Minding the Workplace
Minding the Workplace, hosted and written by David Yamada, is dedicated to news and commentary about work and employment relations. Dignity at work, workplace bullying, employment & labor law, and psychologically healthy work environments are its recurring themes.
Minding the Workplace
6d ago
If anyone doubts that we are living in what writer Pankaj Mishra has called the “Age of Anger,” they need only sample a random handful of online comments sections that follow publicly accessible news articles and social media postings. I witnessed this on a small scale basis when I opted to use the New Workplace ..read more
Minding the Workplace
2w ago
I can’t imagine why, but I found my mind wandering into the realm of leaders who seem trapped in a state of rage and anger. I further journeyed a bit into my past, for examples of when I first witnessed this mode of behavior. If you were a young sports fan growing up in Northwest ..read more
Minding the Workplace
3w ago
Over the past year, I have been quietly considering options for a potential alternative legislative approach to the Healthy Workplace Bill, model workplace anti-bullying legislation that I drafted some 21 years ago and quickly became the template for U.S. law reform efforts in this realm. The result of that work is a new legislative proposal ..read more
Minding the Workplace
1M ago
And so we once again turn the calendar page to a New Year soon. On my end, I’ve been preoccupied with work tasks during the past week — grading exams & papers and finishing up a law review article — but I’m also looking ahead to what I’ll be focusing on during 2025. They include: The ..read more
Minding the Workplace
1M ago
Many folks understandably assume that once classes end for the fall term at a college or university, the weeks until the January term starts up are full of leisurely bliss for professors. However, while academic careers certainly provide more flexibility than many vocations, semester breaks can be full of due dates and catching up. Most ..read more
Minding the Workplace
3M ago
Dear readers, you are warmly invited to “Navigating Workplace Bullying,” a free, 9-day, online summit starting on Monday, November 18. The summit features interviews with leading subject matter experts on understanding, preventing, and responding to bullying at work, conducted by host and organizer Andy Regal. I’m delighted to be among the participants. Andy and I ..read more
Minding the Workplace
3M ago
What do cult control and workplace bullying have in common? More than initially meets the eye, perhaps. Several weeks ago, I had the distinction of being interviewed by Dr. Steven Hassan, a leading expert on cult psychology and mind control, about workplace bullying and narcissistic bosses. You may freely access the interview by going here ..read more
Minding the Workplace
3M ago
My dear friend Dr. Gary Namie, co-founder of the Workplace Bullying Institute, states what I regard as an ultimate compliment when he says that I’m one of the most “psychologized” law professors and lawyers he’s ever known. By that, he means that I’ve repeatedly shown an ability and inclination to apply psychological insights to law ..read more
Minding the Workplace
5M ago
Last Friday, it was my pleasure to participate in a webinar hosted by the Psychology in the Workplace Collaborative, “Psychological Health and Safety and Work: Is Your Organization at Risk?” The webinar was hosted by Dr. Merv Gilbert (Vancouver Psych Health + Safety Ltd), who engaged Dr. Ashley Speech (WorkSafeBC, British Columbia, Canada) and me ..read more
Minding the Workplace
5M ago
When I teach Employment Law at Suffolk University Law School, I use a 1981 California appeals court case, Pugh v. See’s Candies, as a vehicle to discuss the changing nature of career paths in American employment. The plaintiff, Wayne Pugh, began working for the See’s Candies company as a dishwasher. He steadily moved up the ..read more