Welcome to all foster parents who give their homes and hearts to disadvantaged children! Mission to inform and promote adoption through foster care by documenting our fostering adventures. A blog by Penelope Webster.
3y ago
Why Every Foster Parent Needs Sexual Abuse Training
Foster parents need sexual abuse training:
She was only 7 years old when Child Protective Services brought her to our foster home. As a matter of fact, CPS removed the child from her family due to hard drug use and violence in the home. CPS had no knowledge of sexual abuse.
However, I began noticing odd behaviors quickly after placement. The 7-year-old would defecate every time she took a bath. She would covertly brush her hand across the lap of any males in the home. She would search for the word “sex” on Netflix. At one point, she even patt ..read more
5y ago
10 Tips for Foster Care Visitation Online
Sometimes children in foster care cannot have face-to-face visitation with parents. During those times, video conferencing is a convenient option. You will need to contact your agency for specific foster care visitation rules.
Zoom is a free video conferencing platform that you can easily use on a computer, tablet or mobile device to connect children with their parents virtually. The Zoom platform allows one user with an account to send a link to other users (only the host has to have a Zoom video account). Mobile devices may require you to ..read more
5y ago
Is Foster Income Taxable? What Foster Parents Should Know About Income Tax
Payments received for providing foster care in your home are NOT considered taxable income so you do not have to report it as such.
According to the Turbo Tax website: “if care is provided to a qualified foster individual and they are paid by a state or qualified agency, foster care payments are NOT considered taxable income and are NOT included on tax return.”
These payments include those received from a state or local government or from a qualified foster care placement agency.
CAN I CLAIM ..read more
5y ago
Would You Adopt a Special Needs Child in Foster Care?
We are The Burdick Family. We have fostered 12 years and have adopted six children who would otherwise have gone into foster care or could not reunify, making us a family of twelve. Our kids ages are 27, 25, 23, 21, 15, 14, 12, 5, 3, and 3.
Our fostering journey began 15 years ago. After starting foster care classes and learning just how hard it can be — “we could never fit as foster parents!” We dropped out of the classes; however, in that process, we submitted an application to adopt with a local ministry.
Within a week, the agency called ..read more
5y ago
RAD in Foster Care – How Hard It Can Be!
Reactive Attachment Disorder – RAD – in foster care can happen when children fail to attach to their primary caregiver early in life. Janie was 42 and Joe was 50 when two biological half-sisters, ages 3 and 5, made them foster parents in middle Tennessee. This is the foster to adopt story of their family.
The birth mom had a number of issues and already had two other children that had been adopted out. Eventually, the birth mom voluntarily relinquished her parental rights — she was unable to keep a housing, wouldn’t stay on medication, along with other ..read more
5y ago
Foster to Adopt Stories – Adopting Siblings
Many children in foster care that are waiting for adoption are sibling sets. By adopting siblings from foster care, Jeremy and his wife, Sarah, ensured that three brothers would not be separated from each other.
My wife, Sarah, and I have talked about adoption for the 26 years we have been together — her brother was adopted from South Korea. As a military family with constant moving between military bases, we didn’t think that we would have the stability to get through the adoption process before we would have to move again.
Adopting Siblings from F ..read more
5y ago
How Foster Parents Unknowingly Cause Anger Outbursts
Parenting an angry foster child can be frustrating, confusing, and sometimes quite overwhelming. Even the smallest things can cause an angry outburst.
My foster child was struggling to open the half-gallon of milk. But pulling the tab was a bit too complicated for her small hands. As I noticed her frustration building, I came over to help but then I saw RED all over the container!
“Oh no, sweetheart! Let me help you. You’re pulling that wrong! Is that BLOOD??!?”
Surprisingly, her reaction was of ANGER: “NO! That’s not blood! You’re so STUP ..read more
5y ago
This Foster Youth Aged Out to a Life of Crime and Addiction
One in five youth aging out of foster care will become homeless immediately. [1] Up to half of youth aging out of foster care will become homeless within 18 months. One in four youth aging out of foster care will be in prison within two years. [2]
This is the true story of one of these…
Entering the Foster Care System
When I was just three-years-old, Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth, and Families came and took custody my sister. Then, my biological mother, in a desperate attempt to keep me from also being taken from her ..read more