10 Things You Should NEVER Do to Your Testicles
I Am Alpha M
by admin
6M ago
Some men damage their testicles by making mistakes. I would like to talk about this today because some mistakes are extremely common and happen daily. Don’t kill the Twins by doing any of these Being overweight. Whether you’re fat, chubby, or big-boned, if you are overweight, your balls are not as healthy as they could ..read more
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6 Hard Decisions Every Man Must Make in His Life
I Am Alpha M
by admin
6M ago
On average, an adult makes 35,000 different decisions per day. Most of these decisions are subconscious or intuitive. But the reality is that most decisions we make are not a big deal and won’t impact our lives. They are insignificant to the greater picture. But these six, in my opinion, are the ones that will ..read more
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RUN! if anyone does any of these to you
I Am Alpha M
by admin
6M ago
All types of relationships are complex, but the good ones are worth fighting for. They take a lot of work and compromise, but you should never compromise on some key issues. You might disagree with what I say, but I am not wrong. If your friends, family, or significant other are doing any of these ..read more
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10 Things You Should Be Smart Enough to Know by 30
I Am Alpha M
by admin
6M ago
You can get away with making bad decisions and being stupid in your teens because that’s what teenagers do. And then men start to figure things out in their 20s, whether or not it’s who they are or what they want in life. By the 30s, men have a clear direction of where they want ..read more
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Do “THIS” If She Ignores You {She’ll NEVER Expect It}
I Am Alpha M
by admin
6M ago
Have you ever met somebody and then started communicating and getting to know each other? You start to like them, and suddenly, they ghost you out of nowhere? How should you handle the situation without becoming your worst self? Freaking out after getting ghosted Getting ghosted is even worse than if she rejects you or ..read more
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12 Men’s Body Language Rules EVERY GUY SHOULD FOLLOW
I Am Alpha M
by admin
7M ago
80% of men’s communication is nonverbal. It’s their actions, including how they stand, carry themselves, look people in the eye, shake hands, and wear. These aspects let other people know whether or not he’s confident or insecure and weak. I will share tips and tricks that instantly make others think you’re the alpha. I’m also ..read more
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10 Things ALL Girls Want Guys to Do {But Will NEVER Ask}
I Am Alpha M
by admin
7M ago
To be a 1% boyfriend or husband, remember the following ten qualities and actions that she will not directly tell you she wants. Women are crazy, so I will fill you in because I’ve been with my wife for 20 years, and it hasn’t been all roses and BJ’s. Relationships are hard, but you have ..read more
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Men are afraid to admit feeling fear — why?
I Am Alpha M
by admin
7M ago
Fear and anxiety may be one of the most significant and widely shared masculine taboos. Openly fearful men can be viewed with scorn — not as a ‘real’ man. Men will then eat that fear and push it down. In some ways, this is a way for some of us to take risks. But for ..read more
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The No BS Guide to Never Looking Old
I Am Alpha M
by admin
7M ago
Aging is inevitable, but looking old is optional. Brian Johnson has spent millions of dollars trying to reverse-engineer his age. I haven’t, but I have figured out methods to optimize my look. Check it out — I look younger than him! Today, I will cover the Alpha M no-bullshit guide to looking young for your ..read more
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Make a Woman Fantasize About YOU {6 Psychological Mind Games}
I Am Alpha M
by admin
7M ago
A small component of attraction is what you look like, which can initially attract somebody to you. But this won’t make them fall in love with you. It also will not make them chase, obsessed, or fantasize about you. The primal urge of attraction is the most powerful, and you can take steps to facilitate this feeling in other people. I will discuss how to make your crush obsess and fantasize about you psychologically. Want her to obsess over you? Here’s how: Stop validating her for free. You have to make her earn validation. Don’t simp and compliment women about their appearance or that they’r ..read more
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