✔️ Moving to Michael.Team
Passionate Productivity By Michael Sliwinski
4y ago
After many many years... actually April 2012... I’m moving my blog to a new domain, new server, new technology and new design. Just check it out - go to: Michael.team Above you can see the design of the page - it's simple, supports dark mode, loads freakin' fast and much more... to read more about the change: Why? How? When? And much more, just check out my new blog post which explains everything ..read more
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? The Podcast #207 - Competition Gossip Corner
Passionate Productivity By Michael Sliwinski
4y ago
This week on The Podcast we are gossiping we’re talking about our favorite competition (and inspiration!), Basecamp guys pre-announcing a new version of their product for next year, and launching a new email service HEY - we’re just wondering what it’s all about... Listen to the entire episode (~ 41 min): Subscribe to The Podcast in Apple Podcasts | Get RSS | YouTube If you liked it, please rate us on Apple Podcasts, thanks! The Podcast is a weekly podcast chat with Radek (VP Apple Technologies at Nozbe) and yours truly (CEO at Nozbe) about productivity, business, books, and whatever else com ..read more
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? 41 - may you live in interesting times...
Passionate Productivity By Michael Sliwinski
4y ago
Last Wednesday, on May 20, 2020 - I turned forty one. Last year I closed out the four decades and this year I'm starting to really embrace the number four in my age. Especially now that the global COVID-19 pandemic is in full swing, I appreciate more than ever that I'm in a good health and I still have a job. Well, two actually as we've finally launched Nozbe Teams - our second productivity app - and we already have first paying customers. Anyway, here's the recap of my "birthday thoughts": COVID-19 "coronavirus" ? ? ? pandemic has scared the shit out of me... Reminds me of the Star Wars quot ..read more
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✔️ My new journaling routine for 2020 using Shortcuts on iPad or iPhone
Passionate Productivity By Michael Sliwinski
5y ago
I've been keeping a semi-regular journal for the past few years and every now and then I'm tweaking the way I approach it. In 2016 I posted why it's important for me to journal regularly and who inspired me to do that. In 2018 I posted my updated workflows for journaling and planning the day with additional apps I was using - Ulysses, Bear, etc. Later I introduced the concept of intermittent journaling with updated workflows. For 2020 and iOS13 I decided to review and simplify all of this and now I write both my journal and daily planning in Bear app using only three Shortcuts in iOS - here ar ..read more
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