VertexAI and MongoDB for Intelligent Retail Pricing
MongoDB Blog
18h ago
In today’s competitive retail environment, the ability to quickly adjust pricing in response to market trends, consumer demand, and competitors’ moves is not just an advantage — it's essential for survival. This is where dynamic pricing comes into play, serving as a strategic tool for businesses to pull in their quest for market dominance. Dynamic pricing goes beyond changing numbers; it’s a strategic approach that reflects the dynamic nature of the market, powered by data-driven insights that enable prices to be adjusted in real-time for maximum effectiveness. This shift towards a more agile more
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The Journey of MongoDB with COVESA in the Connected Vehicle Landscape
MongoDB Blog
3d ago
There’s a popular saying: “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” I would argue The Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance (COVESA) in partnership with their extensive member network, turns this saying on its head. They have found a way to go fast, together and also go far, together. COVESA is an industry alliance focused on enabling the widespread adoption of connected vehicle systems. This group aims to accelerate the development of these technologies through collaboration and standardization. It's made up of various stakeholders in the automotive and technology s more
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What’s your Developer Persona?
MongoDB Blog
3d ago
Cool stuff is getting built with MongoDB every day. Behind the scenes are developers, data scientists, and UX designers who use our products in truly innovative ways. We believe developers are doing way more than just writing code and we’ve outlined a few personas we commonly see. Pick your Archetype for custom backgrounds and other shareable content! MongoDB.local NYC Join us in person on May 2, 2024 for our keynote address, announcements, and technical sessions to help you build and deploy mission-critical applications at scale. Use Code Web50 for 50% off your ticket! Learn More The architec more
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Transforming Industries with MongoDB and AI: Insurance
MongoDB Blog
6d ago
This is the fifth in a six-part series focusing on critical AI use cases across several industries. The series covers the manufacturing and motion, financial services, retail, telecommunications and media, insurance, and healthcare industries. With its ability to streamline processes, enhance decision-making, and improve customer experiences in far less time, resources, and staff than traditional IT systems, artificial intelligence offers insurers great promise. In an inherently information-driven industry, insurance companies ingest, analyze, and process massive amounts of data. Whether it’s more
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Fireworks AI y MongoDB: las aplicaciones de IA más rápidas con los mejores modelos, impulsadas por sus datos
MongoDB Blog
6d ago
Nos complace anunciar que Fireworks AI y MongoDB ahora son socios para hacer que la innovación con IA Generativa sea más rápida, más eficiente y más segura. Fireworks AI fue fundada a finales de 2022 por veteranos de la industria del equipo PyTorch de Meta, donde se centraron en la optimización del rendimiento, la mejora de la experiencia del desarrollador y la ejecución de aplicaciones de IA a escala. Es esta la experiencia que Fireworks AI aporta a su plataforma de IA de producción, seleccionando y optimizando los modelos abiertos líderes de la industria. Las pruebas comparativas realizadas more
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Fireworks AI et MongoDB : les applications d'IA les plus rapides avec les meilleurs modèles, alimentées par vos données
MongoDB Blog
6d ago
Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que Fireworks AI et MongoDB s'associent désormais pour rendre l'innovation avec l'IA générative plus rapide, plus efficace et plus sûre. Fireworks AI a été fondée fin 2022 par des experts de l'équipe PyTorch de Meta, qui se sont concentrés sur l'optimisation des performances, l'amélioration de l'expérience des développeurs et l'exécution d'applications d'IA à grande échelle. C'est cette expertise que Fireworks AI apporte à sa plateforme d'IA de production, en conservant et en optimisant les principaux modèles ouverts du secteur. Les analyses comparatives réalisée more
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Fireworks AI e MongoDB: le app IA più veloci con i migliori modelli, alimentate dai tuoi dati
MongoDB Blog
6d ago
Siamo lieti di annunciare che Fireworks AI e MongoDB stanno ora diventando partner per rendere l'innovazione con l'IA generativa più veloce, più efficiente e più sicura. Fireworks AI è stata fondata alla fine del 2022 da veterani del settore provenienti dal team PyTorch di Meta, dove si sono concentrati sull'ottimizzazione delle prestazioni, sul miglioramento dell'esperienza degli sviluppatori e sull'esecuzione di applicazioni IA su larga scala. È questa competenza che Fireworks AI apporta alla sua piattaforma di produzione IA, curando e ottimizzando i principali modelli aperti del settore. Il more
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Fireworks AI e MongoDB: os aplicativos de IA mais rápidos com os melhores modelos, alimentados por seus dados
MongoDB Blog
6d ago
Temos o prazer de anunciar que o Fireworks AI e o MongoDB estão se unindo para tornar a inovação com IA generativa mais rápida, eficiente e segura. O Fireworks AI foi fundado no final de 2022 por veteranos do setor e integrantes da equipe PyTorch da Meta que se concentraram na otimização do desempenho, na melhoria da experiência do desenvolvedor e na execução de aplicativos de IA em grande escala. É essa experiência que o Fireworks AI traz para sua plataforma de IA de produção, selecionando e otimizando os principais modelos abertos do setor. O benchmarking da empresa mostra que os modelos de more
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Fireworks AI 및 MongoDB: 데이터를 기반으로 하는 최고의 모델을 갖춘 가장 빠른 AI 앱
MongoDB Blog
6d ago
Fireworks AI와 MongoDB가 더 빠르고, 더 효율적이고, 더 안전한 생성형 인공지능을 통한 혁신을 실현하기 위해 파트너십을 맺었음을 알려드립니다. Meta의 PyTorch 팀 출신의 업계 베테랑들이 2022년 말에 설립한 Fireworks AI는 성능 최적화, 개발자 경험 개선, 대규모 AI 앱 실행에 중점을 두고 있습니다. Fireworks AI는 이러한 전문성을 바탕으로 업계 최고의 개방형 모델을 큐레이팅하고 최적화하여 프로덕션 AI 플랫폼에 적용하고 있습니다. 이 회사의 벤치마킹에 따르면 Fireworks AI에서 실행되는 생성형 인공지능 모델은 다른 플랫폼에 비해 최고 4배 빠른 추론 속도와 최대 8배 더 높은 처리량과 확장성을 제공합니다. 모델은 애플리케이션 스택에 포함되어 있습니다. 그러나 생성형 인공지능의 성능을 활용하려면 개발자가 해당 모델에 엔터프라이즈 데이터를 가져와야 합니다. 바로 이것이 Fireworks AI가 MongoDB와 파트너십을 맺고 AI 도입의 가장 어려운 과제 중 하나를 해결한 이유입니다. 개발자는 MongoDB Atlas more
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Fireworks AI 和 MongoDB:依托您的数据,借助优质模型,助力您开发高速 AI 应用
MongoDB Blog
6d ago
我们欣然宣布,MongoDB 与 Fireworks AI 正携手合作,让客户能够利用生成式人工智能 (AI),更快速、更高效、更安全地开展创新活动。Fireworks AI 由 Meta 旗下 PyTorch 团队的行业资深人士于 2022 年底创立,他们在团队中主要负责优化性能、提升开发者体验以及大规模运行 AI 应用。 Fireworks AI 将这些专业知识运用于自己的生产 AI 平台,从而整理并优化了业界优质的开放模型。该公司进行了基准测试,结果表明,在 Fireworks AI 上运行的生成式 AI 模型的推断速度比其他同类平台快 4 倍,吞吐量和规模高出多达 8 倍。 模型属于应用程序堆栈的一部分。然而,开发者要想发挥生成式人工智能的力量,还需要将企业数据引入这些模型中。这正是企业采用 AI 时所面临的一大棘手问题,也是 Fireworks AI 与 MongoDB 开展合作的原因。借助 MongoDB Atlas,开发者可以安全地将运营数据、非结构化数据和向量嵌入进行统一,从而安全打造一致、正确和差异化的 AI 应用程序和体验。 Fireworks AI 和 MongoDB 强强联手,精心整理并优化了各种开源模型,为想要结合企业自身专有数据使用这些模型的开发者提供了解决方案,并且能够快速安全地实现这一切。 Fireworks AI more
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