Every Star Is Different
A blog about Montessori and special needs.
Every Star Is Different
2w ago
In my experience, the most frustrating aspect of caring for a child or teen with Reactive Attachment Disorder has been waiting for her to choose to heal, if she is capable of doing so.The consequences that caregivers and family members experience during the process of waiting are unfathomable every step of the way.A child or teen with Reactive Attachment Disorder can't be forced to heal.  ..read more
Every Star Is Different
2w ago
How does someone heal from Reactive Attachment Disorder? What does healing look like?Are there different stages in healing from Reactive Attachment Disorder?I am thrilled to share the 7 Stages of Healing from Reactive Attachment Disorder that we have identified and experienced in our home.My oldest adopted daughter has suffered from Reactive Attachment Disorder her entire life.Her ..read more
Every Star Is Different
1M ago
Some children, teens, and adults struggle to attend church meetings for a number of reasons.Over the years we've created a number of resources to help children during religious services.We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.Our youngest has a very difficult time attending church.She requested a visual schedule for sacrament meeting, our main hour of worship each week ..read more
Every Star Is Different
1M ago
Happy New Year from the Eddy Family! As we say goodbye to 2024, we can't help but reflect on all of the growth and healing that has come through so many experiences this past year.Jason EddyJason started a job at Food Lion in August and is loving it. When at home, Jason loves making delicious meals for the family. This year he’s had a blast experimenting with Asian cuisine. At ..read more
Every Star Is Different
1M ago
Are you looking for gift ideas for a 15 year old girl in your life?Our daughter Princess is 15 this year.She seems extremely easy to buy for but finding variety is the biggest challenge.Many of you know we give the 12 gifts of Christmas.Here is what she's receiving for Christmas this year!Gift Ideas for 15 Year Old GirlsSports AttirePrincess has two older brothers who have educated her in ..read more
Every Star Is Different
1M ago
Here are some fabulous Las Posadas Activities for Tots and Preschoolers to enjoy with Free Printables!Las Posadas is such a fun part of our Holidays Around the World celebration and learning experience.I love that this holiday focuses on Mary and Joseph, their journey to Bethlehem with a donkey, and finding room in the inn for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.At the same time Las Posadas ..read more
Every Star Is Different
2M ago
Are you looking for gifts for a 16 year old boy in your life?In our family, our 16 year old son, Bulldozer, is the child who doesn't know what he wants for Christmas almost every year.It takes a lot of creativity and visual prompting for ideas to ensure he has a fabulous Christmas.He has very specific hobbies, passions, and interests.I am so excited about what he's receiving for Christmas this ..read more
Every Star Is Different
2M ago
Christmas with teens is so different than it is when little one are running around. Do I dare say I like it even better?I had so much fun shopping for my 17 year old son this year.My biggest struggle was choosing to stop after I had purchased my 12 gifts of Christmas.If you're looking for gift ideas for a 17 year old boy in your life, here is what my son is receiving for Christmas this year ..read more
Every Star Is Different
2M ago
Clothing is a hot topic among those who practice minimalism. How many clothing items are too many?How do you decide to downsize?How do you make due with less?How do you manage a family of six when it comes to clothing needs and minimalism?The questions go on and on.Today I'm sharing our family's minimalistic approach to clothing.Minimalism looks different for everyone.What may work for us ..read more
Every Star Is Different
2M ago
There are so many different thoughts and opinions about how many gifts caregivers should or shouldn't give their children and teens during the holiday season.As a minimalist, I am not one who likes giving or receiving gifts without meaning and purpose.As a minimalist, I live in a very small home, so there is no room for a lot of extra stuff.At the same time I LOVE the magic of the Christmas ..read more