Technology Innovation Dumpster (TR_ÇİT, EN_DIT)
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2w ago
CC-BY, provided by author We live in a digital age where the development of information technologies and the easy accessibility of the virtual world can negatively affect our thinking capacity with ready-made information entering our pockets. Our students also have the illusion of being satisfied with the existing thinking rather than thinking in this environment. […] The post Technology Innovation Dumpster (TR_ÇİT, EN_DIT) appeared first on Scientix blog more
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Math in Motion: Bridging Theory and Practice
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3w ago
CC-BY, provided by authors The start of each school years brings a new level of enthusiasm and with it a wealth of ideas. This year, our goal was to connect mathematics, the curriculum, real-world application and international days of celebration during the school year. As two Scientix Ambassadors, who just happen to share the same […] The post Math in Motion: Bridging Theory and Practice appeared first on Scientix blog more
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Sustainability Champions
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3w ago
CC-BY, provided by authors The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) play a key role in education for several important reasons. They provide a comprehensive framework that fosters a global awareness among students of the challenges and issues affecting the world. When teaching the SDGs in a multi-disciplinary approach, students develop a sense of responsibility towards global […] The post Sustainability Champions appeared first on Scientix blog more
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How to Raıse an Astronaut?
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1M ago
CC-BY, provided by author Our SPECE AND STEAM project aims to increase our students’ interests in science, technology, mathematics and engineering. Apart from this, by integrating STEM disciplines with each other, it is aimed to raise students as individuals who think creatively, can solve problems and have 21st century skills. In our project, a girl […] The post How to Raıse an Astronaut? appeared first on Scientix blog more
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The Story of Our Journey from Earth to Mars
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1M ago
CC-BY, provided by authors Scientix Ambassadors Helena Pires and Maria Robalo worked on a learning scenario using the STEAM methodology in two different schools in Portugal, with 14/15-year-old students. The students worked in groups on the project “Interplanetary Travel: From Earth to Mars” and Hydroponics was a complement to the astronauts’ diet, and in fact, […] The post The Story of Our Journey from Earth to Mars appeared first on Scientix blog more
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Teaching Nanotechnology through Sustainability and Creativity in Primary School
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2M ago
CC-BY, provided by author Introduction The teaching and spreading of new technologies is not an easy task and Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (N&N) are, by no means, no exception; N&N deal with highly complex phenomena, seasoned with a dense and very specific terminology, usually in English. It is mandatory to promote activities that, far from losing […] The post Teaching Nanotechnology through Sustainability and Creativity in Primary School appeared first on Scientix blog more
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Bringing Science Teaching into the Real World with the New MULTIPLIERS Open Schooling Hub
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3M ago
CC-BY, provided by author Are you a science educator looking for free, cutting-edge materials to explore complex socio-scientific issues in and out of the classroom? Then look no further! The MULTIPLIERS Open Schooling Hub is a new platform hosting a wealth of teaching and learning resources for educators aiming to bring science teaching into the […] The post Bringing Science Teaching into the Real World with the New MULTIPLIERS Open Schooling Hub appeared first on Scientix blog more
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STEM Day for Kindergarten Parents
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4M ago
CC-BY, Unsplash Introduction Parents should be included as partners in the child’s STEM learning, since it has been proven that family involvement in the kindergarten environment has many benefits for children. Parents can prepare their children to become the creators and inventors of tomorrow with STEM. By taking traditional learning concepts and twisting them to […] The post STEM Day for Kindergarten Parents appeared first on Scientix blog more
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Young Explorers Club
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5M ago
CC-BY, provided by author In hundreds of schools in Armenia and in some other educational institutions (secondary, professional, higher) there are no laboratories corresponding to the educational programme, which is an obstacle to the effective organisation of the teaching of scientific subjects and as a result most of the students are oriented towards humanitarian and […] The post Young Explorers Club appeared first on Scientix blog more
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Chemistry with LEGO® Bricks. An Innovative Method for Teaching Chemistry
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5M ago
CC-BY, provided by author   Introduction Science teaching in middle school is often not very effective. On the one hand, students have not yet developed the necessary ability to abstract in order to study infinitely large elements such as astronomical concepts or infinitely small ones such as atoms; on the other hand, schools do not […] The post Chemistry with LEGO® Bricks. An Innovative Method for Teaching Chemistry appeared first on Scientix blog more
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