Store incoming data to SQL
IIS Forum » PowerShell
3y ago
It has been a while since I have administered an IIS server. Im hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have a number of powershell scripts that retrieve information from Active Directory. I would like to send the information to an IIS server and have it stored into an SQL server. I can export the data from powershell to CSV, XML, etc. Are there any samples that show how to set up IIS for authentication, accept the incoming data, and send to SQL? I have powershell experience, SQL experience, and IIS experience. Im just tyring to put them all together.  Let me know if there i more
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FTP - Get-WebConfiguration to retrieve details of users
IIS Forum » PowerShell
3y ago
Hi ther I am using this command to set the users access on an FTP site Add-WebConfiguration "/system.ftpServer/security/authorization" -value @{accessType="Allow";roles="";permissions="Read,Write";users="*"} -PSPath IIS:\ -location $SiteName I want to be able to use Get-WebConfiguration to be able to retrieve what user/users have access and use an If /Else block to be able to add the users if they don't already exist. I cant seem to come up with the correct syntax to make this work?? I can use this and it will get the users and their permissions: Get-WebConfiguration "/system.ftpserver/secu more
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FTP site setup with Powershell - Advanced Settings
IIS Forum » PowerShell
3y ago
Hi there I am setting up an FTP site via PowerShell. I can get all the basics OK but I cant seem to figure out how to set the Advanced Settings.. Things like - Max Connections, Control Channel Timeout I found this: Set-WebConfigurationProperty '/system.applicationHost/sites/site[@name="Default Web Site"]' -Name Limits -Value @{MaxConnections=} But cant make it work for my FTP site. I have tried through the Configuration Editor as well and the string it gives me also does not work: Add-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST/TestFTPsite' -filter " more
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I want to move the user (item) selected on the IIS WebDAV authoring rule screen up.
IIS Forum » PowerShell
4y ago
I want to move the user (item) selected on the IIS WebDAV authoring rule screen up. I'd like to use Set-WebConfigurationProperty, but I don't know how to move the item up. Please let me know if you know more
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I want to delete specified WebDAV Authoring Rules
IIS Forum » PowerShell
4y ago
I want to delete specified WebDAV Authoring Rules by user name. Concretely, if there was WebDAV Authoring Rule "Default Web Site > WebDAV > folder named by user name" , I would want to delete it specified by user name. In this case, should I use Remove-WebConfigurationProperty? Do you know the way to solve this problem. Plese tell me if you know more
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Iam New bee into powershell. need quick advice
IIS Forum » PowerShell
4y ago
Hi, i am very new too powershell. can anyone help me out roadmap to become expert in powershell scripting. please understand me bit comprehensively. Thanks in advance and really appreciated for help more
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IIS 8.5 Web Management Service Management Service Menu
IIS Forum » PowerShell
4y ago
Using PowerShell, How to I retrieve (Get) all the Menu configuration settings.  For Example: 1) If the Enable remote connections is enable (Checked) 2 ) If the 'IP Address Restrictions <Access for unspecified clients:> is Allow or Deny? If Allow pulling out the Mode and Requestor (IPAddr & SubnetMask)? Any help using powershell to get this information is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced. Larry more
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PowerShell command to PIN apps to Windows taskbar
IIS Forum » PowerShell
4y ago
I'm looking for a PowerShell command or script that will pin these applications that I commonly use to the Windows taskbar at the bottom of Windows. (I have included the path to these programs): 1. Computer management. Path: %windir%\system32\compmgmt.msc 2. The Windows PowerShell icon. Path: %windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe 3. The Task Scheduler icon Path: %windir%\system32\taskschd.msc 4. The command prompt icon. Path: %windir%\system32\cmd.exe 5. The Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager icon. Path: %windir%\system32\inetsrv\InetMgr.exe 6. The Notepad icon. Path more
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Problems to add roles and features with powershell
IIS Forum » PowerShell
4y ago
function Invoke-WindowsFeatureBatchDeployment { param ( [parameter(mandatory)] [string[]] $computerNames, [parameter(mandatory)] [string] $ConfigurationFilepath ) # Deploy the features on multiple computers simultaneously. $jobs = @() foreach($computerName in $computerNames) { $jobs += start-Job -Command { Install-WindowsFeature -ConfigurationFilepath $using:ConfigurationFilepath -computerName $using:computerName -Restart } } Receive-Job -Job $jobs -Wait | select-Object Success, RestartNeeded, exitCode, FeatureResult } $ServerNames = 'VMWINSERVQA' Invoke-WindowsFeatureBatchDeployment -compute more
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PS Script to pull Sites from IIS
IIS Forum » PowerShell
4y ago
I am working on a Powershell script to run against IIS servers.  I am trying to return the Hostname and URL.   I am running into an issue getting the URL the server is hosting.  Below are two the different routes I have taken so far (WMI and Get-Website) PS WMI Get-WmiObject -authentication 6 -class "IIsWebServerSetting" -namespace "root\microsoftiisv2" | select-object __SERVER, ServerComment, Name  ************************************** PS using Get-Website $WebsiteData = Get-Website $Webobj = New-Object PSObject $Webobj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $env:COMPUTERNAME more
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