#SOL25: The Room Where It Happened
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by franmcveigh
36m ago
I’ve tried to write this multiple times in the last two weeks as evidenced by three stories in each of the last two posts: The Numbers Matter, and Short Stories. But it was a huge story with so many possible entry points that it has thus far escaped telling. This is my final attempt. There ..read more
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#SOL25: Short Stories
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by franmcveigh
1w ago
Where do stories begin? Observation? Thoughts? Memories? Combinations? Where do you think these vignettes began? A. A young man. A basketball. 45 seconds on the clock. The task: Make a basket from the “logo” marked on the floor and win $50. Just one of the short features during a time out during the basketball game ..read more
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#SOL25: Numbers Matter
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by franmcveigh
2w ago
It’s Day 30 of the 30-Day Writing Habit with #ASDWWrites. So many thoughts and ideas when our task is to return to previous writing and reflect. How did I do? My goal is always to write at least 15 days out of the 30. January is tough on “habits.” I didn’t write all 30 days ..read more
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#SOL25: Writing is Hard
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by franmcveigh
3w ago
So in January, I participate in the #ASDWWrites, A 30-Day Writing Habit. It’s great practice for the March SOLSC. It does not require public posts, so I often don’t publish any of the writing. Some of it becomes fodder for March. Some of it sits in my journal. And some of it really strikes me ..read more
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#SOL25: -12
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by franmcveigh
1M ago
It’s cold out. School is cancelled, and I’m thinking it’s a perfect day to stay inside. It’s currently -12 and it’s really cold out. The furnace is running constantly-no cycling on and off this morning. The National Weather Service has issued an EXTREME COLD WARNING IN EFFECT NOON CST TODAY. They list…”Dangerously cold wind chills ..read more
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#SOL25: Truth & Joy
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by franmcveigh
1M ago
Does honesty matter? Does honesty provide news stories that people want to and do read? We once had a President whose nickname was “Honest Abe” as well as an earlier President who “could not tell a lie and then admitted that he chopped down a cherry tree.” Does the truth matter? And if yes, whose ..read more
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#SOL25: #OLW25
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by franmcveigh
1M ago
It’s decision time. That means a review of past words. I wish I had kept pictures of my backgrounds that went with the words because that was also a part of my decision-making process. Hindsight. Ah, yes! A Review . . . Previous #OneLittle Word Responses For the last two months I have wondered about ..read more
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#SOL24: “Iowa Nice”
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by franmcveigh
1M ago
It was a fairly routine morning. Checked the weather. Yes, it was foggy. I needed to run some in-town errands. /wp:paragraph wp:paragraph I had just parked at the post office when my phone rang. As I answered, I knew my day was changing. However, my one goal … a specific package in the mail was ..read more
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#SOL24: Holidays
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by franmcveigh
2M ago
What’s your poetry muse telling you? H -appy cheer fills the air O -verflowing with joy to share L -oving hearts and spirits bright I -n this magical winter light D -elicious treats and gifts galore A -ll around, we celebrate more Y -uletide wishes for all to see S -hining brightly, joyfully! Enjoy Celebrate ..read more
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#SOL24: A Name
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by franmcveigh
2M ago
How important is a name? It depends. We agonize over them when they remind us of previous students or other family members.  Who is it for?  It depends. If there is a possibility it will be shortened, can a one or two syllable name be chosen instead? QUOTE TIME “A rose by any other name ..read more
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