Vivacious Victorian
This is a blog about our adventures in Renovation and Historic Preservation. We are husband and wife on a crazy, fun and creative journey. We love old houses, historic preservation, and making things beautiful, especially things that someone gave up on. Join us on our story of saving the house of our dreams.
Vivacious Victorian
1M ago
Sometimes I get to the end of a year, and think, “Man, I didn’t get a lot done.” And then I look through pictures and think – “Okay….. that was actually a lot, and you deserve a nap.” This was one of those years! We finished (ALMOST) all of my Studio! I presented at the ..read more
Vivacious Victorian
3M ago
When we did the Laundry Room, we moved this glorious and huge cabinet up to the room that would be my Studio, because it’s an amazing piece, and I would need all the storage. It’s not original to the house (as far as we know, since the room it was in was an addition) so ..read more
Vivacious Victorian
4M ago
So, in the last post I showed you all of the damage that happened, both because of both insects and water to our wood porch steps. And the decision to replace the steps, while expensive, gave us a chance to honor the original steps, which were concrete. But we didn’t just want to do plain ..read more
Vivacious Victorian
4M ago
Do it the right way the first time and you save money in the long term. Right? Here’s the thing with that philosophy : You may not know the the “right way” at the “right time.” And that’s normal, expensive. frustrating, and TOTALLY OKAY. If this has happened to you, you aren’t alone. When we ..read more
Vivacious Victorian
5M ago
On a trip to Cincinnati a while back, we stopped at a Salvage – Antique Store, Wooden Nickel. As often happens, we found something when we weren’t even looking for it. I wasn’t ever considering putting a piece of stained glass into my studio, but when we found this, there was no way we could ..read more
Vivacious Victorian
5M ago
Okay – here are the Before – During – and After pictures of my Dressing Room on the Third Floor! Front Wall – Tower Nook – Closet Wall – Hallway Wall – From the Corner – Another corner ..read more
Vivacious Victorian
5M ago
Once we moved my studio downstairs, my office on the third floor was empty. The third floor has ALL the closets in the house, and the bathroom we use primarily is up there. So all of our clothes are ALSO up there! I have too many clothes. And shoes. For real – WAY too many ..read more
Vivacious Victorian
5M ago
Just as an aside, sometimes when I type “sconces” I accidentally type “scones” and then I’m hungry for an hour. Last post, I chatted about how we made the narrow antique sconces work for the wall with modern electrical. So now, let’s get them up! Here’s what the wallpaper “cover” (for lack of a better ..read more
Vivacious Victorian
6M ago
If you love historic sconces but have struggled with their size and how they can work with modern electrical, THIS POST IS FOR YOU. Okay, so there is this amazing antique store / architectural salvage place in Indianapolis called Architectural Antiques of Indianapolis. This is the place that you go if you want to find ..read more
Vivacious Victorian
6M ago
A while back, I posted about this amazing chair that had been gifted to us, and how it was WAY TOO SCARY for me to upholster on my own, so we hired out. I don’t know if every old-house person is this way, but we have so many chairs. SO MANY. It’s rather obscene, actually ..read more