We may be isolated, but we’re not alone
Thumbelina Lillie
by megan
4y ago
It’s been 3 months since I last wrote something, and I feel like so much has happened in a short space of time. Before I start this, a little PSA. When I experience things, for some reason afterwards, I like to write about them. It’s almost like finishing a chapter, or closing a book. It’s that big sigh of relief for me. I don’t have the readership I once did on this blog, but believe me when I say that this is for me just as much as it is for anyone else going through similar stuff. If someone else can read this and be like ‘I’m not alone in this’ and understand that it’s ok, I’m content. – T ..read more
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Trying To Make Uncertainty A New Friend Of Mine
Thumbelina Lillie
by megan
4y ago
I am a creature of habit and a person of comfort. What I really mean, is that I like things the way that they are and I am quite content in my little life bubble, thank you very much. So when life rocks the boat sometimes (& oh boy hasn’t 2020 been a storm?!) it can cause me major anxiety and for my overthinking to kick in and be set to overdrive. Uncertainty has been a massive theme for myself and everyone else this year, and some recent self-exploration in therapy has made me sit and think of how I want to level-up as a person. What I’m Scared Of When I say living with uncertainty, this ..read more
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4 Ways My Stress Manifests (& What I Do About It)
Thumbelina Lillie
by megan
4y ago
[This post is in collaboration with HERPOtherm] It’s common knowledge that I’m a worrisome person. Even if something’s not a big deal, you bet that I’m gonna sit and ponder over it anyway. Over the years, I’ve also been somewhat of a people pleaser and this, combined with all that worry, can often bring on that thing we like to call stress. Stress is one of those things that creeps up on me when I’ve been busy, or rather, my mind has. It builds up, builds up, builds up and then hits me like a ton of bricks to the point where I have to give myself a good talking to. As we grow up, I don’t know ..read more
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Why Mental Health Is Not A Choice
Thumbelina Lillie
by megan
4y ago
DISCLAIMER & TRIGGER WARNING; Discussion of mental health and mental illness. For the past 3 years, I have chosen working out as one of my coping strategies for when it comes to dealing with my mental health struggles.  It has worked tremendously and I’ve written more about it in this post where I shared how Fitness Saved My Mental Health. But recently, I had a bit of a drop in motivation when it came to going to the gym. This can happen from time to time and especially around this time of year as it gets colder and darker, but this time it was more prominent.  A slight injury ha ..read more
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I Think I Know What Other People Are Thinking
Thumbelina Lillie
by megan
4y ago
Right, I’m psychic. I must be. I have this really annoying trait that I’m struggling to work with right now which is that I think I know what other people are thinking, particularly about me and the things that I do and say. I know what you’re thinking (see), ‘Megan, put away your Crystal Ball. How could you possibly know something like that?!’. My mind likes to think that it knows what is going on in other people’s heads and usually, it assumes that those things aren’t nice. & do you know what? It can be really bloody exhausting. Going Back & Forward, Up & Down I realised that my ..read more
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Living In Lockdown Limbo With An Anxious Mind
Thumbelina Lillie
by megan
4y ago
‘Tighter lockdown restrictions likely to be announced on Monday’. ‘No. Don’t do that to me!’ was what I thought as I read the news headlines on Friday afternoon. You know when people say to you ‘We need to talk later‘, and it’s the ‘later’ bit that really gets you? You begin to feel worried and frustrated, like what on earth could they possibly be going to tell you?! I’ve felt exactly like that this weekend. So obviously, I’m writing about it. My Two States of Mind This past year has been difficult for us all in many different ways but with one common theme. When we slowly emerged from the nat ..read more
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Why I Refuse To Shrink Myself
Thumbelina Lillie
by megan
4y ago
TW; Eating Disorders, Weight chat ‘You’ve put on half a stone, is that ok?’ said the Nurse, a nervous, concerned look on her face. No, that’s not a snippet from a book I’m reading, those very words were said to me earlier this week.  But bare with, this post isn’t exactly about weight but here’s the story that sparked this week’s musings… It’s been over a year since I physically saw a Nurse regarding my contraceptive pill because of that virus that’s still flying around. So on Monday, I had to book myself a socially distanced appointment to do just that. A bit of background on my weight ..read more
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It’s Official, I’m Bored Of Hating Myself
Thumbelina Lillie
by megan
4y ago
I get it. That might sound a bit extreme to some of you, but to other people, I feel like you may see where I am coming from, at least a little bit. I feel like I have literally spent the last several years of my life really hating on ‘me’. But I don’t mean that this is a constant thing and I don’t always necessarily mean that it is always related to the way that I look either. Let me explain where I’m coming from. ‘Ugh, Why?!’ The above phrase feels like something I’ve internally repeated to myself for what seems like a lifetime. A constant questioning of what I’ve done, what I’ve said, what ..read more
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My Moment on Not Having A ‘Thing’
Thumbelina Lillie
by megan
4y ago
Last night I came out with the words, ‘I just don’t know what my thing is any more’. You know when people just have their ‘thing’ and that’s what they do? Yeah? I wasn’t sure whether I had anything that I felt was mine. An Old ‘Thing’ For a long time I guess ‘blogging’ was my thing. It was a topic of conversation that would always come up whether I was chatting to family, friends or new people. They would ask how it was going, say how pleased they were for my latest collaboration or even envy over my lasted product gifting. Blogging was my ‘thing’. Especially when I first began way back in 201 ..read more
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Taking Steps Sideways
Thumbelina Lillie
by megan
4y ago
I had the intention of writing this blog post on taking steps sideways with a fitness focus as I’m going through a whole load of changes in that respect. But I feel like this is something that can be said for a whole bunch of other stuff. Recently I felt a little bit like I was going backwards. I felt like my mental health was being taken for a bit of a tipple and that things just didn’t seem to be moving forward. I was feeling easily overwhelmed, didn’t feel like I was ‘going anywhere’ in various aspects of life and was unsure of the direction life was taking me. (Maybe good ol’ Rona had some ..read more
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