A blog about DIY, design, arts and crafts. Poppytalk is a creative studio and website started in 2005 based in Vancouver, B.C. Founders, Jan Halvarson and Earl Einarson combine their communication and media design backgrounds to design products, DIY projects, and recipe creations from video hacks to well-edited finds.
2y ago
Hey friends and happy weekend! Hope your start to December is going well. Just popping in here on the old blog to catch up with any followers that are still receiving updates from here. A few links of what’s been happening as of late!
If you’re looking for a budget, friendly way to decorate your holiday table this year, check out a few DIY’s I created using items from the grocery store like coffee filters, lunch bags, brown paper, grocery bags, and skewers. Click here for a preview and here for the how-to!
The 2022 Gift Guide is in full swing featuring things for the Homebody, y ..read more
2y ago
Located in a small town east of Santander, Spain, a former stable was recently converted into a seasonal home by architects, Zooco Estudio. Consisting of stone walls and a wooden-structure gable roof with tiles, the nature of this architectural intervention was based on respect towards what already existed and the space created inside.
Loving the linear pattern of the living spaces all under the same roof, characterized by the elements specific to each room while keeping with the same neutral colours. Let's take a look!
The master bedroom is concealed behind the liv ..read more
3y ago
Through the years we've developed an amazing collection of delicious and beautiful holiday recipes. Some from past contributors like Jeannette Ordas and Lyndsay Sung and others like guest posts from favourite local baker, Rosie Daykin of Butter Baked Goods beautifully photographed by Janis Nicolay. So today I thought I'd feature a selection of some of our most cherished and delicious for this holiday season to try out (if you haven't already). Check them out below.
1. Chocolate Almond Batons
(Above) by Rosie Daykin of Butter Baked Goods
Photographed by Janis Nicolay
2. Nanaimo Ba ..read more
3y ago
Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive posts are still here on the archive site (archive.poppytalk.com). It's been a long time coming and a bit of a process (after 17 years of being here on Blogger). If you have landed here on this archive site (archive.poppytalk.com), I invite you to hop over to the new Wordpress site (still the same URL — poppytalk.com) to take a look around. As of today, February 1st, 2022, all of our new posts will be appearing on the Wordpress site. And like I men ..read more
3y ago
With the current evens being what they are, this year's IDEA Grad show at Capilano University has become a virtual browsing experience.
This year's grad show theme is Get "Em While They're Fresh, suggesting a marketplace for industry professionals to inspect the program's new crop of creatives. Fresh aptly decribes their 2020 grads: they're irreverent, cheeky, exuberant — and bursting to demonstrate their design and illustration capabilities.
The Bachelor of Design program at Cap offers a flexible curriculum to meet students' specific goals, including opportunities to specialize in ..read more
3y ago
Gathering up cards for a holiday post just never grows old. After all these years, I still love a little papergoods round-up! And this year doesn't disappoint. 21 festive cards for Holiday 2021. Check them all out below!
1. Winter Wishes
by Nicholas John Frith for Red Cap Cards
2. Happy Holidays
by Hartland Brooklyn
3. 2022 Card
by Ashkahn
4. Holiday Books
by The Regional Assembly of Text
5. Piece On Earth
by The Regional Assembly of Text
6. Making Spirits Bright
by The Beautiful Project
7. Ice Animals
by Kate Pugsley for Red Cap Cards
8. Sle ..read more
3y ago
Loving this summer retreat designed by Isabel Lopez Vilalta and Associates based in Spain. The dwelling was constructed in the ’70s in the seaside fishing village of Calella de Palafrugell, where the only way to spend one’s time is to enjoy the sea and beach and meet up with friends and family.
Isabel and her team designed the project based on the owner's desire to update the dwelling to the needs of the family, creating a comfortable setting while respecting the preexisting architectural structure.
A large family inhabits the house during the summer months, so providing s ..read more
3y ago
It's that time of year again when everything seems to rhyme with RAD! And so we're back with a round-up of a few cards for our favourite father figures and 2021 grads. Check them out below!
1. Super Dad
by Regional Assembly of Text
2. Heck Yeah
by Eggpress
3. Camping Dad
by Kate Pugsley for
Red Cap Cards
4. Cheers Dad
by Blackbird Letterpress
5. Yo, Rad Grad
by Yellow Owl Workshop
6. High Five
by Blackbird Letterpress
7. Candy Marble Congrats
via Leif Shop
8. My Dad is a Rock
via Leif Shop
9. Dad, You're So Fly
by Idlewild Co.
10 ..read more
3y ago
A few budget-friendly finds today I happened upon while visiting IKEA's newest products. It's always fun to find affordable alternatives, and especially useful ones. All of these worth throwing into your FRAKTA shopping bag next time you're there.
1. PIVRING Backpack
Made of recycled polyester, there's space enough for a lunch bag, extra clothes and a 14” computer or tablet. Both water bottle and baseball cap fit in the mesh compartment. Click here to eee more. $2.99
2. UPPSNOFSAD Storage Box
A durable, sturdy and slightly smaller plastic box that you can have in all k ..read more
3y ago
I was introduced recently to Calgary-based photographer, Sofia Katherine and was immediately struck by her night photography; most especially the ones with the Rocky Mountains and starlit skies in the background. Since a majority of her work involves wedding photography at night (a niche I now love), I invited her for a little Q&A on the blog today to celebrate Valentines and feature some of her stunning couple photos.
Let's take a look!
Q. Tell us how you got started as a night portrait artist:
I have always been a night owl. I blame my Mexican family teaching m ..read more