Education Scotland
Education Scotland's is Scotland's Learning Blog.This blog is one of the online ways we use to share what we learn, do and see.
Education Scotland
4y ago
This afternoon Primary 5 were learning about the school vision! We learned that it is important to show respect, resilience and compassion!
Look at Emily, Abbie and Cameron looking through their school vision goggles ..read more
Education Scotland
4y ago
As part of our Health and Wellbeing Programme we have been doing Fruit and Story Time. Everyone tries their best to listen and we have been enjoying lots of different picture books while we stay healthy.
We have just started a new chapter book and we are concentrating on fiction books this term.
We have also been talking more about being back at school and learning. Here are some of the things people have to say at Pupil Voice Time.
‘We have been revising the story of 11.’ Zac
‘We have been learning to read and to write neatly in our jotters.’ Heather
‘We have been ..read more
Education Scotland
4y ago
Emily did lots of wonderful writing today. Our learning Intention was to describe a character and she choose Spongebob! What a superstar she is! Keep up the good work.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. I will speak to you and update you more next week on what Primary 5 have been up too.
Miss Doris ..read more
Education Scotland
4y ago
This afternoon we did a step by step drawing of a plant pot with lots of wonderful flowers inside! We then used watercolours to make them look even more colourful! Primary 5 loved it and so did I ..read more
Education Scotland
4y ago
Well done everyone for using the paints so responsibility this afternoon! No accidents or spillages ..read more
Education Scotland
4y ago
P^ enjoyed using Water colours to create some flowers using the Art Technique of Pointillsim ..read more
Education Scotland
4y ago
The boys and girls of P2 had a lovely afternoon creating their own jigsaw pieces. They spoke about what makes them unique and special ..read more
Education Scotland
4y ago
Once again we have been lucky with the weather, long may continue . As we will be doing PE outdoors for the forseeable please make sure they have a waterproof with them.
These classes are continuing with the Learn to Jog programme from Jog Scotland. This is week 3 so after their warm up they jogged for 2 minutes then walked for 2 minutes repeated 8 times. Already I can see their fitness improving with more jogging and less breaks. Well done everyone.
We also continued with our athletics skills, revising the crouch sprint start from last week and learning the standing sprint start ..read more
Education Scotland
4y ago
Mrs. Carleton felt very lucky this week as she got to have fun with Primary 1! It was a pleasure to see how much the boys and girls have learned and progressed since starting school. We learned two new sounds, ‘s’ and ‘i’ and enjoyed making words with them. We also tried to write them underneath with beautiful letter formation. We enjoyed some relaxation time this week by trying out yoga. We were also working hard at our number of the week, which was number 5. Keep up the good work, Primary 1 ..read more
Education Scotland
4y ago
Working hard to improve our fitness levels! A great performance. We all needed a well earned rest after completing the plank challenge!
  ..read more