Shari Blaukopf's Sketchbook
Sketch blog by Shari Blaukopf. Mostly Montreal, most of the time.
Shari Blaukopf's Sketchbook
2w ago
It’s break time for me — in between one Madeline Island School workshop group leaving and one arriving tomorrow — so I thought I’d take some time and post a few of my favourite sketches from the week. The image quality is not great because these are photographed sketches instead of scanned ones, but you’ll ..read more
Shari Blaukopf's Sketchbook
1M ago
On our daily walks in the woods, Alice and I discover different trails. We’ve been taking one lately that is quite magical in winter because of all the bent tree branches. It was especially gorgeous this morning after yesterday’s snowfall — a monochrome wonderland. I took a few photos of various patterns that the trees ..read more
Shari Blaukopf's Sketchbook
1M ago
There’s a mess in my studio this week. The remnants of planning and filming a new online course. In this case it’s a colourful mess because the new course is about colour. It always takes tons of time to figure out what I’m going to paint during filming, and then of course I practice it ..read more
Shari Blaukopf's Sketchbook
1M ago
Our postal strike is finally over in Canada, and the backlog of mail is trickling in. A few days ago I received Etchr Lab’s new 9″ x 12″ 100% cotton watercolour paper block. As always, when I am testing out new products, I paint something easy, like the paint tubes on my table. If you ..read more
Shari Blaukopf's Sketchbook
1M ago
It was the best kind of day for Alice. A long walk in the woods with the four people she loves best in the world, followed by an exciting football game on tv. And them some turkey leftovers with her dinner. It was the best kind of day for me too. Besides the long walk ..read more
Shari Blaukopf's Sketchbook
1M ago
The days are short but there’s still a lot of beauty in my woods. This year I’ve been enjoying the different types of plants and wildflowers that grow around the perimeter of the quarry. I’ve photographed them in all seasons but of course they are most beautiful in winter when the dry seedpods are covered ..read more
Shari Blaukopf's Sketchbook
2M ago
I wait for these boots to come home every year. Actually I wait for the son who wears them home every year at this time. But having the boots is a wonderful bonus, since they are so beautiful to sketch. This year I sketched them with Inktense pencils. I was planning on layering the colour ..read more
Shari Blaukopf's Sketchbook
2M ago
When I posted this wheelbarrow painting on Facebook yesterday, someone asked me where I learned to do negative painting. It took me a minute to think about it because I didn’t really think of this as a negative painting. But of course it is, because of all the white areas. And the answer to the ..read more
Shari Blaukopf's Sketchbook
2M ago
They’ve been working to tidy up the sandpit/quarry near my house. All summer I’ve been watching workers cut down trees and cut up the logs. But it’s not really a place I can go to paint on location, even in summer. It’s fairly isolated and it’s also private property. Best to paint from my photos ..read more
Shari Blaukopf's Sketchbook
2M ago
Alice loves this woodpile that we see on our walks every morning. There are no doubt countless other dogs that have explored it and many small animals that live in it, and it’s full of wonderful smells. I love it too, especially in winter, when the logs and stumps have a coating of snow on ..read more