Hypothyroid Mom
Symptoms of hypothyroidism in women have devastating effects on well-being. Hypothyroid Mom reveals secrets about an underactive thyroid that will redefine health for the millions of mothers worldwide who suffer from this thyroid disease.
Hypothyroid Mom
2M ago
You might have noticed that I haven’t posted a new article in a few years, but I’m back. I’ve discovered a number of recently published studies related to hypothyroidism that...
The post Hypothyroidism-Induced Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Yup, It’s A Thing. was written by Dana Trentini and first appeared on Hypothyroid Mom - Feel better with hypothyroidism, finally ..read more
Hypothyroid Mom
1y ago
Since creating Hypothyroid Mom in 2012, I’ve heard from reader after reader telling me that they feel better with regular use of infrared saunas. With one million people following Hypothyroid Mom it can’t be mere coincidence. Hypothyroidism symptoms are tough and it takes extraordinary strength to live them day in and day out. I’ve long […]
The post Practical Ways To Use Your Sauna To Help Relieve Symptoms of Hypothyroidism was written by Dana Trentini and first appeared on Hypothyroid Mom - Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Disease ..read more
Hypothyroid Mom
1y ago
This poem. It’s about hypothyroidism and it’s perfect. I’ll be okay – a poem I wrote about hypothyroidism. I’ll be okay, but my memory is not all there. I’ll be okay, but I live in despair. I’ll be okay, but I can never find the energy. I’ll be okay, it’s part of my identity. I’ll […]
The post A poem about hypothyroidism was written by Dana Trentini and first appeared on Hypothyroid Mom - Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Disease ..read more
Hypothyroid Mom
1y ago
Oh how I wish the good old days of hypothyroidism, when doctors really listened to a patient’s symptoms, would come back again. Let me be blunt. The modern way of treating hypothyroidism sucks. Written by Hugh Melnick, MD Hypothyroidism was described in the 1850’s and was first successfully treated in the 1890’s with a preparation […]
The post An Old Fashioned Doctor’s Approach To Hypothyroidism was written by Dana Trentini and first appeared on Hypothyroid Mom - Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Disease ..read more
Hypothyroid Mom
1y ago
This is the doctor who finally got my thyroid treatment right when other doctors dismissed obvious symptoms because my thyroid lab tests kept coming up “normal”. What’s “normal” anyway? Written by Hugh Melnick, MD Can hypothyroidism exist when the results of a person’s thyroid blood tests are reported to be in the “normal range”? The […]
The post Can hypothyroidism exist when thyroid blood tests are normal? was written by Dana Trentini and first appeared on Hypothyroid Mom - Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Disease ..read more
Hypothyroid Mom
1y ago
Has your doctor told you that you have multiple nutrient deficiencies including low iron, low vitamin D, magnesium, and B12 but you have no idea why? Do you struggle with uncomfortable acid reflux? Do you take over-the-counter antacids or have you been prescribed a PPI (proton pump inhibitor)? Do you experience indigestion and belly bloating […]
The post Protein & stomach acid – and the massive importance for thyroid health was written by Dana Trentini and first appeared on Hypothyroid Mom - Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Disease ..read more
Hypothyroid Mom
2y ago
Sugar cravings. They might be the early warning signs of a low thyroid problem. Are you listening? Written by Sophie Anson SUGAR CRAVINGS & A LOW THYROID PROBLEM It will come as no surprise that cravings are one of the primary reasons people struggle with weight loss and maintenance, and people suffering from hypothyroidism must […]
The post Why We Crave Sugar: Could It Be Thyroid? Plus, 11 Ways To Fix It was written by Dana Trentini and first appeared on Hypothyroid Mom - Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Disease ..read more
Hypothyroid Mom
3y ago
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is the most widely circulated medical journal in the world. In an article titled The Thyroid And The Nose all the way back in 1952, researchers wrote this:[1,2] For several decades rhinologists and endocrinologists have been aware of a relation between thyroid deficiency and nasal disease. That […]
The post The Thyroid, Nose And Sinuses was written by Dana Trentini and first appeared on Hypothyroid Mom - Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Disease ..read more
Hypothyroid Mom
3y ago
At Hypothyroid Mom I hear all types of thyroid stories. This one may very well be the story of your thyroid life too. It’s the story of a woman who finally got healthy and lost the stubborn weight that just wouldn’t budge by taking a good look beyond her thyroid. Written by Sophie Anson For […]
The post Fit And Healthy Took Looking Beyond Her Thyroid was written by Dana Trentini and first appeared on Hypothyroid Mom - Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Disease ..read more
Hypothyroid Mom
4y ago
“I can’t feel my legs. They’re numb or something, Hey wait, are swollen?” I said to myself as I shaved my legs one day several months after the birth of my first son in 2006. I glided the razor over my lower legs again then again and again as the feelings of surprise then disbelief […]
The post My Darn Hypothyroid Legs was written by Dana Trentini and first appeared on Hypothyroid Mom - Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Disease ..read more