A Beauty Junkie in London » Beauty
London beauty blog covering more than just beauty
A Beauty Junkie in London » Beauty
1y ago
Sure, so we’re only a couple of weeks into 2024 but I am loving taking some time to sit and type and decided that sharing a few ‘in progress’ reviews was what I felt like doing today. I say in-progress because the products I want to share here are a mixture of new-ish to me products, so I would say I’ve been using them for 2-3 weeks ish on average.
The post Skincare products I am testing and loving so far appeared first on A Beauty Junkie in London ..read more
A Beauty Junkie in London » Beauty
3y ago
It’s been a while since I did a dedicated review to a single skincare product. But this one warrants a moment in the spotlight. Because the results have already really impressed me.
Ad info: post features product provided via PR for review.
First things first..
What is Skin+Me?
Well, I say it’s a single skincare product, but in actual fact it’s more of a service that provides the user with a single product. However that product is customised to really suit that individuals needs. Creating a custom blend of ingredients to meet the skin requirements as outline in the survey you take ahead of sig ..read more
A Beauty Junkie in London » Beauty
3y ago
Post features PR samples (AD info: PR samples)
This new collection of body care products from Neal’s Yard caught my eye as I feel like I’m definitely in need of a little dose of women’s balance. I’m currently in what I’ve heard called the ‘fourth trimester’ – aka the period of time post party where you’re adjusting to new baby life alongside recovering from the physical onslaught of everything that comes with growing and giving birth to a baby. All of which is a bit of a rollercoaster to say the least. Hormone wise, body wise and just getting used to the overhaul of your day to day.
The range ..read more
A Beauty Junkie in London » Beauty
3y ago
Hello. It’s been a little while since I opened up this little corner and tapped a few words out. But the mood has struck so here we are. I’ll get straight into it – I wanted to share my Best Summer Perfumes 2021 – I have written about Summer fragrances before, in fact some of which make the cut on this list again. But that’s because they really do capture Summer and make the perfect summer scent time and time again. There are two definitely new additions to the list too, one is limited edition too. So if you fancy a 2021 summer perfume upgrade get on that one speedy before it sells out!
Produc ..read more
A Beauty Junkie in London » Beauty
4y ago
AD Info: Treatment provided via PR (gifted)
Before I kick off this post I should state that I know the idea of injectable skin treatments will not be for everyone. Personally, whilst no – I don’t love injections – I put that aside for the results they can give. That’s something that is very much my personal choice. If you’re not keen on the idea of tweakments or injectable skin treatments then this won’t be one for you. But if you’re open to the idea, already experienced in this area or just plain curious then please do read on. Just to note, this is a review of my own personal experience of t ..read more
A Beauty Junkie in London » Beauty
4y ago
There’s a whole number of ways my beauty routines have changed with the curveball that is 2020, but rather than develop into an in-depth post all about that right away. I wanted to start with a little edit of my hair heroes of 2020 and why each product in this post has earned that title.
Products with a * PR samples.
Of all my different beauty routines I would say my hair is my lowest maintenance. And sure, it shows. But I’m at that point where I accept that. Being a daily full hair styling person is just not the life for me. So to make the list of heroes the key features: easy to use, low ma ..read more
A Beauty Junkie in London » Beauty
4y ago
It’s been a funny old year 2020, how casual does that sound?! How very British, remarking on a year with a global pandemic as if it’s a spot of inconvenient rain… However, I note the funny year purely because today has been a reminder of little milestones that add the punctuation to my life and work in the beauty world. Jo Malone events are definitely a little marker as I go through the year, the Spring launches, the big September launch (this one) and of course the Christmas reveal. Nobody does an event like Jo Malone do, they are really magical and whilst they’re of course not an essential ..read more
A Beauty Junkie in London » Beauty
4y ago
Post features product provided as PR samples.
Living Proof has fast become one of my most-used haircare and styling brands. It wasn’t a conscious choice to make one brand one that runs through my routine from wash to styling. But here we are! I just found that with each product I tried I found another that I enjoyed and did was it promises. Which is exactly what you want really isn’t it.
Living Proof most recently launched a trio of deep conditioner hair masks. Each designed to tackle different issues or hair types. But not just in the traditional ‘dry/normal/oily’ type of categories – it’s m ..read more
A Beauty Junkie in London » Beauty
4y ago
Post features product provided as PR sample
Skincare can be a labour of love, lots of time and effort. However, it doesn’t always have to be. There are a number of wonder products on the market that promise results that happen whilst you sleep. These products are some of my personal favourites. The ones that do all the effort for me whilst I snooze? What’s not to like about that. One of these exciting ‘works whilst you sleep’ options is a relatively new release from Murad called Murad Night Fix Enzyme Treatment.
However, in a world where skincare has potentially infinite steps and stages it c ..read more
A Beauty Junkie in London » Beauty
4y ago
Post sponsored by Palmer’s as part of my work as part of the #PalmersSquad
I could list endless reasons people will want to forget 2020, one of which will definitely be the fact that those highlight moments we all look forward to are being postponed or cancelled. So rather than dwell on the bad side of it all I wanted to share a few ways we can all bring those holiday vibes home, with a little help from the Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Body range.
If there’s one scent that captures a holiday feeling for me it has to be coconut. From suncream to Pina coladas. Oh what I wouldn’t give to b ..read more