The Construction Index
The Construction Index is one of the leading online information sources for the UK construction industry. The website provides a wide range of content including - comprehensive coverage of the main news and issues affecting the construction industry; contract leads, tenders, and awards; in depth market forecasts; construction law analysis.
The Construction Index
18h ago
Plans have been submitted for the construction of a multi-billion pound data centre on the Northumberland coast more
The Construction Index
20h ago
Costain has won a major contract to deliver tunnel and lineside mechanical and electrical (M&E) systems for HS2 more
The Construction Index
20h ago
A new landmark has popped up at Tilbury Docks – an inflatable silo for storing cement more
The Construction Index
20h ago
Ramboll UK’s acting managing director, former finance chief Neil Sansbury, has now been given the job on a permanent basis more
The Construction Index
20h ago
Scotland’s Low Carbon Concrete Collective has welcomed into its fold Recycl8, a company that specialises in repurposing incinerator bottom ash as a cement substitute more
The Construction Index
20h ago
Regeneration specialist Artisan Real Estate is progressing with the demolition of the former Deutsche Bank House at 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh, making way for a residential-led redevelopment of the site more
The Construction Index
20h ago
Concrete equipment specialist Utranazz is launching what it claims to be the UK’s smartest volumetric concrete mixer more
The Construction Index
20h ago
Paving slab Tobermore is planning a £12m investment in expanding its operations to meet an anticipated growth in demand from house-builders more
The Construction Index
20h ago
Workers building the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station have installed Britain’s first new nuclear reactor for more than 30 years more
The Construction Index
2d ago
Peel Waters has appointed John Graham Construction to deliver the first phase of its Central Docks regeneration scheme more