The Hong Kong Cookery
A Hong Kong recipe & food blog about the art of traditional authentic Chinese cooking & eating good food and all the cookery-wookery that goes with that.
The Hong Kong Cookery
3w ago
I'm super excited to share this particular post with everyone! Homemade macarons! We love macarons so much but then who doesn't, amirite? These dainty meringue based sandwich cookies have stolen the world's sugar encrusted heart. So what could be better than to be able to make these at home, right? We've previously successfully made scrumptious chocolate flavored macarons at THKC however, every time we tried to make other coloured macarons we have failed. :(
Onwards in time...and this Christmas my little girl and I decided to participate in her ..read more
The Hong Kong Cookery
1M ago
This post is kinda serendipitious. You know, happily accidental. In my food wanderings online recently, I stumbled on this baked method of making buffalo wings by the famous Kenji Lopez at Serious Eats and got really excited by it. Ironically, I totally didn't realize that Super Sunday, the holy grail of buffalo winging, was coming right up! It's hard to remember that date here in HK, lol.
My hubby loves buffalo wings. Not really sure why but it's okay cuz we love them too, just not as much, haha. We've made them many times before, baking the chicken wing ..read more
The Hong Kong Cookery
1M ago
Just in time for this merry season, we present our latest Christmas cookie, our Gift Bearing Huggy Bear Cookies! This is one of the slew of Christmas cookies we've made this year and my little girl and I think it's the cutiest of the lot! Little animal cookies bearing wee gifts in their arms are too cool for school, doncha think dear readers?
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The Hong Kong Cookery
2M ago
I first discovered the mysterious name 'Turkish Delight' when immersed in magical world of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, reading of poor Edmund lost in wickedly wintry Narnia and captivated by the evil White Witch, the Queen of Narnia, after one deliriously delicious bite of Turkish Delight candy.
"Is it dull, Son of Adam, to drink without eating," said the Queen presently. "What would you like best to eat?"
Turkish Delight, please, your Majesty," said Edmund.
The Queen let another drop fall from her bottle on to the snow, and instantly there appeared a round box ..read more
The Hong Kong Cookery
2M ago
Deliriously delicious passion fruit soda! Heady tropical scent and flavors burst out in this most refreshing concoction and it's so easy to make! The best thing to do with passion fruit if you ask me. And super duper easy to make it right at home!
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The Hong Kong Cookery
2M ago
Dear readers...winter draws ever nearer. And as the chill winds of the season sweep over us what should appear on street corners all over Asia but the wonderful street vendors that sell roasted sweet potato. OMgosh, the aroma of that roasting sweet potato! So good! That hot plump sweet potato is exactly the thing to hold in your chilly hands. Not to mention that first luscious bite of the creamy, sweet hot potato flesh. Just the thing to warm you up and put you to rights inside and out!
And if, poor darlings, you don't have a friendly neighborhood sweet po ..read more
The Hong Kong Cookery
3M ago
Have y'all heard of these lovelies? Flat croissants, that's right, completely flattened croissants are all the rage right now! These flat croissants began in South Korea, then got picked up by some TikToker's and the rest is history. They are now everywhere, at least in HK.
Why flatten a croisssant, for gosh's sake, you may be asking. Indeed, at first, that is what I thought. Why the heck would anyone want to flatten the darn things after making so much effort to puff it out with layers upon layers. But after I finally tasted one of these flat ..read more
The Hong Kong Cookery
3M ago
Dear readers, this food story starts with one word: 'regular'. As I'm sure y'all would know, being 'regular' sometimes can be an annoying problem. So just add more fiber, amirite? Easy peasy, amirite? But what happens when one tries prunes, more veg, more fruit and more fibery food and the 'regular' problem still persists, what is one to do?
And all that jazz led us to this new drink we're making in our house these days because we discovered the amazingness of chia seeds! Easy and quick to make, this Fruit Juice Chia Seed Drink is super yummilicious and super g ..read more
The Hong Kong Cookery
4M ago
Another classic congee dish: the comforting Chicken Congee 生滾雞粥, a creamy rice porridge infused through and through with yummilicious chickeny flavor and dotted with lusciously tender chicken pieces.
Congee 粥 is a traditional Cantonese type of rice porridge, wherein the rice grains are cooked down until deliciously thick and creamy before being served with different meats and aromatics. This congee is made with the 生滾 method, translated as "raw boiled" method. Raw ingredients are cooked directly in the congee itself, allowing the flavors of the raw ingredients to permeate ..read more