Gardening In LA Blog
Resources and information for gardeners of all kinds in the Southern California region. Yvonne Savio likes growing fruits, vegetables, and flowers year round in manure and compost amended gardens. From years of gardening, she knows what "harvested at the perfect moment of ripeness" means and is passionate about enabling others to enjoy the benefits of "growing your own".
Gardening In LA Blog
5d ago
Poinsettia (the original) and bladderpod Statice Paperwhites Oxalis Thai bougainvillea Artichoke Stock and nasturtium Peruvian Daffodil Yellow bulbine in front, upright rosemary at rear. Kishu Mini Mandarin Midknight Seedless Valencia The University of California Master Gardener Program in Los Angeles County provides these resources following the horr ..read more
Gardening In LA Blog
3w ago
Dessicated foliage from the tremendous winds. Geranium had no problem with the winds...even blooming a bit. Reblooming bearded iris. First camellia. Pink lycoris. Great Winds followed by Great Fires. What a tragic start to the new year! Friends have lost their homes and are feeling estranged from all they'd considered to be their regular everyday life. Even those of us w ..read more
Gardening In LA Blog
1M ago
Tatsoi is a wonderfully productive but mild cool-weather green. Cutie yellow-blooming succulent Blooming rosemary is a wonderful gift for culinary friends Bulbine blooms last almost year 'round Paperwhites let us know that we're in winter Bladderpod also provides yellow blooms and gray-green foliage almost year 'round. They also germinate easily from seeds. The original lanky poinsettia Happy, s ..read more
Gardening In LA Blog
1M ago
My veggie and fruit tree Gardeners' version of the 12 Days of Christmas Last year's snow on our local mountains The Southern California Gardener's snowman Minimalist tree decor NOTE: My newsletter of individual-subject emails highlighting new postings on my website is on hiatus. However, I'm continuing to update postings on the website, especially on the Events, Jobs, and News pages. So p ..read more
Gardening In LA Blog
2M ago
Persimmon tree offers true Fall colors Bromeliad's bloom gradually opens each of the darker-purple true flowers. Begonia's clearly-pink blooms "Purple People Eater" datura Tricolor First paperwhite. Multicolored chard. Nasturtium. Peruvian Daffodil Rose hip. Sunflowers still blooming. Bougainvillea Thai Delight Bougainvillea Barbara Karst &nbs ..read more
Gardening In LA Blog
3M ago
Aristolochia salvadorensis Antirrhinum seed pods Halloweeny green pepper Hodotus fungi Auricularia auricula - Wood Ear Dracula vampira orchid NOTE: My newsletter of individual-subject emails highlighting new postings on my website is on hiatus. However, I'm continuing to update postings on the website, especially on the Events, Jobs, and News pages. So please do ..read more
Gardening In LA Blog
5M ago
Sunburnt camellia leaves Sunburnt fern leaf Sunburnt ivy Amarcrinum loves the heat As does plumeria Plumeria And this Belladonna lily And this delicately two-tone bulb with sky-blue petals centered with pink throats. Ack! What a flip in weather - from mild-enough to resume seeding and transplanting in my previous blog on 8/28/24, to this 4-day burst of 105 ..read more
Gardening In LA Blog
5M ago
Blooming begonia Blooming begonia Propagating begonias Plumeria Amarcrinum Shrimp flower Day-old bulb bloom starts losing its color Amaryllis seed pod developing. Wait till pod has thoroughly dried and cracked open to reveal black paper-thin seeds ready to sow. Last red alstroemeria amongst sunflowers. Grapes ripening Euphorbia blooming Another euphorbia blooming Epidendrum in three colors ..read more
Gardening In LA Blog
6M ago
Newly transplanted Yellow Pear tomato on left. SunSugar on right was transplanted two months ago and is setting fruit. Lots of dead leaves on plants planted in May, but also lots of new foliage and tomatoes set. Asparagus fronds ferny all summer to continue photosynthesizing and adding energy to roots for more harvestable stems next spring. Chard somewhat limpy but continually putting up new tender leaves. Yard Long Beans, Orient Wonder ..read more
Gardening In LA Blog
8M ago
Now that tomato plants have reached the second rung on their cages and have established extensive root systems, I let the blossoms stay on the plants to set fruit.
Just-planted 4" Cherokee Purple tomato plant. I'll keep removing any blossoms until the plant reaches the cage's second rung to focus its energy on establishing a great root system before allowing it to expend energy in setting and maturing fruit.
Lush chard plant provides lots of foliage to harvest.
Tuscan or Dinosaur kale germinated well from scattered seed. Stalks will continue to grow as I harvest the smaller tender ..read more