More than Writers
The ACW Committee is comprised of volunteers who are committed to supporting, nurturing and encouraging Christian writers.Their aims to encourage, equip and inspire its members to use their talents with integrity, to produce excellent material which comes from a Christian world view.Blog sharing knowledge and experience of ACW members.
More than Writers
4h ago
I’ve recently returned from leading one of my regular Ready Writers Retreats, in lovely Morecambe Bay. I like to include a poetry workshop as part of the week and, although the content changes from year to year, I always start by making a few similar observations. My chief motivation is to get any reluctant poets on-side, remembering my inner chuntering at school when faced with similar horrors. I’m not going to repeat everything here (why, you’d have to come along for that!) but want to focus on one point: poets see the world differently.
I deliver this annual workshop in the presence of an ..read more
More than Writers
1d ago
Spelling is my least favourite subject: as part of the process side of writing it is my Achilles’ heel — I enjoy the creativity more.
When I first started teaching, though having signed up for History, I was temporarily assigned to an English class for a term. I wrote surrupticious on the board. Immediately, up went a hand and a student politely pointed out, it was wrong. ‘Ah yes’ I said, indulgently wielding my chalk and had another go. ‘But it is still wrong!’ the poor student lamented, now perplexed at my ineptitude. Kids quickly decide whether you are any good or not, so dis ..read more
More than Writers
2d ago
Every now and then, life throws at us moments that are both unexpected and profoundly meaningful. For me, one such moment unfolded during an Association of Christian Writers (ACW) event in London. It was a day coinciding with the poignant anniversary of my father's passing—a man fondly remembered as 'the grammar box' due to his unparalleled speaking and writing prowess. Though he never had the opportunity to publish his work, his legacy lives on through the love for words he instilled in me. This blog isn't solely about my father but rather about an experience that reaffirmed a simple ..read more
More than Writers
3d ago
Public domain image from GetArchive.net
(You may guess my political leanings from what I write here, but I don’t care …)
Ever since he was elected, I have been praying for a generation of Nathans to speak the truth about and to Donald Trump, and so I was cheering when Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde did precisely that from the pulpit.
This inevitably led to, let’s say, dissent, but I was pleasantly surprised to hear one of the president’s supporters, Pastor Lorenzo Sewell, being interviewed on Radio 4. I did not expect to agree with the man and I wasn’t disappointed – but he did make one point ..read more
More than Writers
4d ago
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash
I know that sounds like a firm of solicitors, but all will be revealed.
I don't find scrabble easy, but when you come across random words like Fipple and Snit, it becomes a lot more fun.
For those who don't know, and I'm curious as to how many do know the definition - a fipple is not a cute furry creature on the distant planet of Ny, or a dance that young people do when they've had too much sugar, it's the part of some musical instruments, such as a recorder or pipe, that the player puts into his or her mouth and blows&nbs ..read more
More than Writers
5d ago
As many of you know, I love writing for children and will one day publish my books. But, how do I know anyone out there will want them?
Here are a few tips that have helped me:
1. First of all, banish all worries that nobody else will like your writing. Somebody out there will. Even if it’s just one man called Bob who lives in Texas.
2. Be sure of your objective – if you need to get published to pay the mortgage then you don’t have the luxury of writing stuff you (and Bob) like. You MUST know your target market. Otherwise, get a job at Tesco to tide you over until you hi ..read more
More than Writers
6d ago
Here’s my recollection of the first ACW event I attended.
I arrived earlier than most - a keen newie; put my solitary book on a table in the vestibule and worked my way to a seat in the hall ready to listen to the morning's speakers. At the break, we all shuffled out to see if anyone had shown an interest in our book(s) and to look at other authors’ work.
To say I was shocked, surprised, and amused in equal measure is about right. There was my non-fiction book on Israel surrounded by murder and mayhem, a lot of blood, daggers, detectives, and…more blood. Curious. I don't know quite what I expe ..read more
More than Writers
1w ago
My water lily
… This is what I was doing last Saturday, at a Creative Arts Day at St Columba’s Retreat Centre in Woking. Christian artist and theologian Emma Phillips led the day. The theme was Living Water, based on Bible passages like Psalm 42 and John 4, about Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well.
Our creative exercises took two forms: visual and word-based.
We were each given a glass panel and a template. The image I chose was of a water lily floating on a pond. We then laid our panels flat, fixed securely, on top of the templates. We painted the outlines onto the gl ..read more
More than Writers
1w ago
Picture credit: IMDb
Recently, I saw a modern reworking of the Greek myth, Oedipus, with one of the leading parts played by Lesley Manville. She’s a fabulous actress, and I remembered a very different role she played in Mum, a 2016 TV sitcom.
If you haven’t seen Mum, it’s available on BBC iPlayer, but for those who prefer 'clean' viewing, please be aware the language is ripe and some topics of discussion equally so (the same goes for Oedipus!). However, if that’s okay and you enjoy dry observational humour with an insight into the human condition, it ha ..read more
More than Writers
1w ago
(Sketch of the Goose taken from Freepik)
While we were driving back home this evening, at about 6.30 pm and dark outside, I suddenly noticed something strange crossing the road right in front of us, but couldn't quite make out what it was. When we drove by, I looked to my left and I was so surprised to see a very large Canadian goose standing on the pavement, looking at me. It was not something we have ever seen in our neighbourhood before, as where we live is quite busy and built up, and it just seemed so out of the ordinary to see this big goose on the pavement ..read more