Wintery Knight
A conservative evangelical Protestant Christian,firm supporter of intelligent design ,favor the old-earth (14 billion-year universe) perspective .Integrating Christian faith and knowledge in the public square.
Wintery Knight
20h ago
Welcome to episode 58 of the Knight and Rose podcast! In this episode, Wintery Knight and Desert Rose interview Dr. John West about his new book “Stockholm Syndrome Christianity”. If you like this episode, please subscribe to the podcast, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. We would appreciate it if you left us a 5-star review ..read more
Wintery Knight
2d ago
First, let’s see check with the Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy: ‘Atheism’ means the negation of theism, the denial of the existence of God. Stanford University is one of the top 5 universities in the United States, so that’s a solid definition. To be an atheist is to be a person who makes the claim ..read more
Wintery Knight
3d ago
I found a wonderful series of articles by someone I really trust on origins issues: Dr. Casey Luskin. He has a long history with the intelligent design movement, starting from when he was a college student. He has a BS and MS in Earth Sciences from the University of California, San Diego, a PhD in Geology from ..read more
Wintery Knight
4d ago
It’s hard to to make a ranking of which actions are the best for Christians and conservatives. There have been so many. But this one really draws a line between Trump 1.0 and Trump 2.0. The most common complaint I heard from Trump supporters after his first term was that he didn’t do enough to ..read more
Wintery Knight
5d ago
I’m sure that I don’t have to tell anyone this, but Wikipedia is not a reliable website, if you are looking up topics like religion, science or policy. If you need to prove this to anyone, then bookmark this post. Because we’re going to take a look at a new study by the Media Research ..read more
Wintery Knight
6d ago
Well, Rose and I finished reading Dr. John West’s new book “Stockholm Syndrome Christianity”, and we recorded an interview with him about the topics he discusses in the book. One of the topics he is passionate about is how Christian colleges can maintain their Christian identity. He worked at a college that slid into secular ..read more
Wintery Knight
1w ago
I always get excited when the annual report on Canadian healthcare comes out. A lot of people in my office love single payer healthcare. Except they don’t know how it works in countries that have tried it. They imagine that it works well. They love the idea that healthcare will be free for them. But ..read more
Wintery Knight
1w ago
What is the root cause of criminal behavior? This article by feminist sociologist W. Bradford Wilcox, who points out the link between fatherlessness and crime in an article on the AEI web site. Wilcox writes: From Adam Lanza, who killed 26 children and adults a year ago at Sandy Hook School in Newtown, Conn., to ..read more
Wintery Knight
1w ago
Abigail Shrier wrote a popular book called “Irreversible Damage” where she talked about the movement to change a child’s appearance to the opposite sex with drugs and surgeries. Her goal was to convince voters that this caused “irreversible harm” to children. Now that president Trump has signed a ban on taxpayer-funding of transitioning children, she ..read more
Wintery Knight
1w ago
So, in response to yesterday’s post, I have been asked what are some of the other reasons that cause men to become disinterested in dating and marriage. I have a list as long as my arm. But here’s another one for today. Today’s reason is that the legal is system is biased against men. There ..read more