Kristina Running Blog
This blog is all about Kristina'a life which means if you stick around, you’ll read about three things - Adam (her other half), Cecil (her cat) and running. She is a nine time half marathoner and one time marathoner. Her big goal is to run a 50-miler.
Kristina Running Blog
4y ago
Hi there! I’m excited to be officially back to blogging. The big news is that I won’t be blogging here, I’ll actually be blogging at KristinaPix.com. The first post is up, so definitely go check that out as soon as…
The post Why I *Really* Took a Blog Hiatus first appeared on kristina running ..read more
Kristina Running Blog
4y ago
Hey there, long time no see! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I am re-launching the blog on Friday, February 1st! My new posting schedule will (probably be): new blog posts every Monday and Wednesday…
The post Tap Tap, Is This Thing On? first appeared on kristina running ..read more
Kristina Running Blog
4y ago
Hi guys! As you have probably noticed I haven’t had much time to blog recently. I have been trying to update my Instagram Stories a lot more throughout the day, although admittedly it’s just a lot of me and Cecil…
The post Blog Hiatus - Daily Updates on Instagram first appeared on kristina running ..read more
Kristina Running Blog
4y ago
Hey there! The time has come: to decorate for Christmas! When Adam and I lived in an apartment we never decorated for Christmas for some reason. In 2016 when we bought our house we had all intentions of decorating but…
The post Decorating My Living Room for Christmas (Part 1) first appeared on kristina running ..read more
Kristina Running Blog
4y ago
Hey there! If you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel you may have already seen this video since I posted it a couple days ago, but if you’re not … please go subscribe :). It’s free and there are not many…
The post What I Eat to Lose Weight: For Lunch first appeared on kristina running ..read more
Kristina Running Blog
4y ago
Hey there! I’m super excited to be back to making videos and I’m especially excited to be sharing a race recap today! For those who just want the stats Adam and I (aka Team Cecil’s Parents) ran an official time…
The post Day in the Life: Half Marathon Relay first appeared on kristina running ..read more
Kristina Running Blog
4y ago
Hey there! This is just another quick update to say hello :). I’m still fighting off the cold I caught last week, but I got in a decent 2-mile run @ a moderate pace and my lungs felt good so…
The post What's Going On Here? first appeared on kristina running ..read more
Kristina Running Blog
4y ago
Hey guys! I just wanted to quickly sign on and say hello and that I’m still alive but barely :). I knew this week would be tough because we’ve got a million projects at work all coming to a head…
The post I'm Still Alive first appeared on kristina running ..read more