Mises Institute
With the help of our extraordinary supporters, the Mises Institute is the world's leading supporter of the ideas of liberty and the Austrian School of economics. We Are The Worldwide Epicenter Of The Austrian Economics Movement. The Mises Institute, Founded In 1982, Teaches The Scholarship Of Austrian Economics, Freedom, And Peace.
Mises Institute
3h ago
Gaza was always a ghetto, which came in handy for preparing the local population for liquidation after October 2023 ..read more
Mises Institute
3h ago
A central doctrine of the Keynesian system is the “liquidity trap” in which consumers hold money in anticipation of higher interest rates. The act of holding money allegedly promotes “underconsumption,” continuing the economic downturn. This doctrine, however, cannot withstand scrutiny ..read more
Mises Institute
3h ago
A new study at UC Berkeley claims that California‘s new $20 minimum wage has had no adverse economic effects. If only that were true ..read more
Mises Institute
7h ago
A new study from the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment at UC Berkeley claims that California‘s new $20 fast food minimum wage has had no adverse economic effects. However, politicians cannot repeal the laws of economics and we find that the “study” has many flaws ..read more
Mises Institute
2d ago
Government spending does not reflect true economic value the way personal spending does ..read more
Mises Institute
2d ago
David Glasner shares his perspectives on the famous Sraffa-Hayek debate, a topic on which he has expressed disagreement with Bob in print ..read more
Mises Institute
2d ago
After spending 25 years as a columnist for the New York Times, Paul Krugman is finally retiring from that position—25 years too late, if one wishes to be honest ..read more
Mises Institute
2d ago
In the post-Civil War South during Reconstruction, federal troops attempted to impose their will in part by pitting recently-freed slaves against southern whites. The outcome was obvious, leading to more than a century of violent racial clashes, all the while strengthening federal power ..read more
Mises Institute
2d ago
The US went to war 83 years ago today with Japan‘s attack on Pearl Harbor. It ended with Japan‘s surrender after US bombers dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The myth lives on to this day that the bombs ended the war prematurely, saving millions of lives ..read more
Mises Institute
2d ago
After spending 25 years as a columnist for the New York Times, Paul Krugman is finally retiring from that position—25 years too late, if one wishes to be honest ..read more