The Long Journey To the Fall of Roe v. Wade
by Tyler Weaver
8M ago
The fall of Roe v. Wade has led to a significant shift in the abortion rights landscape. The anti-abortion movement’s long-term strategy has been successful in achieving one of their main goals. The impact on access to IVF and certain forms of birth control is a concern. Democrats are facing pressure to respond with a generational plan, but it remains unclear how they will do so. The future of abortion rights is uncertain, with some wondering if women may need to run for president to secure reproductive autonomy. The situation highlights the need for increased awareness and engagement on this more
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Trump and Foxconn’s Factory Failed to Bring Jobs to America?
by Tyler Weaver
8M ago
Did Trump’s plan to bring foreign manufacturing jobs to the US pan out? Or was it just a ruse to appear that something productive was happening? It turns out, the plan to bring 12,000 jobs to Wisconsin actually yielded very few jobs, and was a failed project. The local government took on project debt and removed homes through eminent domain, and all for the end result of not actually building a facility with numerous jobs benefiting the local economy. more
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The Trump Team’s Delay Tactics and the Future of Special Counsels
by Tyler Weaver
9M ago
In recent developments pertaining to the Trump immunity cases, U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon has signaled her intention to hold a substantial hearing on the matter of special counsel Jack Smith’s appointment. This marks yet another successful delay tactic employed by former President Donald Trump and his legal team. While Cannon’s apparent interest in the subject is noteworthy, it also feeds into the two chief criticisms of her handling of the case: that she’s slow-walking it and treating Trump’s delay tactics more seriously than they deserve. This effort to question the legality of spe more
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Liars Paradise? How Fact Checking Will Play a Role in Debates
by Tyler Weaver
9M ago
With the upcoming presidential debates scheduled between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, it’s essential to consider how fact-checkers will play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and accuracy during these discussions. As Mr. Trump has a history of making false or misleading claims, having independent moderators like CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, as well as ABC’s debate moderators, will be critical in maintaining the integrity of these events. During the debates, fact-checkers will have to swiftly address any untrue statements made by the candidates, helping viewers understand which claims more
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Top 10 Reasons You Feel Lazy- But Actually Aren’t
by Annia Soronio
9M ago
Constantly feeling tired and lazy? There might be more than meets the eye. One Reddit user shared with the Reddit community how she struggled with extreme laziness and how she didn’t want to do anything with her life—even the simplest things. Here’s an excerpt of the OP’s problem: “I (32f) am the laziest person I know. It’s a huge problem and I know I need to fix it. I just don’t know how. Aside from relying on motivation (which I don’t have) to get me off my a-, I have no idea what I’m meant to do. “I’ve always been this way, for as long as I can remember. As a kid/teen my parents would refus more
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25 Terrible Movies That Still Got Nominated for Best Picture
by Liz Ervin
9M ago
Is there a film that received critical acclaim and a nomination for Best Picture that has you scratching your head? Then, you’ve got company. After someone asked a popular online forum, “Which terrible movie somehow got nominated for Best Picture?” These were the top-voted films. 1. Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) Image Credit: 20th Century Fox “Bohemian Rhapsody was dull, historically inaccurate to the actual events, and had bad editing, but somehow it won the Golden Globe. And gets multiple Oscar nominations, including Best Picture,” one said. Another replied, “I watched Bohemian Rhapsody more
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25 Emotional Songs for When You Really Need a Good Cry
by Gail A.
9M ago
Do you ever get those melancholic emotions that leave you feeling wrecked yet strangely fulfilled? Many of us go through difficult emotional times, and music can be an incredible way to cope. To help in these moments, we’ve compiled a list of the 25 most emotionally charged songs—from tracks about heartbreak to ones about perseverance. These are pieces that tap into our deepest emotions and leave us with chills when listening. 1. “Love Is a Losing Game” Photo Credit: Shutterstock. One user stated, “‘Love is a Losing Game’—Amy Winehouse. That song crushes me.” Another Redditor replied, “Second more
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Top 15 Actors Who Can Pull Off Serious and Funny Roles
by Gail A.
9M ago
Do you ever walk out of the movie theatre after seeing a film and just want to applaud? It can be so satisfying when your favourite actor holds their own in a serious role, successfully transitioning from funny to dynamic and back again. The best actors have mastered the skill of seamlessly segueing between different tonal registers, creating memorable performances that stay with you long after the credits roll. Below are the top 15 picks for those who excel at humorous and dramatic roles! 1. John C. Reilly Photo Credit: Matteo Chinellato / Shutterstock. “John C. Reilly, who even had a comedic more
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20 Movie Character Deaths That Wrecked Us
by Gail A.
9M ago
You’ve got to be in a certain mood to handle the death of a beloved character in a movie or TV show, but sometimes they come up without warning anyway. Either way, moments like that leave us in tears. And in case you’re craving a good cry lately, we’ve rounded up some of the most memorable and heart-breaking TV deaths our friends on Reddit have ever watched. 1. McCauley Culkin in My Girl Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures. “McCauley Culkin in My Girl. He can’t see without his glasses!” one user posted. Another user replied, “I’m not allowed to say those words out loud in my house.” 2. Spock From more
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15 of the Most Quotable Movie Lines
by Gail A.
1y ago
Honestly, movie comebacks are usually the best comebacks. That might be because they've had a team of writers carefully writing and rewriting them for hours before they're filmed, but we're ignoring that small fact for now. Because there's no greater feeling than following a genuine question or situation with a great movie quote. We all do it without even realizing: those droll lines uttered during heartfelt rom-coms, stirring speeches shouted valiantly in action flicks, and righteous outbursts full of conviction can find their way into our daily banter surprisingly regularly (and it's so much more
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