Dividend Income Update January 2024
by DivHut
1y ago
It’s dividend income update time. One of my favorite times of the month as I get to review my previous month of passive income received from my dividend income portfolio. Without rehashing the wild ride we experienced in the market last few months, as we experienced a pretty serious melt up, I could find comfort in one thing, my dividends (even if dividend cuts are very much on the table these days). As we all know, the market may move up and down irrationally and seemingly on a whim while our dividends remain much more stable, reliable and predictable. Sure, dividends may not increase every ..read more
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February 2024 Stock Considerations
by DivHut
1y ago
With February well underway, it is time to highlight some of my potential stock buys for the month. As usual, it is more of the same as I look to average down on some of my positions that have faltered as of late. One of my investing strategies has always been to be able to average down on my holdings when I can. The way I figure it, I already like a position enough to have it in my portfolio and if nothing materially has changed with the company then why not add a bit more when prices are down. Sometimes chasing losers works out over the long haul but in other cases loser stocks stay loser s ..read more
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Recent Stock Purchase January 2024
by DivHut
1y ago
With February already underway and the markets on a nice uptrend, I decided to add to some of my lagging existing positions. I couldn’t resist these juicy yields, as a result of stock price declines, and decided to deploy a larger amount of cash this month when compared to my last quarter buys. My preferred method has always been to dollar cost average into stocks. I nibble here and there every month no matter the market conditions. Sometimes my dollars buy me quite a few shares, other times the same amount buys me less. Either way, I am building up my positions and slowly increasing my passi ..read more
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Dividend Income Update December 2023
by DivHut
1y ago
The beginning of every month is exciting for all dividend income investors as we look back at the previous month and see how much passive dividend income our portfolios generated. No doubt, these are the best posts to write and read online as it only provides further proof that dividend investing can work over time and that anyone can create an ever growing passive income stream. Looking back at my December totals I see that my year over year progress has moved at a nice pace. With that being said, let’s take a look back at my December 2023 dividend income. Grand total for 2023 dividends: $16 ..read more
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January 2024 Stock Considerations
by DivHut
1y ago
With a new trading year already in full swing it is time, once again, to highlight some of my potential stock purchases for the month. While the market had a nice bounce the last couple of months, there is still no shortage of stocks that continue to look fairly valued to undervalued. Looking at my portfolio (just updated for January) I have to say that I’m looking at the same three names I considered in December. While all three had a nice late year bounce they still are trading below my purchase price and I’ll always take an opportunity to average down on a long term holding of mine. With t ..read more
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Recent Stock Purchase December 2023
by DivHut
1y ago
With December ending soon and the markets on an uptrend, I decided to add to some of my lagging existing positions. I couldn’t resist these juicy yields, as a result of stock price declines, and decided to deploy a small amount of cash this month. My preferred method has always been to dollar cost average into stocks. I nibble here and there every month no matter the market conditions. Sometimes my dollars buy me quite a few shares, other times the same amount buys me less. Either way, I am building up my positions and slowly increasing my passive income stream. With that being said here are ..read more
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Dividend Income Update November 2023
by DivHut
1y ago
It’s dividend income update time. One of my favorite times of the month as I get to review my previous month of passive income received from my dividend income portfolio. With the markets at or near all time highs, after a wild up and down 2023, I could find comfort in one thing, my dividends (even if dividend cuts are very much on the table these days for some of my holdings). As we all know, the market may move up and down irrationally and seemingly on a whim while our dividends remain much more stable, reliable and predictable. Sure, dividends may not increase every year and a cut or elimi ..read more
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December 2023 Stock Considerations
by DivHut
1y ago
With the final trading month of 2023 upon us, it is time once again, for me to highlight some of my potential stock picks. While the market had a nice bounce the last couple of months, there is still no shortage of stocks that are becoming fairly valued to undervalued. The reality of the day is that we’ll continue to see stock prices come under pressure as interest rates remain elevated putting additional strain on corporate borrowers. No reason to believe interest rates will come down anytime soon. Of course, the silver lining amid the market collapse is that every new dollar put to work tod ..read more
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Recent Stock Purchase November 2023
by DivHut
1y ago
With November ending soon and the markets on an uptrend, I decided to add to some of my lagging existing positions. I couldn’t resist these juicy yields, as a result of stock price declines, and decided to deploy a small amount of cash this month. My preferred method has always been to dollar cost average into stocks. I nibble here and there every month no matter the market conditions. Sometimes my dollars buy me quite a few shares, other times the same amount buys me less. Either way, I am building up my positions and slowly increasing my passive income stream. With that being said here are ..read more
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Dividend Income Update October 2023
by DivHut
1y ago
It’s dividend income update time. One of my favorite times of the month as I get to review my previous month of passive income received from my dividend income portfolio. Without rehashing the wild ride we experienced in the market the last couple of months with triple digit gains and losses coming in seemingly every single day, I could find comfort in one thing, my dividends. As we all know, the market may move up and down irrationally and seemingly on a whim while our dividends remain much more stable, reliable and predictable (even with those occasional cuts we all experience). Sure, divid ..read more
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