Rob Frankel's Blog
Based out of robfrankel.com, Rob Frankel has been called "the best branding expert on the planet", Rob turns users into evangelists for funded start-ups and Fortune 1000 companies. He's the author of "The Revenge of Brand X: How to Build a Big Time Brand on the Web or Anywhere Else" and founder of
i-legions.com, which builds revenue-generating Branded Communities (R) for major brands.
Rob Frankel's Blog
3M ago
In the annals of American history, few can match the notoriety of Arnold Rothstein. If you've never heard of him, you're not alone. His is not a name venerated by historians or patriots, owing to the fact that Arnold Rothstein was the OG of the American underworld. Known for his powerful intelligence, Rothstein financed, fixed and finagled the world of business and professional sports, including --allegedly -- the 1919 World Series.
Rothstein rarely resorted to physical violence. In most cases, he didn't need to. Known as "the Brain," he usually outsmarted his adversaries -- and not always eth ..read more
Rob Frankel's Blog
9M ago
How bad is the American economy?
Well, you and I know that you can't trust the government statistics. But anecdotal evidence, like grocery bills, mortgage rates and gas prices tell the story, if more quietly. And here's another little indicator:
One of the first things you see when times get really bad for white collar types is the rise of networking groups. All of a sudden, people who use to guard their businesses the way Russia guards its nuclear codes decide to not be selfish. They open up over early morning bagels and coffee, sharing information, leads and strategies to a big, friendly ..read more
Rob Frankel's Blog
11M ago
I don't care what your politics is. If you're an American citizen, you simply cannot deny that the United States has a serious immigration problem. Understand that I don't mean the United States has a problem with immigrants. It has a problem with how it manages its immigration. I doubt that anyone would dispute that the situation is out of control, with too many immigrants -- both good and bad -- flooding into the country without any means of documentation.
Of course there are all kinds of political fingers pointing at policies and personalities, but that's not going to solve very ..read more
Rob Frankel's Blog
1y ago
I'm a long haul Apple user. Not just iPhone. I'm talking about desktops and laptops. I've been a Mac guy for decades and for the most part, I've been very pleased. Overall, however, I grieve for a once great company.
One of the reasons I've always liked the Mac is that I seldom have had to rely on what Apple loosely terms "Customer Support." Originally, Apple Customer Service Representatives were highly motivated, knowledgeable, helpful and accessible. They could solve almost any problem by phone, cheerfully and authoritatively. For all I know, they may still be. But I don't know, because Appl ..read more
Rob Frankel's Blog
1y ago
As the globalist hysteria wanes around the world -- and don't kid yourself, at the time of this writing it really is waning -- one can't help wondering as to why the socialist, communist and globalist agenda are falling flat on their faces. Though history teaches us that the world is an ever-changing vortex, not everything shifts in the wind. Some things never change.
And because they don't, changes are definitely on the way.
Forget about which political party you hate. Ignore any candidate you favor. Because at the end of the day, neither is really important. I'll tell ..read more
Rob Frankel's Blog
1y ago
At the time of this writing, the world is in a mess. More of a mess, I'd say, than at any time since the Korean War, for sure. It isn't that there are lots of countries engaged in kinetic conflict. But it's definitely at a point where a lot of places are in a lot of flux. A whole range of pots of simmering on the stove, all seemingly about to boil over.
If you've been keeping up, you can list conflicts -- political, environmental and economic -- on just about every continent, with the possible exception of Antarctica, where penguins still worry about little more than t ..read more
Rob Frankel's Blog
1y ago
One of the great advantages of being older is that you can draw on years of war stories: lessons you learned from personal experience rather than history books. Don't get me wrong, history books are where I live most of the time, because I'm a confirmed believer in learning from other people's mistakes. But sometimes, there are mistakes made that simply don't appear in the history books. Sometimes, they occur for the first time ever, and if you're observant enough, you just might catch them as they happen. In fact, we're seeing one right now, in the case of imitation foods and they're in ..read more
Rob Frankel's Blog
1y ago
If you're wondering what the Democrats have up their sleeves for 2024, I'm going to speculate that their nominee is Gavin Newsom from California. Here's why:
1. Newsom is Nancy Pelosi's nephew. Her inter-married families have ruled California for the last 60+ years (Google "Brown-Pelosi-Getty-Newsom California" to learn that history). Now they're going for the brass ring. Nancy will use everything she has to put Newsom in contention for the presidency of the United States.
2. At this writing, the only Democrat in the field other than Joe Biden is Robert Kennedy Jr., who is, by all accounts, a ..read more
Rob Frankel's Blog
2y ago
At the time of this writing, if you listen to any media, you're convinced that the world is about to end and that the United States -- as we once knew it -- will cease to exist. Pundits the world over are selling clicks and ads as they conflate a myriad of events that in reality, seem to suggest that everything is inextricably tied together through cause, correlation or both. Front and center is the usual conclusion that "this means the end of the dollar as the world's reserve currency."
But is really? As I've mentioned so many times previously, I'm just a brand strategy guy, but t ..read more
Rob Frankel's Blog
2y ago
As is so often the case, I found myself in a political conversation. This time with someone who was expressing her dislike for former British Prime Minster Boris Johnson. "Ugh," she grimaced, "I would never support him. He's awful."
I found that intriguing. "And which of his policies, "I queried, " do you find so objectionable?" My question was followed by stunned silence. I waited. And waited. After a minute or so, I couldn't resist:
"You have no idea of ANY of his policies, do you? You just don't like that he's fat and his hair is a mess."
Her sheepish grin indicated I w ..read more