National Family Medicine Week
Dr. Mike Sevilla Blog
by Mike Sevilla, MD
4M ago
National Family Medicine Week #FamilyMedicineWeek is from September 29-October 5, 2024. This was announced last week at the American Academy of Family Physicians FMX conference last week in Phoenix. I’d like to recognize and thank all Family Physicians, residents, and medical students for their commitment to improving access to primary care for all. There is still an urgent need for continued primary care access for Ohioans and for those around the county. Did you know that in Ohio, we will need an additional 618 primary care physicians by the year 2030 in order to maintain the current health more
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Dr. Sevilla Receives Family Medicine Leadership Award
Dr. Mike Sevilla Blog
by Mike Sevilla, MD
6M ago
On August 17, 2024, the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians (OAFP) presented the prestigious Torchlight Leadership Award to Mike Sevilla, MD, FAAFP, during its Family Medicine Celebration at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI) in Columbus, Ohio. Presented at the discretion of the OAFP Board of Directors, this award honors an Academy leader who best champions the mission and vision of the OAFP: to improve the health of patients by advocating for and advancing the specialty of Family Medicine and providing valuable solutions to the diverse needs of members. The OAFP Board of Directors selec more
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Salem Family Care
Dr. Mike Sevilla Blog
by Mike Sevilla, MD
10M ago
I’m excited to share that I will be joining a new Primary Care office in Salem, Ohio called Salem Family Care. My current patients will have nothing to worry about, since I will not be leaving Salem, and my patients will not need to find a new doctor. Salem Family Care is located at 718 East Third Street in Salem, Ohio. Salem Family Care was created with the partnership of Dr. Brianne Bagwell, Dr. JJ Rousher, and myself. Salem Family Care is a shared vision to create a space where our patients and their families will receive high quality medical care in a compassionate and comfortable atmosph more
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What to know about getting COVID again in 2023
Dr. Mike Sevilla Blog
by Mike Sevilla, MD
1y ago
Over the past three years, we have learned a lot about getting COVID infections, and being re-infected with the COVID virus. Looking back, there is a lot that we know now that we did not know previously. Thanks to CNET for reaching out to me to comment on this for their story “What to know about getting COVID again (and again) in 2023.” I encourage you to click on the article and to check out my comments. Have a great weekend everyone more
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Healthy Cheeseburger?
Dr. Mike Sevilla Blog
by Mike Sevilla, MD
1y ago
A cheeseburger really is not healthy, right? Well, in a recent news report, a survey claimed that the food chain Whataburger (we have no restaurants around here) has the “healthiest” cheeseburger in America. The wildly popular food website called Mashed (they have 25 monthly readers worldwide) reached out for my comment on this. You can probably guess what I said about it. But, I invite you to click on the full article entitled “Expert Claims Whataburger Cheese Burger Isn’t Actually That Healthy” on the Mashed website. Enjoy more
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Happy New Year
Dr. Mike Sevilla Blog
by Mike Sevilla, MD
1y ago
Another year has started, and it’s always a time for me to reflect. Every time at the beginning of the year, I tell myself that it’s a great time to try to get back to writing, and I’m going to try that again this year. We’ll see what happens more
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Carrying Loss During The Holidays
Dr. Mike Sevilla Blog
by Mike Sevilla, MD
1y ago
What a beautiful day here in northeastern Ohio. It was a crisp 39 degrees at Beaver Creek State Park today as we hiked close to sunset. This hike really reminded me of the time when my father was sick two years ago.  In the past few weeks, I’ve seen on by feed that there are many of my Facebook friends have experienced loss with the passing of a family member recently. And, for others, they are remembering family members who have passed away during holiday time. For all those Carrying Loss during this holiday season, I just wanted to let you know that there is a huge community out here w more
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Election Day 2022
Dr. Mike Sevilla Blog
by Mike Sevilla, MD
1y ago
Just wanted to encourage everyone to get out there and vote today. I know that the news usually says that it’s always, “The most important election in our lifetime,” at least until the next election. I just read a local news article saying that the local board of elections is only expecting about 60% turnout today. We have got to do better than that. A few years ago, I was frustrated that I was sometimes unable to attend elections due to my work schedule. And, actually a patient reminded me and turned me onto the idea of absentee voting, and I’ve been doing that ever since. I’ve even had some more
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Myths of Grieving
Dr. Mike Sevilla Blog
by Mike Sevilla, MD
1y ago
For the fall issue of the Ohio Family Physician magazine, I wrote the following essay. The theme of the issue was the topic of Health Myths……. When people typically hear the term “Health Myths” they typically think of things having to do with misinformation on the internet, misinformation about COVID-19, and other ideas. You probably have never thought about health myths following the end of someone’s life. My father passed away during the tragic year of 2020, when many people died, masks were the norm, and a COVID vaccine was still unavailable. My father did not pass away from COVID infectio more
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Life Lessons from Re-Connecting
Dr. Mike Sevilla Blog
by Mike Sevilla, MD
1y ago
Are there long time friends that you just haven’t talked with since the start of the pandemic? Of course, you were like me, saying to yourself, “Well, we will chat again soon.” Or, “One of these days I’ll give them a call again.” But, it’s now been two years. Two long years. I challenged myself this week. I had some days off from work, and it was my goal to re-connect with some people whom I haven’t talked with in a while. And, even though it’s been two years, it felt like we picked up right where we left off at our last conversation. Do you have friends like that? Through my experiences this more
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