a teen feeling depressed and not wanting to get out of bed or go to gym class, not liking sports, and then how her Mother shared with her that movement is non-negotiable, you need to find something ..read more
Kathleen Trotter Blog
2y ago
Today we are doing the single arm farmer’s march. It’s a little tweek of the farmer’s carry in which you walk while a carrying something heavy while trying to keep your posture. I like this exercise as it gives you more of an opportunity to look at your form. To begin, look in a mirror ..read more
Kathleen Trotter Blog
2y ago
Guest Blog post by Dr. Sandra Parker, Registered Psychologist If you’re a fan of Kathleen Trotter’s compassionate, inspiring health and fitness coaching you already know that big change comes from making small, consistent choices. You already understand how kindness is an essential ingredient in your success, but that kindness does not mean giving yourself ..read more