Chef in disguise
Sawsan is the Chef in Disguise that shares easy authentic middle eastern recipes along with family favorites from around the globe. You will also get a taste of life in the middle east, the culture, and the famous landmarks.
Chef in disguise
1y ago
I have not posted regularly here in a while but this blog is nothing if not a love letter to Palestine, its people, history, and culture.
So if you are someone who is not sure where to start educating yourself about what’s going on or if you have friends and colleagues who keep coming to you with questions or asking for documented credible resources to get informed. This post is for you.
In it I tried to compile a list of interviews, videos, books, journalists on the ground, authors and creators, a simplified and short summary of the history, and other resources I hope will help shed light ..read more
Chef in disguise
1y ago
What do I do?
Life is back to normal
for them.
Not me.
I will never be normal
What do I do?
Stay focused
Another Palestinian grandfather holding up
their dead two month old grandchild
Stop crying
Push the rage down
Actually,leave it on
Turn it up slowly
Not too much
They’ ll stop listening
Just let it “be” for fuel.
Though, not combustion
All of Gaza is
My mind feels like it’s also combusting
What do I do?
So many words flying
around in my head
Trying to catch them all.
to piece them together, to tell a story
How many stories do we need to tell?
How many ha ..read more
Chef in disguise
1y ago
Falafel might be one of the most popular street food/ breakfast items in the Arab world. That being said there is a less popular and deliciously different cousin called falafel mahshi (stuffed falafel).
What is Falafel mahshi?
Falafel mahshi simply put are fried falafel patties stuffed with an onion and sumac mix. The mix can be caramelized or not, depending on the area and personal preference. Falafel mahshi patties are usually much larger in size than regular falafel to accommodate for the stuffing. More often than not, the falafel orbs are dipped in sesame seeds before stuffing adding a lay ..read more
Chef in disguise
1y ago
What if I told you that this cake is :
1. Made of leftover bread
2. Takes 10 minutes to prepare and only 20 minutes to bake
3. The ingredients are super simple and you probably have them at home already
4. It tastes exactly like super fluffy cinnamon rolls
5. It is a great way to reduce food waste especially if you have kids who are extra fond of sandwiches or if you buy bread rolls regularly
Why make a cake out of bread?
Reports say that 30% of food is wasted every year. The percentage is infuriating on its own but when you consider that 828 million people around the globe are unsur ..read more
Chef in disguise
1y ago
This winter and spring have been some of the weirdest I have seen. After an early start, the rain season seemed to come to an abrupt halt and weeks went on without rain or clouds to the point that people were concerned about the summer water supply and farmers expressed grave concern regarding wheat and vegetables. Spring was approaching and the lush green and colourful flowers that usually grace the hills this time of the year were nowhere to be seen.
Then 3 rain storms a couple of weeks apart changed everything. It rained for days. Taking the annual rain total from 40-70% of the expected ave ..read more
Chef in disguise
1y ago
The Sweet Truth of Lavender
If only folks were honest as lavender
Lavender, which smells sweet as it’s flowers
appear, and is edible as its aroma promises.
It is not colored periwinkle,
plum, nor violet, amethyst,
amaranthe, or lilac even
and that vibrant truth of authenticity is enough.
Did you ever think about a flower in terms of truth, honesty or authenticity?
Something to think about and a little hint at our upcoming recipe ..read more
Chef in disguise
1y ago
Kofta bil wara (Kofta wrapped in grapevine leaves) is a traditional Palestinian delicacy that hails from our beloved Jerusalem.
The use of grape leaves as a wrapping adds a refreshing sour and herbal note to the spicy meat and it makes for an elegant presentation.
You can cook your Kofta bil warak in tomato juice, lemon infused broth or pomegranate-infused broth.Each of the three options adds a unique and complex flavor profile.
My favorite happens to be the lemon broth but I highly recommend trying all three.
What is warak enab?
Warak enab is the leaves of the grape vines. Usually fresh leave ..read more
Chef in disguise
2y ago
Bloom wherever you are planted
Bloom beautifully
bloom softly
how ever you need
just bloom
Rupi Kaur
ازهر اينما زرعت
لا تجعل عطاءك، ولا الخير المؤمل منك، محصورا بمكان تكون فيه، أو موضع توضع فيه، حتى إذا لم تكن في هذا المكان، ولم ينزلك الله بذلك المنزل، قطعت الخير، وبخلت بما عندك؛ بل : كن نافعا حيثما كنت، وليكن مثلك كمثل المؤمن: يرجى خيره ونفعه أينما  ..read more
Chef in disguise
2y ago
When my son was small (3-5 years old), he was a super picky eater. Vegetables and soups were something he struggled with a lot. We tried a lot of things to help but the turning point for him was actually a book!
Helen Cooper’s pumpkin soup.
We found the book by accident in the most unlikely place. A craft market here in Amman. A local library sadly had a fire and while they renovated they displayed their books in the craft market because it was near the library’s location. The wrapping actually had traces of smoke residue on it
Pumpkin soup was about a picky duck that would only eat Pumpkin so ..read more
Chef in disguise
2y ago
Looking for a fancy,show-stopping dessert that you can make ahead of time without all the stress of last-minute preparations?
Try madlouka
As we approach the middle of Ramadan, family get-togethers and friendly iftar’s are something I personally look forward to. You are done with the formal invitations and the race for who invites who first that happens in the first week and it is now time to slow down and soak up the true meaning of Ramadan with those you care for the most. What better way to end a meal than with a dessert that is easy to make, stress-free yet looks elegant and plays on the f ..read more