Marilyn Burns Math Blog
Math Solutions is dedicated to improving students' learning of mathematics by providing educators with the highest quality professional development services, products, and resources. Follow this blog that offers author Marilyn's current thinking about math education and her ongoing classroom experiences and learning.
Marilyn Burns Math Blog
5d ago
When half of the fifth graders selected 0.45 as the smallest of 0.8, 0.45, and 0.125, I had my work cut out for me. I planned a lesson that went wonderfully. Those are the days that remind me of how good it is to be a teacher.
The post Comparing and Ordering Decimals appeared first on MARILYN BURNS MATH ..read more
Marilyn Burns Math Blog
1M ago
The fifth-grade class I’m working with this year is studying addition and subtraction of fractions, and I asked to “borrow” the class to see how they would view Amber’s solution. I describe how I structured the lesson and have also included students’ writing.
The post How Was Amber Reasoning? appeared first on MARILYN BURNS MATH ..read more
Marilyn Burns Math Blog
2M ago
Did I teach an entire division lesson focused on just one problem? Yes! From giving many hundreds of interviews where students solve problems mentally, we’ve learned that solving 100 ÷ 3 is often a challenge. After recently interviewing and hearing two answers for 100 ÷ 3 that I’d never heard before, I taught this lesson.
The post A Lesson Designed Around One Problem—100 ÷ 3 appeared first on MARILYN BURNS MATH ..read more
Marilyn Burns Math Blog
8M ago
The post My First Ever Slow Reveal Graph appeared first on MARILYN BURNS MATH ..read more
Marilyn Burns Math Blog
8M ago
The post Part 2: Untangling Area and Perimeter appeared first on MARILYN BURNS MATH ..read more
Marilyn Burns Math Blog
9M ago
This lesson is a hands-on exploration that connects the two ideas of area and perimeter and, I think, helps students build understanding of both. The lesson is based on one I wrote about in my very first Math Solutions professional book―A Collection of Math Lessons From Grades 3 Through 6. (You can download the chapter, “Foot Activities,” where I describe the entire unit.) Since then, I’ve included this introductory lesson in all four editions of About Teaching Mathematics. It’s a keeper. But most recently, I revised the original lesson and taught it to a fourth-grade class. Here I descr ..read more
Marilyn Burns Math Blog
10M ago
Here’s a lesson that begins with common objects that students are familiar with (milk cartons), incorporates giving students time for some hands-on exploration (folding Origami squares), introduces a digital tool to model something I couldn’t do in any other way (thanks to Desmos), and more. I’ve taught the lesson twice and, in this blog, I tell the story of what happened the second time with photos to help describe what actually happened. Enjoy.
Part 1. Comparing Quart and Half-Gallon Milk ContainersI began the lesson by showing the class two empty milk cartons with their tops cut off and as ..read more
Marilyn Burns Math Blog
10M ago
I realize that using “half as big” in my question isn’t mathematically precise, but it’s how I posed the question recently to students, first to fourth graders and then to fifth graders. I wanted the students to try and visualize what two squares would look like, one centered within the other, with the area of the smaller square one-half the area of the larger square.
Before I presented the problem to students, I reached out for digital help to math friends. I had a thought that was sort of a-teacher-can-dream request. What if I projected two squares as shown below and ask a question that I t ..read more
Marilyn Burns Math Blog
1y ago
In my previous blog, Number Lines―A Lesson in the Planning Stage, I wrote about how I made a detailed five-step lesson plan based on a Tweet I had seen 7 years ago. (Clearly the lesson plan had ample time to marinate.) Here I write about what actually happened when I taught the lesson to fourth graders. Which parts of my five-step plan did I stick to and what changes did I make as I was teaching? What were my reflections afterward? On the written assignment, what did the students show about their understanding?
This is the board near the end of the lesson. Read on to learn how we got here ..read more
Marilyn Burns Math Blog
1y ago
I typically write blogs after teaching a lesson to share what I did and what I learned. This blog is different. I’m deep into planning a lesson for fourth graders about place value and number lines. It’s a lesson that I’ve never tried before with students but that I’ve been thinking about for a while.
The inspiration for the lesson is a Tweet from when Twitter was still Twitter. Mark Chubb posted it in 2016, evidence that I’ve truly been thinking about this lesson for a long while. When I first saw the Tweet, I struggled to think about where 1 billion would go. It wasn’t obvious to me.
Using ..read more