Living to the Fullest
Hey there! I'm Shawn Ann, and I'm the owner here. I am a born-and-raised Michigander! I am a licensed cosmetologist in the state of Michigan. I've been married and have two hurricane boys. We are a virtual hub for all things mom, covering topics like Mom Tech, Gardening, Crafts, Travel Adventures, and more! Follow to keep up with our blog.
Shawn Ann | Living to the Fullest
3y ago
When we decided to move back to Michigan, we knew we would be purchasing a fixer-upper. What we didn’t know, was just how much work we’d have to put into that fixer-upper. One of the main rooms that needed a complete remodel was the bathroom. It was a disaster in there when we purchased the house.
What we didn’t realize when we purchased the house was just how bad it really was. We didn’t want to spend the extra money on an inspection, which we do regret. Had we gotten the inspection, we would have known just how bad the house really was. Would we have still purchased the house? It is possible more
Shawn Ann | Living to the Fullest
3y ago
When we first started to talk about how we were going to remodel the house, we had a big decision. Would we refinish the hardwood floors or cover them? It was something that we thought about for a long time. In fact, we didn’t make our final decision until we were about 2 years into our renovating. That’s right, we had already started renovating many areas throughout the house before we made our final decision.
Hardwood Floors: Why We Decided to NOT Refinish Them
We decided against refinishing the hardwood floors throughout the entire main level of the house. This was because it was going to more
Shawn Ann | Living to the Fullest
3y ago
Did you know that one of the most common reasons people start bullet journals is to schedule their time properly. You might be someone that always has so much going on. You tend to miss appointments or feel like you are supposed to be doing something.
A bullet journal is a great way to get a better handle on your schedule. It just might make sure you never miss an appointment again.
Use a Bullet Journal to Schedule Your Time Better Create To-Do Lists Every Day
Using to-do lists is an excellent way to know what to expect each day. This can help you better schedule your time. If you don’t write more
Shawn Ann | Living to the Fullest
3y ago
I’ve already talked about how bullet journals help with finances and to-do lists. Did you know that they can also help improve your mental and emotional state? Journaling helps with everything from mental stress to disorders like anxiety and depression. Here are some of the different emotional benefits you can get from keeping a bullet journal.
The Emotional Benefits of a Bullet Journal Stress Relief
First of all, you can get a lot of relief from your stress when you have a bullet journal. This includes relieving different types of stress, such as work stress, financials tress, emotional stre more
Shawn Ann | Living to the Fullest
3y ago
Most, if not all, girls growing up have a journal of some sort. Some probably have more than one. We know from early on that keeping a journal can be beneficial. But what are the benefits of keeping a journal? Bullet journals can provide an easy way to track your thoughts, feelings, appointments, and so much more.
Benefits of Keeping a Bullet Journal You Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety
First of all, if you struggle with a lot of stress and anxiety on a regular basis, the bullet journal can help with that. You are able to record your moods and behavior changes, which help you to determine trigge more
Shawn Ann | Living to the Fullest
3y ago
While I am a HUGE summer person, I do love the fall season in Michigan. The reason for this is that the cider mills open back up! Why is this special? Because then I can get apple cider and freshly baked donuts! YES! There isn’t much that is better than fresh apple cider and donuts baked just hours and even minutes before you get them. I love the cider mill.
Yates Cider Mill Is Back for Fall!
If you have never been to Yates, then you aren’t sure what is so special about it. The Yates opening weekend means fresh cider & fall family fun. While they aren’t the biggest cider mill in Michigan more
Shawn Ann | Living to the Fullest
3y ago
You’ve been hearing all about these bullet journals lately. Now you are wondering what topics you should include in your bullet journal. After you learn about the fundamentals of a bullet journal, it is time to actually start including pages. This really comes down to knowing what you need t include in the journal, but is also based on what your personal needs are.
Topics to Include in Your Bullet Journal
The following tips help you include all the right topics in the bullet journal.
Index and Symbols
To start with, your bullet journal should include an index with page numbers on each page, a more
Shawn Ann | Living to the Fullest
3y ago
Did you know that a bullet journal is easy to put together, inexpensive, and provides you with a lot of room for being creative? It is a really great way to set your goals. This can be for long-term and short-term, complete.
Photo by Polina Kovaleva from Pexels
Daily & Weekly Lists
To start with, begin with your short-term goals. This includes what needs to be done on a daily and weekly basis. It is a good way to start writing them down in the bullet journal. It helps you get into the practice.
You should have enough space for notes and symbols on a daily basis, including more
Shawn Ann | Living to the Fullest
3y ago
Chicken dishes are huge in our family, especially when they involved cheese. This is most likely why we like Chicken Parmesan meals so much. What makes them better? Turning the Chicken Parmesan into a baked pasta dish.
Make your baked pasta into a one-pot meal
Not only is this a super easy meal to make, but if you own an iron skillet, you can make your Chicken Parmesan Baked Pasta into a one-pot meal. Fewer dishes, a great meal, what could be better? Don’t wan’t meat in your dish? No problem, just make the recipe without the chicken! You can also use any noodle type you’d like. We just ha more
Shawn Ann | Living to the Fullest
3y ago
I’ve always wanted to travel around the world. Traveling has been one of my major bucket list things to do. I’d love to go too many different countries, for one reason or another. Maybe one day I’ll get that chance! Check out where I’d love to go and why.
Let’s Go Traveling! Germany
As far back as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to visit Germany. This is mostly where my family comes from…several generations back! However, I’d love to go there and finish tracing my family heritage and know more about my family. I can only go back as far as when they arrived into the United States of America more