Computer Vision News
All the events and academic vacancies within the field of Computer Vision, Image Analysis, and Medical Image Analysis, aggregated from different mailingslists and feeds.
Computer Vision News
6y ago
Dear colleagues:
The is the last call for submitting an article in the special
issue on
“Visual Control of Actionâ€
that will be published in
deadline for submissions is
March 2019*.
For more details please visit the website:
There is
publishing fee*
for this issue.
Feel free to distribute the information.
Thank you and I am looking forward to your submission.
Dr. Rebecca M.
Guest Editors of Special Issue “Visual Control
of Actionâ€ more
Computer Vision News
6y ago
*** submissions for the CAIP 2019 contest ***
Which is Which?
Evaluation of local descriptors for image
matching in real-world scenarios more
Computer Vision News
6y ago
Does your research impact the medical field or applications like Virtual Reality and 3D printing, video and film production, or further enhance the study of color science?
Consider sharing your expertise as an oral or interactive paper, in the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (JIST), or through a short course or workshop.
Your ticket awaits—Submit your research today for the Twenty-seventh
Color and Imaging Conference (CIC27)!
CIC27 | 21-25 October 2019 | Paris, France
Color Perception: Visual adaptation, visual psychophysics,
color bli more
Computer Vision News
6y ago