Jon Reiss Blog
Jon Reiss is a filmmaker and media strategist who wrote the book Think Outside the Box Office. Through his company HybridCinema he helps filmmakers, artists and companies engage audiences and navigate the new distribution and marketing landscape.
Jon Reiss Blog
11M ago
Plantscendence is the new podcast now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify that follows award-winning filmmaker and author Jon Reiss on a transformative journey as he explores the world of entheogens and the profound impact plant medicines have on healing, personal growth, and artistic expression with leading experts, healers, and teachers. First season guests include musician ..read more
Jon Reiss Blog
11M ago
My new podcast about people’s most transformative psychedelic experiences, Plantscendence, just launched today on Apple Podast, Spotify, iHeart. We launch three episodes today and then one a week for the next seven weeks for our first 10 episode season. To learn more why I was inspired to start the podcast and about some of our guests take a listen to the teaser/trailer. Click ..read more
Jon Reiss Blog
1y ago
This is the second volume in the “Selling Your Film” case study book series. While our first book, Selling Your Film Without Selling Your Soul, focused on U.S releases and case studies, Selling Your Film Outside the U.S. takes a deep dive into digital distribution (and distribution generally) in Europe and provides several case studies ..read more
Jon Reiss Blog
1y ago
“Blek Le Rat is one of my favorite street artists – a true original. I was very excited to contribute a chapter to this seminal book about his work.” – Jon Reiss “Every time I think I’ve painted something slightly original, I find out that Blek le Rat has done it as well. Only ..read more
Jon Reiss Blog
1y ago
“Webdocs are currently the most challenging and experimental field of visual story telling. No filmmaker can ignore this book. It gives you the tools to get started!” – Heidi Gronauer, Director @ Zeligfilm.it & ESoDoc.eu A “survival guide” that was designed to provide journalists and filmmakers with some of the basic tools required ..read more
Jon Reiss Blog
1y ago
The Guerilla Filmmakers Handbooks are the Rolls Royce of Film Guides. – The Times of London No matter how long you spend making low-budget films, you can always learn more. As such, whether you’re new to filmmaking or have been doing it for awhile, this book is a must own for your collection. Some ..read more
Jon Reiss Blog
1y ago
“The Modern Moviemaking Movement provides filmmakers with strategies to stop making excuses and start making movies.” – Jason Brubaker, Filmmakingstuff.com The Modern Moviemaking Movement covers the four key areas of filmmaking: screenwriting, film financing, filmmaking and modern movie distribution. Specifically, The Modern Moviemaking Movement focuses on helping filmmakers produce their movies, grow their fan ..read more
Jon Reiss Blog
1y ago
“Selling Your Film Without Selling Your Soul proves that the dominant challenges of yesterday are now solve-able. Nothing is out of reach. The path to freedom has been found!” – Ted Hope, Producer of over 60 independent films including, Adventureland, The Ice Storm, 21 Grams “Essential reading for anyone making films in today’s ever-changing ..read more
Jon Reiss Blog
1y ago
“Survival Research Laboratories is America’s unconscious made physical. The marvelous, awe inspiring and the horrific exist side by side, as they do—and as is ever more evident—across this nation. SRL embodies what has always lived inside us and around us and makes it manifest. It holds a mirror up to ourselves. Dare we look?”   ..read more
Jon Reiss Blog
1y ago
“What distinguishes Jon Reiss’s lively, sure-handed film from the rest is that it widens the spectrum by taking a comprehensively international viewpoint.” – New York Times Critics Pick “At the core of the film is a poignant social statement about public space and the war being waged for it by major corporations, the forces ..read more