How to turn your profile viewers into clients
LinkedIn for Business
by WP Developer
1M ago
LinkedIn for business prospecting is a well-known business tool. One of the most popular features is “Who’s Viewed Your Profile.” If you are a novice LinkedIn user, you may not pay much attention to this feature, but experienced salespeople know the value. This feature is now only available only to users with ‘premium’ LinkedIn account. I have written a blog post titled “Should you Upgrade your LinkedIn Free Account to Premium” which breaks down all the account types. Golden Opportunity Not everyone who views your profile could be a prospect, on the other hand – this is also an opportunity to more
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Latest LinkedIn Updates That Could Get You More Exposure
LinkedIn for Business
by JoAnne Funch
1M ago
[June 2024] Here are the latest updates LinkedIn has incorporated into the platform that I believe active users will want to be aware of and implement. Making the platform work ‘for you’ is key because only a small percentage of users will take action and adjust with the changes. You may not agree with some of the updates LinkedIn or any other social platform makes, but if you are an active user on these platforms you might as well leverage them in your favor. Creator Mode Blue Connect or Follow choice was removed. Choose primary button now in settings. If you already have creator mode turned more
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Creator Mode UPDATE May 2024
LinkedIn for Business
by JoAnne Funch
2M ago
I’ve written many articles here on this blog on the LinkedIn feature Creator Mode which was originally brought out in 2021. The initial concept was to both encourage and help creators get their posts viewed by more of their network. At the time, LinkedIn was encouraging users to post useful content which if they found it useful would share it organically to a large audience in your network and beyond. (What you thought was useful may have been different then what LinkedIn deemed useful – thus your statistics reflected it.) This resulted in post getting high rates of organic post impressions, w more
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[NEW] Introducing Games on LinkedIn
LinkedIn for Business
by JoAnne Funch
2M ago
Daniel Roth, VP at LinkedIn just announced on May 1, 2024 that LinkedIn continues to bring people together by offering games on LinkedIn! You read it right – LinkedIn now offers member games! From my perspective, this is another way to keep people on the platform which is the goal of ALL social media sites. Roth said “Games, knowledge, and news have always gone together — the first “word-cross,” as it was then called, debuted 111 years ago in the New York World — and it’s no wonder. All involve stretching your mind but in complementary ways. You learn, you solve, and the back-and-forth builds more
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LinkedIn Updates You Should Know About: April 2024
LinkedIn for Business
by JoAnne Funch
3M ago
#1 – From the HOME tab you see a snapshot of your profile. Previously the stats under your photo were: Profile Viewers and Post Impressions. Now you see in the image below, this has changed to show you the number of connections and any pending invitations. #2 – Change to ‘Followers’ For anyone who has turned on the Creator Mode feature, you now see a blue invite button which turns to a Follow button. I have written extensively about this topic, so I won’t go into details again. What I want to point out is now in settings under visibility-> followers – you can choose who if you want to make more
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Visibility Gap: 3 Strategies to Get Noticed on LinkedIn
LinkedIn for Business
by JoAnne Funch
4M ago
In today’s digital world, building a strong online presence is crucial for professional success. But many of us struggle with a frustrating “visibility gap” on platforms like LinkedIn. We know we have valuable expertise, but potential employers, collaborators, or clients just aren’t seeing it. Fear not! This blog post will equip you with 3 powerful strategies to bridge that gap and get noticed on LinkedIn. We’ll explore 3 key areas of opportunity on LinkedIn. LinkedIn News You find this column on the upper right corner from the Home page. LinkedIn editors post the most relevant news stories o more
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What type of content works best on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn for Business
by JoAnne Funch
4M ago
Knowing what type of content works best on LinkedIn in 2024 can seem like a daunting task you never wanted to master, but in today’s digital world, people meet us online often before offline we have the ability to build trust and awareness with what we post to LinkedIn. Did you know that 75% of B2B buyers use social media to make buying decisions? (According to data from LinkedIn.) Content builds trust and positions your expertise. People buy from those they see as an expert. Having a profile isn’t enough, amplify that by posting valued content) 5 expert tips to help you get more visibility more
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How to Maximize Visibility Working with LinkedIn’s Algorithm
LinkedIn for Business
by JoAnne Funch
5M ago
As with all social media and search engines, algorithms determine what you see online. Algorithms are complex but this article will simplify what that means for you specifically to the LinkedIn platform. Algorithms are rules, signals and data that govern the platform’s operation. These algorithms determine how content is filtered, ranked, selected and recommended to users. According to the social management tool Social Pilot, “All social media platforms have their algorithm comprising various ranking signals. You can never determine all these ranking signals, but you can surely mold your conte more
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New LinkedIn Features 2024
LinkedIn for Business
by JoAnne Funch
5M ago
What is important to understand about LinkedIn is that they will remain the #1 social platform for professionals with 1B users globally, and they are investing in making the platform better every year. There were more than 150 updates on LinkedIn in 2023 and more to come in 2024. If you subscribe to my email list you will receive these notifications via email. This is important because LinkedIn does not contact its member to let them know the latest updates, rather they rely on experts such as myself to share this information. Which LinkedIn Features are Important? That may depend on how you u more
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5 LinkedIn Adjustments You Should Make in January
LinkedIn for Business
by JoAnne Funch
7M ago
As you execute your new year goals including your marketing goals, you want to spend a little time updating LinkedIn especially if this is a tool you use for your marketing. These updates also apply if you are seeking a career move and want to be found. LinkedIn is notorious for not publicizing changes unless you know which of their blogs to follow or you follow experts like me who keep my network updated to changes they most want to know about. Here are 5 adjustments I suggest you make in January to your LinkedIn profile and company page if you want to improve your visibility and gain a compe more
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